View Full Version : FreeBSD/Apache/Networking Tech Question

01-08-2005, 01:43 AM
Okay...I wanna see what ya'll know about this...

Working with 2 servers at 2 seperate datacenters...For reference Server A will be the main server and Server B will be the apache server...

I am setting up a routing scheme that basically involves having Server A route ip traffic to server B without doubling the bandwidth.

So I looked into using iptables and nats but that would use the same ammount of bandwidth on Server A and Server B...

I wanna do something similar as redirecting a request using apache...You know when you do a htaccess and put in redirect /folder http://www.otherserver.com/folder ... you know how that only uses b/w on otherserver.com not on the original server...

Basically I don't wanna do dns because that will lead to cacheing of the ip addresses and I plan on having the main box to handle redundacy of the secondary box(es)...

So is there another way to handle sending the traffic from *.domain.com to another ip without using DNS but using Server A to direct it?

Everything on domain.com and www.domain.com will be served by server A and Server B needs to handle *.domain.com

Okay any help is appreciated...

Bumps are nice too


Hell Puppy
01-09-2005, 06:22 AM
This isn't making a lot of sense.

Why dont you tell us what problem you're trying to solve or what you're trying to do instead of asking how to technically do what you think is the solution?

Sounds like you're trying to do load balancing, if so there are far better ways to do it.

01-09-2005, 07:41 PM
Just download rinetd... it does what you want.