View Full Version : Cottage Time in the Winter

02-19-2005, 06:02 PM
I just spent the last 2 nights at the cottage. I live in Northern Canada so I will let you know that it was far from warm and "springlike" Despite it being almost to cold to handle the first night the first morning at the camp was simply special.

The cottage has been in my wifes family for over 100 years, and sitting in the main veranda (log home circa 1881) outlooking the frozen lake, with the morning news and ticker far from my eyes, was truely a sight to be seen. I kid you not to say that i was the only person around for atleast 50 miles.

The sheer grandness that is felt when you know that no-one else is seeing what your seeing is incredibly gratifying and almost life changing.

Last night i found myself compairing the feeling of oneness with the environment to my own feelings about my business ventures online. I find myself seeing opportunitities that no-one else has, or atleast that they have cared not to notice. And things that most just take for granted or ignore. Its those things that the true beauty is found, or most worth is in. Thats where the ticket is.

Im home now on Saturday afternoon and the first thing i heard was the phone ring and the kids fight. Which brings the reality of it all back to me..lol :zoinks:

I guess my old granddad said it best when he was giving us some business advice one nite..about how there is an opportunity to make money everywhere...haha

"It may be just a pot to piss in for you, but for someone its a spot to sell shitpaper and washcloths" :okthumb:

02-19-2005, 06:18 PM
Glad you enjoyed it chap, communing with nature is the best possible way to relax, and the perfect chance to gather your thoughts and sense of purpose. It is often at these times that new and exciting ideas appear when you are most relaxed.

There is always business to be had in abundance and welcome back ;)

02-19-2005, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by JizBiz@Feb 19 2005, 06:03 PM
"It may be just a pot to piss in for you, but for someone its a spot to sell shitpaper and washcloths" :okthumb:
Someone will need this very soon to remind themselves after a homo erotic filled weekend.

02-19-2005, 08:07 PM
Glad you enjoyed you weekend bro, looks to be another big week ahead . :D

02-19-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@Feb 19 2005, 08:08 PM
Glad you enjoyed you weekend bro, looks to be another big week ahead . :D

I know no other kind my friend :rolleyes: