View Full Version : some good seo tools for u to use

01-26-2005, 05:18 PM
http://www.marketleap.com/default.htm good for testing how well or how many inbound links you currently have and in what search engines

keyword saturation also and keyword verification

ill add more in as i find them :)

02-01-2005, 03:30 PM
Mind if I chime in with some SEO tools?

Here's a couple that I use almost everyday, or at least anytime I am starting a new site or developing content for an existing site.

These are two tools for finding out which keywords that relate to your content or niche are the most searched on. It is important for SEO on how you name your pages, the words you use on the pages and in the title tag, alt tags, H1 tags, blah blah blah.

http://inventory.overture.com - is free. Type in your keyword and it will show you how many people searched on it along with other words that are related. It's a good brainstorming tool for coming up with keywords.

If you want to go much deeper than this, there is the paid service from http://www.wordtracker.com

02-01-2005, 03:33 PM
Lots of great stuff here too:

02-01-2005, 03:37 PM
Here's a Page Rank tool. http://www.thinkbling.com/prcheck/index.php

02-01-2005, 03:38 PM
this SE http://www.kwmap.net/ nothing great about it but one nice feature is the alphabetical keyword list going down the right hand side after you enter a search, it's certainly pointed out a few keyword combinations I hadn't thought of.

02-01-2005, 03:39 PM
I love this one,

You type in your site and your keyword that you are targeting and it comes back with a comparison between your site and the top 10 for that keyword phrase.

It compares -
Pages in the index,
Incoming links,
Your position for allinanchor:keyword,
and Yahoo links

02-01-2005, 04:02 PM
kevin nice additions bro .. keep on posting :)

02-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Thanks. My pleasure. I'm glad Oprano added a forum where I have more of a chance to post some stuff I know about. :rokk:

02-01-2005, 06:16 PM
and im glad theres someone here i can talk to and learn more from and bounce ideas and questions off now .. u seem a lot more knowledgeable at this than me

02-04-2005, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Titan@Feb 1 2005, 03:17 PM
and im glad theres someone here i can talk to and learn more from and bounce ideas and questions off now .. u seem a lot more knowledgeable at this than me
LOL. The more I learn, the more I find out I don't know shit. :blink: