View Full Version : Xmas is over,but Dems are still in giving mood

Mike AI
01-06-2005, 01:16 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...crats_mcauliffe (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050106/ap_on_go_co/democrats_mcauliffe)

WASHINGTON - Senior Democrats are trying to persuade national Chairman Terry McAuliffe to continue his service as party chairman, especially if none of the current candidates gains momentum in the race to replace him.

About a half-dozen candidates are in the race and a couple of others are considering a run for the position. It will be filled in February at the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites)'s winter meetings.

McAuliffe met privately Wednesday with several Democratic senators on Capitol Hill, and was asked again to consider serving for another year or two, Democrats say. McAuliffe's response was not immediately known, but he has been cool to such overtures in the past.

Democratic senators reportedly at the meeting included Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Charles Schumer of New York.

"Terry McAuliffe has been a great chair and he could continue that," Schumer said Wednesday. "The bottom line is that Democrats have a lot of good candidates to lead us."

None of the early candidates for chairman has gained momentum. Some potential candidates — Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Democratic activist Harold Ickes and former Labor Secretary Alexis Herman — have dropped out.

Democratic Party spokesman Jano Cabrera said, "The chairman appreciates being asked to stay, but for now he remains focused on handing over a modernized, mobilized and debt-free Democratic Party."

Cabrera told ABC's online newsletter The Note that McAuliffe's "only response for now consists of two words, Dorothy McAuliffe" — referring to the chairman's wife.

Candidates for the position include former Texas Rep. Martin Frost (news, bio, voting record), former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, Democratic strategist Donnie Fowler and Simon Rosenberg, head of the centrist New Democrat Network. Rosenberg was formally announcing his bid Thursday in Washington.

Others who have been considering a bid include former presidential candidate Howard Dean (news - web sites), former Indiana Rep. Tim Roemer, former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard and former Texas state chairwoman Molly Beth Malcolm.

Democratic governors are watching the contest closely and will send representatives to several regional Democratic meetings where candidates will make their pitch, including a session this weekend in Atlanta.

"Right now, the governors are interested in the concept of an outside-the-beltway candidate and we still have not coalesced around any one candidate," said New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, head of the Democratic Governors Association.

Richardson said he's open to splitting the job, with a chairman handling the communications and public side of the job and a chief executive handling "the nuts and bolts."

Mike AI
01-06-2005, 01:18 PM
Maybe they will keep Shrum around for 2008???

What I love about Dems is they actually beleive affirmitive action works. If a person cannot get the jo done, but he is nice - keep him on board, or promote him. :lol: :lol:

Shrum is 0 - 7 in Presidential campaigns. How does a guy get to go 0-7??

I wish the Dems would get their act together - they are making it to easy for republicans which will cause hubris on their end, and then republicans will self destruct.

01-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 6 2005, 10:19 AM
What I love about Dems is they actually beleive affirmitive action works. If a person cannot get the jo done, but he is nice - keep him on board, or promote him. :lol: :lol:
Go to the ghetto...you think those schools provide equal opportunity education? You think people can do a job from that training?

Get real...people from the burbs whine about equal opportunity, I'd love to see them drop their kids in that cesspool and expect them to compete in the world

Take a dare...go walk through a high school in a lower income darkie neighborhood, then come back. Affirmative Action is a bandaide...but there's no other alternative on the menu unless us whitey's are willing to share our tax dollars.

Kids deserve a chance - regardless of whether they have a tan or what their parents have done. If a bandaide is all we have...then so be it. One kid is worth it.

Mike AI
01-06-2005, 04:07 PM
Aeon I agree with you 100%

The liberals have seized public school, teacher unions, and now they are worthless. Only thing they crank out are kids who are uneducated, expecting handouts.

Remember I am from New Orleans, I lived in the ghetto - I see the results of shitty schools.

01-06-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 6 2005, 01:08 PM
Aeon I agree with you 100%

The liberals have seized public school, teacher unions, and now they are worthless. Only thing they crank out are kids who are uneducated, expecting handouts.

Remember I am from New Orleans, I lived in the ghetto - I see the results of shitty schools.
Liberals have seized them (I agree) and neo-cons wanna throw them away...

No one has any ideas as far as I can see. They're too busy trying to buy votes than to do anything that will actually help solve the problem. Fuckers would rather argue for new sports stadiums that cost 100's of millions and forget about teachers and kids. I think we're watching the decline of the US empire...it's a knee jerk reaction trying to hold it together. No nation lasts forever.

Mike AI
01-06-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by aeon+Jan 6 2005, 04:15 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (aeon @ Jan 6 2005, 04:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Mike AI@Jan 6 2005, 01:08 PM
Aeon I agree with you 100%

The liberals have seized public school, teacher unions, and now they are worthless. Only thing they crank out are kids who are uneducated, expecting handouts.

Remember I am from New Orleans, I lived in the ghetto - I see the results of shitty schools.
Liberals have seized them (I agree) and neo-cons wanna throw them away...

No one has any ideas as far as I can see. They're too busy trying to buy votes than to do anything that will actually help solve the problem. Fuckers would rather argue for new sports stadiums that cost 100's of millions and forget about teachers and kids. I think we're watching the decline of the US empire...it's a knee jerk reaction trying to hold it together. No nation lasts forever. [/b][/quote]

Well I think its salvageable - our Nation. But the public school system as we know it probably is not. Thing is they way politics goes, it will be hard to get the reform we need. It would be better to start over.... We are definately failing your children and in the long terrm undercuttinng the Nation's future.

01-06-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI+Jan 6 2005, 01:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mike AI @ Jan 6 2005, 01:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by aeon@Jan 6 2005, 04:15 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Mike AI@Jan 6 2005, 01:08 PM
Aeon I agree with you 100%

The liberals have seized public school, teacher unions, and now they are worthless. Only thing they crank out are kids who are uneducated, expecting handouts.

Remember I am from New Orleans, I lived in the ghetto - I see the results of shitty schools.
Liberals have seized them (I agree) and neo-cons wanna throw them away...

No one has any ideas as far as I can see. They're too busy trying to buy votes than to do anything that will actually help solve the problem. Fuckers would rather argue for new sports stadiums that cost 100's of millions and forget about teachers and kids. I think we're watching the decline of the US empire...it's a knee jerk reaction trying to hold it together. No nation lasts forever.

Well I think its salvageable - our Nation. But the public school system as we know it probably is not. Thing is they way politics goes, it will be hard to get the reform we need. It would be better to start over.... We are definately failing your children and in the long terrm undercuttinng the Nation's future.[/b][/quote]
History isn't on your side about things being salvageable - it would take tough choices and not egoism to save things ;) All empires end eventually. Ask the Romans about it.

01-06-2005, 05:15 PM
If you are ignorant enough to believe that the problems of the public schools - particularly urban public schools - have been caused by liberals, teacher's unions full of liberals, liberal dominiation of the teachers unions full of liberals, removing Gawdamitey from the classroom (done by liberals, btw), or any other "soundbyte" description - then you aren't worth bothering with.

The historical problems of urban public education are closely tied to race, and any attempt to understand them without taking into consideration things like patterns of urban sprawl and white flight, housing and employment discriminiation, etc., is impossible.

The overall attitude of many on the right toward public educaiton were shaped in the days of the Warren court, when they took god out of the classroom and put the niggers in. Add onto that the current "thinking" of neo-cons, where this should all be in the hands of the private sector, and you see what a fucking mess you've got.

The problems with public education in general come from both the left and the right. From the left, the idea that it is more important that Johnny or Janey "feel good" about themselves than that they can read is absurd.

First thing I would do if I was running a school system is fire everybody with an advanced degree in Education, particularly above the primary level.

You want to teach science? Better have a fucking degree in science. Want to teach math? Math degree required. Want to teach English? Better know more about Mehlville than you do about Montessori.

You want Johnny to learn about Creationism, the virgin birth, the teachings of Buddah, Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, or any other myth? Send him to a private school or get him into [insert sabbath here] school.

As an active parent in the schools of all three of my kids, I can say one thing about schools - regardless of whether you are liberal or conservative, radical or reactionary, if you can't take time off work or away from the television or away from the club or away from the bar to see what the fuck your kid is doing in school - your kid didn't fail that class - YOU DID.

And for the record - affirmative action, properly applied, does not now nor has it ever enabled permanent retention of an incompetent in any position. It has, of course, provided OPPORTUNITIES for people who might not otherwise have gotten them. Inferring otherwise is a result of ignorance - either the forgivable ignorance based on lack of knowledge, or the other kind.

01-06-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jan 6 2005, 02:16 PM
If you are ignorant enough to believe that the problems of the public schools - particularly urban public schools - have been caused by liberals, teacher's unions full of liberals, liberal dominiation of the teachers unions full of liberals, removing Gawdamitey from the classroom (done by liberals, btw), or any other "soundbyte" description - then you aren't worth bothering with.

The historical problems of urban public education are closely tied to race, and any attempt to understand them without taking into consideration things like patterns of urban sprawl and white flight, housing and employment discriminiation, etc., is impossible.

The overall attitude of many on the right toward public educaiton were shaped in the days of the Warren court, when they took god out of the classroom and put the niggers in. Add onto that the current "thinking" of neo-cons, where this should all be in the hands of the private sector, and you see what a fucking mess you've got.

The problems with public education in general come from both the left and the right. From the left, the idea that it is more important that Johnny or Janey "feel good" about themselves than that they can read is absurd.

First thing I would do if I was running a school system is fire everybody with an advanced degree in Education, particularly above the primary level.

You want to teach science? Better have a fucking degree in science. Want to teach math? Math degree required. Want to teach English? Better know more about Mehlville than you do about Montessori.

You want Johnny to learn about Creationism, the virgin birth, the teachings of Buddah, Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, or any other myth? Send him to a private school or get him into [insert sabbath here] school.

As an active parent in the schools of all three of my kids, I can say one thing about schools - regardless of whether you are liberal or conservative, radical or reactionary, if you can't take time off work or away from the television or away from the club or away from the bar to see what the fuck your kid is doing in school - your kid didn't fail that class - YOU DID.

And for the record - affirmative action, properly applied, does not now nor has it ever enabled permanent retention of an incompetent in any position. It has, of course, provided OPPORTUNITIES for people who might not otherwise have gotten them. Inferring otherwise is a result of ignorance - either the forgivable ignorance based on lack of knowledge, or the other kind.
Good christ...you're a long winded fucker aren't you?

That's the problem with you dumpy old liberals...you never can figure out when you're preaching to the choir.

BTW, race is a misnomer. Morphological characteristics aren't found in tandem regardless of ethnic identity. Poor “white” schools are just as bad as poor “black or brown” schools whether it be urban or rural. Delineating problems to the “racial” issue is the easy way out and the feel good method of dealing with a problem.

01-06-2005, 10:11 PM
my opinion is that the largest problem with public schools is the low standards we hold them to. the world is full of crime infested, 3rd world shitholes with 150 kids per teacher that kick the shit out of the USA in terms of academic achievement.

it seems that it is usually educated people in the US that cause stupid people.

my kids will only go to really expensive private schools and i will make sure they are taught that they are better than everyone else, can do better than everyone else, should do better and will be expected to do better. they will be held to the highest standards and they will excel.

i will leave the excuses and sad stories for others to tell while they live in misery and poverty, weighted by the chains of underachievement, passing down their excuses for failure and blaming of "the man" to the new generation of burger flippers they are raising.

the bottom line is that not everyone can be successful. the world needs ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers. my job is to make sure my kid isn't one of them... no fucking way would i leave that up to the public school system! besides, you can't grow an economy by making every kid a doctor, attorney or accountant... it just wont work. i am doing the patriotic thing!

01-06-2005, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by aeon@Jan 6 2005, 08:39 PM
Good christ...you're a long winded fucker aren't you?

That's the problem with you dumpy old liberals...you never can figure out when you're preaching to the choir.

BTW, race is a misnomer. Morphological characteristics aren't found in tandem regardless of ethnic identity. Poor “white” schools are just as bad as poor “black or brown” schools whether it be urban or rural. Delineating problems to the “racial” issue is the easy way out and the feel good method of dealing with a problem.
If you read my previous post, you will note that I listed race as a factor in the evolution of the current problems with urban public schools. I didn't say that it was the only problem, nor did I say that it is the SAME kind of problem that it was 30 years ago.

There are lots of ways to use race as a feel-good tactic. "Poor me, my great-great-grandpa was a slave, my great-grandpa got lynched for thinking he was entitled to talk man to man with the man, my grandpa got shot for thinking fighting in a war entitled him to vote" is one of them (usually used by someone who could add "and my daddy got shot for wearing blue on the wrong street.").

There is another way to use race as a feel-good tactic. One of them is trying to deny the role that race played in the history of this country. While it may be true that poor white schools TODAY are no better off than predominatly minority schools (in most parts of the country, anyway, and that is NOT a reference to the South at all) - it certainly wasn't the case until relatively recently.

01-06-2005, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by JR@Jan 6 2005, 10:12 PM
my opinion is that the largest problem with public schools is the low standards we hold them to. the world is full of crime infested, 3rd world shitholes with 150 kids per teacher that kick the shit out of the USA in terms of academic achievement.

it seems that it is usually educated people in the US that cause stupid people.

my kids will only go to really expensive private schools and i will make sure they are taught that they are better than everyone else, can do better than everyone else, should do better and will be expected to do better. they will be held to the highest standards and they will excel.

i will leave the excuses and sad stories for others to tell while they live in misery and poverty, weighted by the chains of underachievement, passing down their excuses for failure and blaming of "the man" to the new generation of burger flippers they are raising.

the bottom line is that not everyone can be successful. the world needs ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers. my job is to make sure my kid isn't one of them... no fucking way would i leave that up to the public school system! besides, you can't grow an economy by making every kid a doctor, attorney or accountant... it just wont work. i am doing the patriotic thing!
If you think that the only thing you have to do in order to ensure your kids aren't ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers, is to get them into the appropriate private school - get a big house.

They will be living with you for a long, long time.

01-06-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy+Jan 6 2005, 08:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PornoDoggy @ Jan 6 2005, 08:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-JR@Jan 6 2005, 10:12 PM
my opinion is that the largest problem with public schools is the low standards we hold them to. the world is full of crime infested, 3rd world shitholes with 150 kids per teacher that kick the shit out of the USA in terms of academic achievement.

it seems that it is usually educated people in the US that cause stupid people.

my kids will only go to really expensive private schools and i will make sure they are taught that they are better than everyone else, can do better than everyone else, should do better and will be expected to do better. they will be held to the highest standards and they will excel.

i will leave the excuses and sad stories for others to tell while they live in misery and poverty, weighted by the chains of underachievement, passing down their excuses for failure and blaming of "the man" to the new generation of burger flippers they are raising.

the bottom line is that not everyone can be successful. the world needs ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers. my job is to make sure my kid isn't one of them... no fucking way would i leave that up to the public school system! besides, you can't grow an economy by making every kid a doctor, attorney or accountant... it just wont work. i am doing the patriotic thing!
If you think that the only thing you have to do in order to ensure your kids aren't ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers, is to get them into the appropriate private school - get a big house.

They will be living with you for a long, long time.[/b][/quote]
No, they should listen to you. You're so lost in your ideology you can't see shit if it doesn't pass your political sensor.

Get a mind of your own old man. Both the left and right have good and bad...

The only difference between extreme right and extreme left are the economic agendas. Both give their will to the advancement of the state.

01-06-2005, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jan 6 2005, 08:05 PM

If you think that the only thing you have to do in order to ensure your kids aren't ditch diggers, truck drivers and jiz moppers, is to get them into the appropriate private school - get a big house.

They will be living with you for a long, long time.
its not "private school" that makes a difference. its surrounding your children with focused, goal oriented kids that want to succeed in life that makes a difference. I know... i ran away from home at 16 with a .5 GPA. i paid for myself to go to a private boarding school (a ski academy) with my own savings from commercial fishing in the summer in Alaska - $12,500.00 tuition plus another 5,000.00 or so in equipment and I surrounded myself with world class skiers, world class coaches and world class atheletes.... and world class students.

2 of my friends won olympic medals in downhill skiing shortly after. Tommy Moe and Picabo Street.

coming from a bunch of inbred hicks and then being surrounded by a bunch of focused, goal oriented kids who woke up at 6am on their own, ran 4 miles before breakfast on their own, who pushed themselves to their limits on their own and who were taught that they could do anything and achieve anything... achieved everything they wanted later in life. I am now 34 and know where they are all at. I also know where all my retarded public school comrades are. most of them are pumping gas or serving pancakes. even the kids everyone thought would make it... ended up coming back to their trailer park roots and knocked some dumb little girl up and got married at 19 or 20.

if you think a good private school makes no difference, thats fine. i have been to public schools, private christian schools and a private boarding school centered around atheletic achievement and competition. I am qualified to have an opinion as well on the issue. I have seen a lot. I have seen the contrasts in the cultures of those environments and how it affected children and their education and how it did or did not prepare a child for adulthood.

being a good parent, giving your child the best, putting your child in a good environment that is condusive to success in life and surrounding him with hard working, focused and goal oriented children is an awesome thing to do for a child. all the while, you should be guiding him as well. you are entitled to think it makes no difference. I know from experience that it can make all the difference in the world.

let me know what address i should send you your "My kid went to Public School and now details JR's kids car" bumper sticker to.

Like i said... i am not knocking the burger flippers of the world. we need em'... my lifes priority is to make sure my kid is not one of them.

01-06-2005, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jan 6 2005, 08:01 PM
While it may be true that poor white schools TODAY are no better off than predominatly minority schools (in most parts of the country, anyway, and that is NOT a reference to the South at all) - it certainly wasn't the case until relatively recently.
Prove it...the poor have always been poor, all economically disenfranchised have faced outside factors and substandard educational conditions.

Prove it relates only to race until "recently".

01-07-2005, 12:17 AM
I told you before...and it really isn't board pissing - you people on the US left love Jews but you hate Jews who are "Jewish". You have black friends but you hate them being "black". That's not to say the right is better. They're jerking off to hitler for the most part hoping their "European"/white american ancestry will carry through.

The minute you stop looking at pre-conditionals and start looking at the problems as they are today, you can find an answer. You can reduce things to adam and fuckin' eve - you can find all kinds of causes for the problems and I can find causes for the causes - that‘s called reductionism...it's not gonna do shit...other than waste time.

01-07-2005, 12:52 AM

You got me again.

You would think by know that I would realize that you ain't got any more than Mike AI. All you can do is scream "leftie leftie leftie."

You just ain't worth bothering with.

01-07-2005, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jan 6 2005, 09:53 PM

You got me again.

You would think by know that I would realize that you ain't got any more than Mike AI. All you can do is scream "leftie leftie leftie."

You just ain't worth bothering with.
You feeble minded old cog...has nothing to do with leftie or rightie. It has to do with logic and thinking for yourself. That MikeAI guy has shit to do with me.

01-07-2005, 01:23 AM
And what makes you think I don't think for myself?

Simply because I don't think like you?

01-08-2005, 04:03 PM
Poor, poor old man...Abbey Hoffman is dead - he's comparing rimming techniques with McCarthy.

Political agendas have no place in education. The left and the right don't want "education". They want to produce mindless ideological consumers for their faith.

The goal of education is not to teach people what to think (contrary to the kennedy's or bush's) but how to think...when political agendas enter the fray, just like commercialism, education becomes a means to a self serving end.

01-08-2005, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by aeon@Jan 8 2005, 04:04 PM
Poor, poor old man...Abbey Hoffman is dead - he's comparing rimming techniques with McCarthy.

Political agendas have no place in education. The left and the right don't want "education". They want to produce mindless ideological consumers for their faith.

The goal of education is not to teach people what to think (contrary to the kennedy's or bush's) but how to think...when political agendas enter the fray, just like commercialism, education becomes a means to a self serving end.
Please ... Abbie Hoffman? I was never had a very high opinion of the Yippies.

As far as the rest of your statement - I happen to agree with it, such as it is. It does sort of smack of a cut 'n paste from a mediocre high school essay of some sort; the other problem, of course, is that it has nothing to do with anything I said.