View Full Version : Never Too Late To Introduce Myself :-) Hi Oprano!

02-01-2005, 01:19 AM
Off to a slightly rocky start, but after talking with a few of the folks, Oprano seems like a cool ass place to hang out! Sorry to say you might be hearing more from me =)

For those of you who don't know me, I've been in the industry for a while. I got my start programming for Sexhound.com way the fuck back in the day and moved on to marketing under the direction of BrettJ after he saved my ass from being fired because I sucked shit at programming. Eventually I ended up moving over to the Advertising dept at sexhound (there, the advertising dept sold the traffic), where I became president of the department and COO of the company. (early internet job titles were soooo awesome)

One thing led to another (37 page story will come later) and brett and I took to the street and began consulting for 100free.com (old school free host), and we built phathost and started selling bandwidth for Dynamic Hosting. A while later the relationship ended (on good terms) with Jay and Chad from dynamic/100free .... Chad gave us RedneckPorn to run while we started back at school and started carving out plans to make DormAngels.

With a few thousand bucks, a digital camera, and a sweet hookup on free hosting through Dynamic, brett and I launched DormAngels. At the birth of the site, I was working at sextracker selling ads for them ... pretty much buying time until DA was making enough to support both of us full time. That and Bode only kept me around to keep either Brett or I tied up in a non-compete so we wouldn't start a counter and destroy ST :-) didn't matter anyway, we had experimented with counters a bit after sexhound and found them to be fairly dead (which might explain why ST has had its hands in everything BUT counters lately).

so 4 years later, I'm co-owner of www.DormBucks.com and we have our network of paysites that pay the mortgage and put food on the table.

Anyway... that's my story and I'm stickin to it! Nice to meet you all!


02-01-2005, 01:25 AM

At last you do the formal intro!!! LOL

Welcome here , man :)

02-01-2005, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Jan 31 2005, 10:26 PM

At last you do the formal intro!!! LOL

Welcome here , man :)
yeah ... Q4 paperwork got the best of me for the last few days :headwall:

But I'm out from under the stack of 1099s now and have a bit more free time :-)

02-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Hey! Its good to hear that you guys are doing well. Hit me up if there's ever anything I can do for you.

02-01-2005, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Ruin@Jan 31 2005, 10:43 PM
Hey! Its good to hear that you guys are doing well. Hit me up if there's ever anything I can do for you.
Holy Fuck, it's Ruin!

02-01-2005, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Ruin@Jan 31 2005, 10:43 PM
Hey! Its good to hear that you guys are doing well. Hit me up if there's ever anything I can do for you.
heya :-)

I might just have to DL and install MSN after all ...

we're doing great =) hit ya up in a few!

02-01-2005, 02:12 AM
Holy fuck its Anthony! How are you?

02-01-2005, 02:42 AM
Dynamic Hosting was my first host in this business.

Chad and Jay are good guys. They kind of even forgot to invoice me for several months when I was starting out ;-))

02-01-2005, 02:49 AM
Welcome TaDoW :okthumb:

02-01-2005, 03:41 AM
Hey Tim - I'd welcome you but I am new myself. Sure is interesting how some posts can bring people out of the wood work. LOL

02-01-2005, 10:36 AM
Great to see you here Tim..
and looking forward to your stay..


02-01-2005, 12:37 PM
Welcome to Oprano. Looking forward to seeing you around here more often!! :okthumb:

Pornkings Dave
02-01-2005, 12:57 PM
Hey Tim, how ya been man.

02-01-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Pornkings Dave@Feb 1 2005, 09:58 AM
Hey Tim, how ya been man.
Hey dave, we look forward to seeing more of you as well, congratulations on getting rid of perfection Jeff too....

02-01-2005, 02:12 PM
:inlove: Welcome :inlove:

02-01-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Pornkings Dave@Feb 1 2005, 09:58 AM
Hey Tim, how ya been man.
Hey dave :-)

been doing alright, how 'bout you?

we need to get you back up in seattle again to hang out!

02-01-2005, 03:48 PM
And hello to everyone else :-)

Thanks for inviting me here Joe!

Can't wait to talk with you all and figure out what everyone does... it's kind of like going to a new school across town!


I love the bananas :bdance: