View Full Version : do you like blogs or freesites better

02-10-2005, 08:11 PM
and wich do you use? and why ?

Hell Puppy
02-11-2005, 08:48 AM
Blogs require a lot of updates and attention to be truly effective and separate themselves from the pack to get decent traffic. A couple of truly well done blogs are a good entry into anyone's portfolio.

There are ways to fake 'em, spam 'em, etc, but that's a very temporary measure while you play cat and mouse with the SE's and blog directories and also can require a decent amount of work.

Free sites on the other hand are still the patient man's way to a decent little traffic base. Build 'em, link 'em, forget 'em. But do lots of them and let them simmer for months and years. Just make sure you have a way to tend to the ads and keep 'em current as sponsors come and go (hint: phpads or perhaps even remote thumbs). Filtered properly, the traffic can be potent.

Back in the day you could do a little dance when dmoz or yahoo or someone picked up these sites and it would rain quality SE hits. That doesn't happen now for the most part. You need patience. And when there's a big re-index like the one google just did, it's a crap shoot, your traffic can double or be cut in half...overnight.

02-11-2005, 10:54 AM
How in depth should fereesites be? should they be very brief in content ? or shpuld htey be loaded as to bring in more surfers looking for free stuff?

02-11-2005, 12:28 PM
They both have their uses. Blogs are great for the se's and I use them as traffic pumps to my freesites/sponsor hosted galleries etc.....it works. ;)

The days are gone when you could mass produce freesites with limited text...each one requires one on one attention to give it unique attributes that the engines will eat up....

For the link lists, build 20+ pic free sites....prime 'em with text for the engines and hope for the best.

You don't HAVE to update blogs daily....every few days is fine. Use all sorts of different sources for your entries....include links to your freesites etc....

A 'good' blog will wheel the surfer in and get them hooked to keep coming back for the next entry. I can't say I've managed to do that with ALL of my blogs....but I have a couple that have a loyal following.....and I get good traffic to my freesites/galleries because of it....and decent sign ups as well.

I don't think it's a matter of which is better....I think if you use them together you will get alot more bang for your traffic. ;)

just my 2 canadian cents :D

02-11-2005, 01:09 PM
Done quite a lot of free sites till now. And nothing much to write home about. I will be launching a couple of blogs within a week and from what I know, search engines love blogs. Hope it works that way.



Hell Puppy
02-12-2005, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@Feb 11 2005, 10:55 AM
How in depth should fereesites be? should they be very brief in content ? or shpuld htey be loaded as to bring in more surfers looking for free stuff?
The old rule used to be "just enough to get listed on PK"....

Same applies now, just enough to get listed a few places and get it seeded.

Almighty Colin
02-12-2005, 07:56 AM
If I were involved in the free site business today I would run targeted niche review sites.
Cams, dating, etc. Only review programs with referral dollars. Then you could go to sponsors and sell top spots or banners.