View Full Version : How tough is Adult nowadays?

01-31-2005, 09:56 AM
Here is my dilemna, I still want my IT Certifications. However in the meantime the $1500 - $2000 a month i have coming in from residuals is not nearly enough to keep me financially stable. I would like to get that figure up to about $5,000.00 a month total. Lately I have been playing poker to do so but i have taken something i truly loved and enjoyed and made it all business, so I have no pleasure when I play any more.

I don't want poker to become a job for me, I want it to be a profitable hobby and leave it at that. So if I do lose I don't have to worry about it.. At worst breaking even every month now.

I am thinking more and more after reading the baords the last few weeks about re entering in a subtle way to start the adult business on the internet. Here is my question.

With ample time and effort put it (say 30 - 40 hours a week to start) how tough is it to achieve $1,000 a week in profit nowadays ? $500 a week in profit nowadays? And if any of you old-timers would be willign to shoot me some hints, tips, or suggestions on my best route as to where I should start that would be appreciated as well.

I think this would be a much less stressfull route than grinding out playing multiple tables of poker every day for 5 hours a day ... And then I could start to ENJOY playing poker a few hours a day, do this for my money, and keep studying for my IT Certifications.

Thoughts anyone ? From what I have heard a dickless wonder has a problem if they aren't making $2500 a month so that leads me to believe that pulling off $4K a month shouldn't be a problem and hell who knows maybe I could rebuild the empire and use the money the right way this time when I have a full time job to seed some non-adult projects that would have a longer shelf life.

PushPills, no bad crack... and if you knew where my idea was going to be implemented that I posted about (in the other thread) even someone who is as short sighted as you would of seen the profit potential :)