View Full Version : Free Feeder Traffic Opportunity

Adult Site Traffic
02-08-2005, 04:40 PM
http://adult-site-traffic.com is now offering a 20% FREE TRAFFIC on packages you buy. How do you get it? Simply use your ePassporte account to buy traffic. That's it.

One note: the 20% doesn't apply to text link advertising which are mostly always sold out anyhow.

Whether you're feeding TGP trade links and using our TGP Traffic (http://adult-site-traffic.com/adult_traffic/tgp_feeder.shtml) or promoting your favorite new sponsor with our Pay Per Click Traffic (http://adult-site-traffic.com/ppc), you're sure to find something you can use.

In addition, we also offer Banner Impressions (http://www.adult-site-traffic.com/adult_traffic/banner_impressions.shtml), we place your banner on the top of our pages. We even host the bandwidth for you. (Mention this post and get 50% bonus impressions free).

We sometimes have True, Text Link Clicked Traffic (http://adult-site-traffic.com/adult_traffic/clicked_traffic.shtml) available, where you give us a line of text and we send the clicks. Text Links are sold only on availability which isn't often, so ask me. I don't have any right now. Sorry.

We also offer Wholesale Bulk Traffic (http://adult-site-traffic.com/adult_traffic/bulk_traffic.shtml) in quantities of 100,000 to a million or more.

We do Hard Link Trades (http://adult-site-traffic.com/adult_traffic/linkme.shtml) between our site and your webmaster area aimed to increase webmaster traffic for both of us. We will also link to your TGP Submit Page or Link List Submit Page.

Please be sure to check out our many great Adult Tutorials (http://adult-site-traffic.com), written by experienced people in the adult business.
Featured tutorial by Katie from Naked Smart Chicks: The correct use of meta tags to provide a useful way to control your summary in some search engines. (http://www.adult-site-traffic.com/adult_tutorial/meta_tags.shtml)

Contact Me HERE (http://www.adult-site-traffic.com/traffic/contact/mailsend.php).

Thank you,


Adult Site Traffic
02-08-2005, 04:41 PM
Oh, by the way it seems that I'm now famous enough to have my own stalker! Thanks to Robert Gelinas, AKA "Alister" of http://www.e-webtraffic.com (http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic/e-webtraffic.shtml) and http://www.advertisetraffic.com (http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic/advertisetraffic-com.shtml). Expect him to follow me everywhere I go from now on and post behind me! :)

He is dedicating a whole site to stealing my code and stalking me. I've had to resort to encrypting my pages, LOL.

http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic.../_index_p35.htm (http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic/robert_chat_logs/_index_p35.htm)



02-09-2005, 06:40 AM
We bring the truth to you.

Please note that we are here to inform you the potential buyer. You do not have to believe what we say. That is why we have created a website about AST and his scams. Our website is a collection or references to AST from actual buyers or people that post on boards like this one. Also, please note that we do not sell anything on our website. Our website is dedicated to people like AST.

We would like to inform everyone about http://adult-site-traffic.com . They are scammers. They send junk traffic. Buy from them and you will lose your money.Click here for the full story (http://www.e-webtraffic.com/adult-site-traffic/index.htm). We think its very very important that you be informed before you take a chance and buy from this website.

Here is an extract from our website: The truth is finally coming to light. Here you can read a sticky post for the "" chat board. AST is on the "SponsorChat's list of 2005 losers on the net" list as #3!!! . Do you really want this guy to handle your traffic needs?

We do not care if AST says we are stalkers... because in a sense we are. We WILL NOT let him get away with his scams and you should be informed about him.

I hope this helps everyone. Good luck.

02-09-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by alister@Feb 9 2005, 03:41 AM
We bring the truth to you.

Please note that we are here to inform you the potential buyer. You do not have to believe what we say. That is why we have created a website about AST and his scams. Our website is a collection or references to AST from actual buyers or people that post on boards like this one. Also, please note that we do not sell anything on our website. Our website is dedicated to people like AST.

We would like to inform everyone about http://adult-site-traffic.com . They are scammers. They send junk traffic. Buy from them and you will lose your money.Click here for the full story (http://www.e-webtraffic.com/adult-site-traffic/index.htm). We think its very very important that you be informed before you take a chance and buy from this website.

Here is an extract from our website: The truth is finally coming to light. Here you can read a sticky post for the "" chat board. AST is on the "SponsorChat's list of 2005 losers on the net" list as #3!!! . Do you really want this guy to handle your traffic needs?

We do not care if AST says we are stalkers... because in a sense we are. We WILL NOT let him get away with his scams and you should be informed about him.

I hope this helps everyone. Good luck.
sorry, but your story begs one to ask??? why limit your crusade to just one potential traffic selling scammer if that is your mission?

I mean seriously there are plenty of traffic selling scams prevelant in todays industry ?

so why the fascination with just this one person?

02-09-2005, 02:02 PM
Well I just started... AST is the prime target because I got a lot of information about him as soon as I started his section. But if you do have information about other traffic sellers please send me an email at contact@e-webtraffic.com and I will post it.

Adult Site Traffic
02-10-2005, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by alister@Feb 9 2005, 01:03 PM
Well I just started... AST is the prime target because I got a lot of information about him as soon as I started his section.
Liar liar. It's because you're a known scammer and that's why you don't have a traffic site now . That's why your site is not advertisetraffic.com and not e-webtraffic.com :)

Lookie lookie ..

Want to see a REAL scammer who lost his business from scamming?

This just MIGHT be a good time to click! >> review "alister's" first post in the adult business (http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic/screens.htm) . THIS is where he started his very first scam. Thinking webmasters are stupid.

Why do you think he says "we don't sell anything form e-webtraffic.com", which is A TRAFFIC DOMAIN? It's because he can't.


It's because click! >> alister IS A SCAMMER (http://adult-site-traffic.com/e-webtraffic/e-webtraffic.shtml) who stole many webmaster's money and I ruined him because of it.

And that folks, is why he doesn't like me. That's why he's giving me all of this FREE publicity.


Thank you for your time.


Informing YOU
