View Full Version : Lets talk traffic!

01-17-2005, 03:42 PM
So we all know traffic is vital,

I am curious to know the history of how traffic has been garnered
and what new methods anyone has tried with any measure of success or failure
( and a brief description of why it failed or succeeded in your opinion)

who were the traffic lords of yesteryear, and who is the leading candidates in modern day?

01-17-2005, 03:50 PM
when my site started i tried pretty much the basic ways ..

Link exchanges with other sites - beggin emails to big sites for links or plugs and pretty much just posted it were i could because of having no $$ to spend on getting it coming in

I soon learned that to get traffic myself and without money i would have to work hard and learn SEO , at the moment id say 60% of my traffic is now purely SEO

I put a lot into my seo and it seems to be paying off but ive read so many different ways of gaining traffic these days

tgps - yahoo / google / msn groups , seo , links exchanges and my new personal favourite Viral Marketing !

01-17-2005, 03:52 PM
are spiders a key part of SEO? and what other than detailed descriptions of things on your site as metatags, can increase your seo ?

01-17-2005, 03:55 PM
i used to * kinda work * for pornojunkies.com - i ran the seo forum for them for the two months they tested it out .. i could talk about seo all day and to be honest i still wouldnt be an expert .. i dont think anyone is an expert but things i would personally think are important for seo are

anchor text , descriptions , image names , img descriptions , page titles , page descriptions , meta tags , robot.txts to get the spiders coming back to update ur listings and well to be honest a lot more lol