View Full Version : While back someone mentioned on-line scripts

02-15-2005, 11:25 PM
And they definately have the most reasonable prices, after the consult fee (of course)


But i seriously due have severe Carpel Tunnel and they gave me Hydrocordone 7.5/500 (90 a month). They do the trick as far as numbing it so I shouldn't bitch much but sometimes even THEY don't do the trick when I take 2-3 at the same time plus Ibuprofen the pain is so bad...

Out of all the medications on that page, which one is the strongest? The hydro 10/500 ?


02-17-2005, 11:10 AM

My wrist is seriously killing me today, anyone ? And I'm out of Vicodin until Monday when I can order a refill off of these guys... $120 w/Shipping + Handling for 90 of them... Not to bad but if anyone knows a cheaper route please pm me or post here.

Also, still wondering about the original question... Maybe if one of those are stronger I can ask the Doc for a bump up...

Hell Puppy
02-17-2005, 11:50 PM
Vicodin for carpel tunnel?


What would you take for something like, oh, say, Kidney Stones? Or maybe post surgical pain?

02-18-2005, 12:41 AM
Morphine Drip

Actually I'm just fucking around. CTS can be painful

But I'd stick with having a Doctor prescribe as opposed to buying on-line

02-18-2005, 07:00 AM
The doctor is offering me Motrin 600 at an office visit, and then telling me I should schedule surgery soon cause it is only going to get worse. Well that's great and all but I don't have the thousands of dollars surgery costs or the time to spend away from any type of work financially right now. So i am double screwed...

Hell Puppy, it feels like the following

A) From the center of my wrist towards the side where my palm is a 15 pound force is being pushed from the inside out. On the side facing the other way about 1/2 that strength. That is from the crap getting all swollen up on my wrist and punching my nerves in that area...

C) There is a pain that shoot to all five fingers, which means it is carpel tunnel and some other crap, maybe tendonitis? I know I have tendonitis as well regardless if that isn't what it is.

It feels like a non stop tingling pain that gets progressively worse as the day goes on. When the day starts my hands are fairly comfotable in a "typing position" but all other positions still hurt like a bitch right away in the am.. As the day goes on the same is the case for the 'typing position'

C) Look at the back of your right hand where your wrist is, see that little bone that looks like a bump? That thing feels like it is cracked, they say it is from the swollen nerves expanding and creating a 'wave effect' of the pain... All I know is it sucks, pry the least painful part though

D) From my wrist to my elbow the pain is very bad as well ... It isn't shooting, it is piercing, pry the worst part because it is constant through the whole day unless it gets worse no matter what position I hold my arm/hand in. Usually with the carpel tunnel if it gets EXTEMELY painful even on the Ibuprofen stuff I can find a position to hold my hand for 10 - 20 minutes till the thumping pains go away... There are also excercises that help make it less painful, with this there is NOTHING I can do.

E) The final wonderful part of it all is the arthritic pain I feel now. Missy has the same thing and now when she moves her fingers you can hear them pop. Since she didn't have the surgery done she lost portions of cartilidge (sp?) in between her joints on her fingers. That is the next stage of progression the doc told me (FUN!)

And now lucky me it is starting on the left side with the pain from the elbow to the wrist... weirdly enough not the carpel tunnel as it is the last three fingers on the my hand that are the worst not the thumb. Guess that's what I get for putting up with the mild pain for 3 years...

If anyone wants to give me the 10 grand and pay my bills for a month while I recoup I will glady take it and get the surgery done.. LOL. Till I get health insurance and can afford the time off from any sort of work I don't have a choice but to do the best I can to cope with the pain, and to be honest physicians in real life could give two shits less if you are going through pain, they are giving me friggin Ibuprofen for christ sakes, when I run out I grab my bottle of 500 pills at 200 mg's a piece and pop 6 of them... I.E. 1200 mg's IBUPROFEN. Same thing the doctors prescribe me, what a crock...

Oh well... Maybe I'll hit the slots with the old lady at the boat tonight and I cna get the crap done LOL...

02-18-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 15 2005, 08:26 PM
And they definately have the most reasonable prices, after the consult fee (of course)


But i seriously due have severe Carpel Tunnel and they gave me Hydrocordone 7.5/500 (90 a month). They do the trick as far as numbing it so I shouldn't bitch much but sometimes even THEY don't do the trick when I take 2-3 at the same time plus Ibuprofen the pain is so bad...

Out of all the medications on that page, which one is the strongest? The hydro 10/500 ?

dude you should be seeing a doctor for the scripts. online pharmacies are not the way to go.

and if that dosage isnt working, you have a tolerance. get a doctor to switch your meds. you should never stay on one CNS pain killer, especially an opiate for over 30 days without at least a doctor having to authorize a refill. you are going to end up killing your liver. each of those pills has a shitload of Acetominophen in them, when was the last time you had an LFT?

with your history, i would go to a doctor for pain management. there are lots of ways to work with injuries such as carpal tunnel that don't involve pain killers. the pain killers should be reserved for times of desperate need, like after physical therapy and such. Also, switch your mouse hand and wear a wrist brace. your muscles will atrophy on the brace hand, but they can be build back up using the right small weight repetative exercises.

just go see your doctor. he will tell you all this, switch you off of hydrocodone to another painkiller that you dont have a tolerance (or even an addiction) to. smaller doses will work more effectively, and he will also put you in touch with a PT who can fix the pain, and youll feel a lot better.

as for the hydro 10/500 the 10 is the dosage of Hydrocodone. the 500 is Acetominophin, Tylenol. which is about the worst thing under illegal drugs or alchohol you can constistantly push through your liver. you need to get a checkup.

02-18-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 18 2005, 04:01 AM
The doctor is offering me Motrin 600 at an office visit, and then telling me I should schedule surgery soon cause it is only going to get worse. Well that's great and all but I don't have the thousands of dollars surgery costs or the time to spend away from any type of work financially right now. So i am double screwed...

Hell Puppy, it feels like the following

A) From the center of my wrist towards the side where my palm is a 15 pound force is being pushed from the inside out. On the side facing the other way about 1/2 that strength. That is from the crap getting all swollen up on my wrist and punching my nerves in that area...

C) There is a pain that shoot to all five fingers, which means it is carpel tunnel and some other crap, maybe tendonitis? I know I have tendonitis as well regardless if that isn't what it is.

It feels like a non stop tingling pain that gets progressively worse as the day goes on. When the day starts my hands are fairly comfotable in a "typing position" but all other positions still hurt like a bitch right away in the am.. As the day goes on the same is the case for the 'typing position'

C) Look at the back of your right hand where your wrist is, see that little bone that looks like a bump? That thing feels like it is cracked, they say it is from the swollen nerves expanding and creating a 'wave effect' of the pain... All I know is it sucks, pry the least painful part though

D) From my wrist to my elbow the pain is very bad as well ... It isn't shooting, it is piercing, pry the worst part because it is constant through the whole day unless it gets worse no matter what position I hold my arm/hand in. Usually with the carpel tunnel if it gets EXTEMELY painful even on the Ibuprofen stuff I can find a position to hold my hand for 10 - 20 minutes till the thumping pains go away... There are also excercises that help make it less painful, with this there is NOTHING I can do.

E) The final wonderful part of it all is the arthritic pain I feel now. Missy has the same thing and now when she moves her fingers you can hear them pop. Since she didn't have the surgery done she lost portions of cartilidge (sp?) in between her joints on her fingers. That is the next stage of progression the doc told me (FUN!)

And now lucky me it is starting on the left side with the pain from the elbow to the wrist... weirdly enough not the carpel tunnel as it is the last three fingers on the my hand that are the worst not the thumb. Guess that's what I get for putting up with the mild pain for 3 years...

If anyone wants to give me the 10 grand and pay my bills for a month while I recoup I will glady take it and get the surgery done.. LOL. Till I get health insurance and can afford the time off from any sort of work I don't have a choice but to do the best I can to cope with the pain, and to be honest physicians in real life could give two shits less if you are going through pain, they are giving me friggin Ibuprofen for christ sakes, when I run out I grab my bottle of 500 pills at 200 mg's a piece and pop 6 of them... I.E. 1200 mg's IBUPROFEN. Same thing the doctors prescribe me, what a crock...

Oh well... Maybe I'll hit the slots with the old lady at the boat tonight and I cna get the crap done LOL...
ibuprofin is an effective anti inflammatory, completely different than vicodin.

ask your doctor for advil 3 with codiene.

and no the dosage you are taking OTC is nothing like what your doctor is prescribing you.

if you come off sounding like this to your doctor, there is no wonder they wont prescribe you what you want, their primary responsibility is to "do no harm". and i know your in pain, but no offense, you come off as too quick to the need of drugs, like an addict for the painkillers. around friends thats ok, but you freak out in front of a doctor, you are lucky he didn't just give you aspirin:) believe it or not there are a TON of people who try to scam doctors out of pain medication that isnt necessary. while that is probably not you, doctors are really iffy about that stuff these days, with all the oxycontin scares. you send up a warning sign and hes going stop being proactive.

Then again you might not have the right doctor. Have you been officially diagnosed with carpal tunnel SYNDROME? it could be just tendonitis, which is relatively easy to fix. Try the brace, switch the mouse hand, do excercises to strenghten the wrist, radial excercises that build up other muscles to take the brunt off of your tendons.

02-18-2005, 02:32 PM
Grimm, I have no choice BUT surgery at this time.

I went through PT and did more than 10 of the little electricla injections of the cream... worked for 30 minutes than the pain came back. Very few meds do anything for pain for me, including vicodin. I do have a very high tolerance. (Since I am among friends here I will admit one night I drank a case of beer and took 40 7.5/750's about 2 years ago... I felt messed the hell up but far from any type of OD, and believe me I know what coming close to an OD feels like)

I guess what I am getting at is pain meds don't help me like they would the person next door. I do NOT get pleasure from them (unless I take 10 or 20 of the things than I might). I consider them the like the Xanax I am on and have taken for years, but there is literally NO WAY I could ever catch a buzz off those period I have been on them so long.

I was diagnosed with both carpal tunnel and two other things. Two portions of your palm where the pain is are 2 different types of "Carpal Tunnel" problems. One on the side where your thumb and next two fingers are. The other is where the last two fingers are on your hand. I have both of those and have been diagnosed and treated unsuccessfully many times over the last year.

On top of that I have possible tennis elbow as well as another problem that causes shooting pains from my elbow to my wrist which all of are entirely seperate disorders.

The bad thing is since I can't afford medical insurance I hopped on the chance to get on Missy's Medi-Care or MEdi-Caid whatever it is when she got prgenant and didn't have a job. So no doctors will see me, literally.. Unless I go to the ER and they don't give two shits. I did get a follow up visit went to see that doctor and this is where all this happened over 2 or 3 visits.

I called again today to see why medical records hadn't been faxed, told them my entire position (including the fact i had to pay $100 a month for a prescription because they wouldn't see me because of the medical card - you can't even pay cash for the visit if you have the card apparently). Anyways she says she wants to see me again and understands I can't go through witht he surgery right now.

She is calling in Tramadol (very weak but better than Ibuprofen I guess), some muscle relaxers, and an anti-inflammatory.. I was taking a combination of these three during treatment and it didn't help much but I admit the pain was less severe than it is now. Only thing is I do NOT have a toleance to the muscle relaxers and they make me feel woozy and tired. Not high, but very lazy and digressed. I mentioned this to her and she said she would look for a different type of muscle relaxer for me and call it in.

Believe me Grimm, I am all up for whatever the hell just takes this shit away - Doesn't have to be Vicodin... But when a doctor can't see you even if you offer to pay cash cause you are on a medical card and they won't take you off the damn thing until my daughter is two for some reason.. I'm in between a rock and a hard place.

At least after going off on this reception this morning about them needing to fax this crap in because my shit hurts... The doctor offered to start seeing me again even though they don't typically take patients on the card... So hopefully she can get the right cocktail of crap for me to take..

Does the fact that I abused Narcotics in the past weaken the effect of any pain killers Grimm? If so, I never would of expected that. The reason I do not tell my doctors about my past drug abuse is the fact that they see red flags right away and think I want to abuse the crap.. Which I honestly don't I just want to be able to live with the damn pain.... Sucks... Hopefully on the 28th she does something for me when I am in there.

02-19-2005, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 18 2005, 11:33 AM
Grimm, I have no choice BUT surgery at this time.

I went through PT and did more than 10 of the little electricla injections of the cream... worked for 30 minutes than the pain came back. Very few meds do anything for pain for me, including vicodin. I do have a very high tolerance. (Since I am among friends here I will admit one night I drank a case of beer and took 40 7.5/750's about 2 years ago... I felt messed the hell up but far from any type of OD, and believe me I know what coming close to an OD feels like)

I guess what I am getting at is pain meds don't help me like they would the person next door. I do NOT get pleasure from them (unless I take 10 or 20 of the things than I might). I consider them the like the Xanax I am on and have taken for years, but there is literally NO WAY I could ever catch a buzz off those period I have been on them so long.

I was diagnosed with both carpal tunnel and two other things. Two portions of your palm where the pain is are 2 different types of "Carpal Tunnel" problems. One on the side where your thumb and next two fingers are. The other is where the last two fingers are on your hand. I have both of those and have been diagnosed and treated unsuccessfully many times over the last year.

On top of that I have possible tennis elbow as well as another problem that causes shooting pains from my elbow to my wrist which all of are entirely seperate disorders.

The bad thing is since I can't afford medical insurance I hopped on the chance to get on Missy's Medi-Care or MEdi-Caid whatever it is when she got prgenant and didn't have a job. So no doctors will see me, literally.. Unless I go to the ER and they don't give two shits. I did get a follow up visit went to see that doctor and this is where all this happened over 2 or 3 visits.

I called again today to see why medical records hadn't been faxed, told them my entire position (including the fact i had to pay $100 a month for a prescription because they wouldn't see me because of the medical card - you can't even pay cash for the visit if you have the card apparently). Anyways she says she wants to see me again and understands I can't go through witht he surgery right now.

She is calling in Tramadol (very weak but better than Ibuprofen I guess), some muscle relaxers, and an anti-inflammatory.. I was taking a combination of these three during treatment and it didn't help much but I admit the pain was less severe than it is now. Only thing is I do NOT have a toleance to the muscle relaxers and they make me feel woozy and tired. Not high, but very lazy and digressed. I mentioned this to her and she said she would look for a different type of muscle relaxer for me and call it in.

Believe me Grimm, I am all up for whatever the hell just takes this shit away - Doesn't have to be Vicodin... But when a doctor can't see you even if you offer to pay cash cause you are on a medical card and they won't take you off the damn thing until my daughter is two for some reason.. I'm in between a rock and a hard place.

At least after going off on this reception this morning about them needing to fax this crap in because my shit hurts... The doctor offered to start seeing me again even though they don't typically take patients on the card... So hopefully she can get the right cocktail of crap for me to take..

Does the fact that I abused Narcotics in the past weaken the effect of any pain killers Grimm? If so, I never would of expected that. The reason I do not tell my doctors about my past drug abuse is the fact that they see red flags right away and think I want to abuse the crap.. Which I honestly don't I just want to be able to live with the damn pain.... Sucks... Hopefully on the 28th she does something for me when I am in there.
Ryan... technically with any sort of tolerance, you cannot OD to the point of death on painkillers alone.. your body will take care of the dispertion and levels of vicodin in your bloodstream. you might sleep for a long while, and damage organs, but not to the point of cariac or respiratory arrest. as any user learns, keep your depressants away from your stimulants, and the worst you'll come up with is brain damage and a stomach pumping. its when you amp then depress your systems that you can create the arythmia that could cause a cardiac event.

as for tolerance, yes past drug abuse can give you the tolerance of a horse over time. if your body craves the addiction of one drug, and adapts to function on a given level while using such a drug, then it is not very hard for you to step into another addiction, be it drugs, food, alchohol, etc. If you are taking that much without any ill effects other than pain management, then there is no point in taking it at all. if you arent getting high, then you have adapted to that dose. a complete change of medication could have an alarmingly good effect.

Medicaid and Medicare are a severe pain in the ass. Chronic pain management is a bitch, but my point is, if the drugs you are taking are not managing the pain, then why take them. that shit is horrible for your liver... remember the / number is not a higher dose of the drug. just added acetominophen.

as for your past drug use. i imagine the doctors figured that out. you wouldn't be the first addict they've ever seen, by far! its best to be honest.