View Full Version : Thoughts on KA

Hell Puppy
01-12-2005, 03:50 AM
We had a couple of threads going about Cirque before the show. Some of the members of the Atlanta Cartel including the FFNs, Peaches and Vooman took in the new Cirque show called "KA" at the MGM during Internext.


This show replaced the old EFX show, and MGM spared no expense to come up with one of the top shows on the strip. The theater has been totally renovated, and I love the nice big comfy seats with plenty of leg room and surround sound in the head rest. But the real money was spent on the stage.

The stage is the star of the show. It has to be seen to be believed. You cant get a sense of just how large this thing is and all the ways it can move and how quickly it can do so. It can literally fly around and even go completely vertical. And Cirque makes it an integral part of the show. I wont spoil any of the gimmicks, but you can imagine the possibilities.

The show itself was somewhat typical for Cirque du Soleil. If I had a complaint it would be that they really made the stage the star of the show instead of the athletics and talents of the performers, which were a bit less remarkable than those in a show where they dont have a huge gimmick like the stage to rely upon to wow the crowd.

Overall, I would say "O" is probably still the best Cirque show on the strip, but "KA" is definitely worth seeing once.

It also seems the new show at the Mirage, which will replace Sigfried and Roy permanently, will be yet another Cirque show, this one with a Beatles music theme. That'll make a total of 5 Cirque shows on the strip, makes you wonder about oversaturation.

01-12-2005, 09:02 AM
What he said except the "O" comment because I haven't seen it yet :)

01-12-2005, 10:45 AM
You know I LOVED that stage! :nyanya:

Having never seen a cirque show before, I thoroughly enjoyed KA. If O is better I'll definitely want to catch that next time around. :okthumb:

01-12-2005, 03:19 PM
aaah, so nice to hear so many good things about a product of my hometown :)

Richard N. Bush
01-13-2005, 12:14 PM
I've been asked several times to describe KA, and each time it goes something like...

"there's this huge stage, that moves in amazing ways... wait, that doesn't really nail it. OK, the stage is a huge.. and it moves... wait... ah hell, just go see it."

Quite an engineering feat they pulled off with this show.

01-13-2005, 12:18 PM
I think Vooman was more turned on by the mechanics at KA than he's ever been at a strip club. :P

01-13-2005, 05:50 PM
The KA show rocked. It lived up to every expectation.

Great music, surround sound speakers in the seat backs!

The stage was definately featured in every scene.

I would like to see each show once.
3 down and a bunch more to go!