View Full Version : Neo-Con, Born-Again Bush supports censorship!

Mike AI
01-28-2005, 11:02 AM
Well, maybe not:

IN UPCOMING INTERVIEW WITH BRIAN LAMB C-SPAN, PRES BUSH ON INDECENCY ON TV: 'As a free speech advocate, I often told parents who were complaining about content, you're the first line of responsibility; they put an off button on the TV for a reason. Turn it off... Government can, at times, not censor, but call to account programming that gets over the line. The problem , of course, is the definition of 'over the line''

Seems pretty reasnable to me. I have read similiar posts from liberals here on this board.

I love how Bush drives all the liberal weenies insane!!

01-28-2005, 11:05 AM
Mike pull your head out of the sand my friend before you drown!!!! the real world is calling!


01-28-2005, 11:09 AM
I love George Bush. He has great hair.