View Full Version : TGP Posters using Advanced Submitter

02-14-2005, 12:00 AM
TGP's will without a doubt be a part of my business plan. As to how much of it I haven't decided yet, but I do think I need to put some effort in this area and it seems to be the quickest way to start..

Problem is Advanced Submitter's database is TOTAL shit, the ones they sell on their site that updates monthly for $30.00 or whatever is total shit as well, and from what I hear the only way to make a program like that worthwhile is to build a custom database.

So, someone has a database that is two weeks old... 1850 sites supposedly broken down into inactive sites, dead sites, etc.. No statement of how often the updates are. Is it worth $100 to use this as a foundation? I know I truly A) Don't understand modifying the database yet although it couldn't take too much time to figure out. B) Don't feel like spending a week building the database, possibly longer... And what kind of a guarantee would I even have that this database is what is stated, or hasn't been saturated to all hell and the TGP owners can tell you are using it somehow.

More and more TGP Owners are stating you must hand submit from the sites I have been too - so obviously you have your core sites that you hand submit to daily that provide generous amounts of traffic and those galleries you treat differently.. Anyways, I'm babbling now.

Thoughts on the database being worth $100 ? No urls here, and if u are the owner PLEASE do not come in here and Spam it, I won't even consider purchasing it at that point unless you have bought advertising space here.