View Full Version : I know some of you here know LeeNoga pretty well

02-11-2005, 10:11 PM
But I know that there are a lot of "new" webmasters who haven't a clue who she is or what she stands for.
Lee graciously granted an interview tome and really told a lot about herself. I have titled it LeeNoga... Past, Present, and Future! (http://www.adultbizpower.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1066&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0) I would like to invie all of you to stop by and read about Lee and what she is up to these days.

02-11-2005, 10:36 PM
Haven't read it yet (I'm posting between commercials of my favorite shows and have a couple tapes of shows from tonight I gotaa watch yet too) but I have zero doubt that the interview will be quite interesting and well worth the read. Lee is an interesting person and I highly suggest people check this out. :okthumb:

02-12-2005, 12:13 AM
What's not to know?

We made more off the Busty Babes CD set in the 90s than anyone makes off shooting the same black dudes nailing B porn starts in real time today.

She probably made a ton of dough off the famous "hostile zip code list" in the CDA era and was quite persuasive in pandering it to big programs at the time.

She's a bitch at slot machines too, and owned her own Mickey D's (dunno if she still has it).

She's always been very nice to me and I still have all my original Busty Babes CDs and the spin offs in a very special place.

Kinda like the dollar bills you see with dates on them signed on a wall in a chinese take out place. Only mine say "Date I made my first million bucks"


02-13-2005, 09:05 AM
Good Grief, this ended up everywhere..LOL...

BillPMB, I never owned a McDonalds, and I never made a cent from the zipcode list. I purchased the list for 2K under a license just as many other companies did.

The list was owned by the law firm of Greg Piccionelli and his partners who had over 40 years of first amendment experience. They compiled all the obscenity cases and came up with the zipcode list, red [hot-recent prosecutions], blue [had convictions but have been dormant lately], and yellow[no convictions on record].

To this day, if I remained in retail like I was back in the mid 90's, I would still adhere to this list, and believe this list kept me out of trouble.

If you did not know this, the Feds opened a record on me from Daytona Beach, and my case we sent to the Dept. Of Justice in Washington, who said I was to "small" to set up a sting.

I felt the heat, and sold of Zmaster in 1999, a week later they busted a women doing cams out of her house 70 miles from me in Polk County. I often wonder, if this was a result of them not being able to swoop down on me.

I had been the copyright "Poster child" and I was not going to be the same child for obscenity.

I believe 1000% the Feds made orders from my ZMaster site within hostile jurisdictions hoping I would ship the product to them.

Having done fulfillment for years, we were familiar with our zones, and during the time I was being investigated, we all of a sudden got a slew of orders from all hostile areas from the zipcode list. This was very odd behavior. Maybe this was coincidence, but the nbr of orders were really out of place.

About 90 days later, this stopped and fell back into our normal pattern and for a couple of more years NEVER got orders from the hostile areas we had a ton of "odd ones" all within 90 days.

It was during that time, I spoke about the zipcode list...only because I was a target, and we had no idea if others were target. So I came forward...and released as much information as I could to "educate" since I had a lot of money wrapped up in legal fee retainers/consultations.

At that time many webmasters could not afford attorneys, and I figured I got one heck of an education on my dime, and chose to release the information I felt saved me ass from prosecution.

Many companies licensed this zipcode list directly from Greg Piccionelli, and still use it today, but I never profited except from the information that helped me avoid a setup and sting.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Almighty Colin
02-13-2005, 09:36 AM
Lee = :rokk:

Long live Zmaster. I still have my content CDs.

02-13-2005, 10:15 AM
Yeah - we made 100s of daily signups from those CDs (ofcourse this was before the influx of TGPs, counter wankers, and board sheep) :rokk:

Thanks LeeNoga/Zmaster :)

02-13-2005, 10:55 AM
Hey Lee,

Thanks for the clarifications! I can remember a post you made about 4 years ago with something to the effect of "I eat at mcdonalds once a day, but the only difference is that I own the mcdonalds"

Maybe it was an analogy you were making.

And yes, thanks for Zmaster. :)

02-13-2005, 04:35 PM

Good read there :)

We still have some original bb cd's ourselves. I mean to tell you when we started selling her collection in the early 90's, we couldn't keep them on the shelves.

Lee was def. a early pioneer in our industry.


We made more off the Busty Babes CD set in the 90s than anyone makes off shooting the same black dudes nailing B porn starts in real time today.

She's always been very nice to me and I still have all my original Busty Babes CDs and the spin offs in a very special place.

02-13-2005, 07:35 PM
Bill - PMB - you must have been one of my customers like Sextoyking was. What was your company name? We were originally Tradeshows Inc. and then changed it later to CD Concepts when the shit hit the fan.

I was exclusive distributor for Busty Babes as well as the clip art disc she describes. Yeh, I saw all I wanted to see of Disney & Warner Bros.

I have been telling people for years that the zip code thing didn't belong to Lee. She just publisized it for Picionelli because she felt it was the thing to do. Maybe for the Internet, it was a little more far fetched, but for CD/DVD/Tape distribution it was VERY important. I was tested many, many times..... It is funny, the feds thought Lee was too small potatoes to bother with, but thought it was worth their time to set up sting operations for us. (But, then I guess perception is everything!) They thought we were a big company with deep pockets, just because we shipped worldwide and exhibited at all the big shows.... Yes, I have some very fond (and not so fond) memories of the 'Busty Babes days!

02-13-2005, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Almighty Colin@Feb 13 2005, 06:37 AM
Lee = :rokk:

Long live Zmaster. I still have my content CDs.
Lee= the shit:) never dull:)

02-13-2005, 08:11 PM

I never bought BB's from you, I bought them from Zmaster directly. We had no knowledge of your company back then. Dark Ages dearie.

Sorry for my recollection of the zip code list during the CDA era. I've never been much of a board watcher. (too busy working on mind fucking surfers usually and search engine optimization (what it was back then anyway)) :headwall:

Never has a collection of production stills gone so far, but, back in the day, it was amazing shit to the surfers, which is all that counts.

Hell, my first content site was pictures of my then wife and I for the most part. hehehe oye vay I was content.

amateurscans.com was my first REAL site. It's now a redirect. Second REAL site was a gay site. studservice.com (redirected now) which could probably get good money from someone wanting to breed horses, dogs, whatever. :D

FWIW :zzz:

02-13-2005, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by BillPMB@Feb 13 2005, 09:12 PM
hehehe oye vay I was content.

Links??!! :groucho:

02-14-2005, 05:35 AM
i think that was a great interview! well done weirdharold. :rokk:

02-14-2005, 02:25 PM
No problem Bill, I have taken a beating over that zipcode list for years, but as Sharpie attests to, we had to be careful where we shipped product because of our our large distribution.

I miss the old Busty Babes dat, we made a fortune off the early adult CD-ROMS but we also got sued for a fortune, lost them all except for Warner who dropped.

Sharpie can you believe GooseBump Graphics just got stung by the Feds? Unreal. I read about it in AVN or one of the adult industry mags...forget what it was for, I think obscenity? Ya think he woild have learned since he was in our era and one of my distributors of the BB series.

Folks ask me if I could go back and do it again, would I ? Yup.

Difference is I would have produced alot more, and started with legit content from Day 1...expensive lesson that was!

I still can get my hands on a ton of content, and do what with it all?