View Full Version : Rain, rain go away...

02-19-2005, 06:07 PM
It's raining in SoCal again... and we had tornadoes nearby this afternoon, are expecting about a foot of snow in the mountains down to 5500 feet (so it's rainy AND cold down here in the valley)... and might even get some hail and lightning. Oh joy!

We were going to go see Constantine today with the boys out of town for the race - but all the surrounding streets are flooded and we can't even get to the freeway.

*yawns* I'm bored. :blink:

02-19-2005, 06:47 PM
It has been raining here in Phoenix for the past month. At first it was great since we normally only get about 14 days of rain a year. But, I am getting tired of cleaning up mud and wet sand off my floors. Maybe we should start building an ark? :unsure:

02-19-2005, 09:51 PM
we keep getting these little downpours...it'll rain like a bitch for an hour, then stop and start clearing, then BOOM moves in and starts pouring again...