View Full Version : 2005 - out with the old, in with the new

01-05-2005, 12:28 AM
I'm sure ya'all have had this thread but I wasn't here so humor me ...

what's everyone working on in 05? what's your priorities and where do you see yourself? do you have a clear plan or is 05 just another year?

the last 3 months of 04 i spent preparing for the 1st of january 2005 - when the clock struck midnight, I was so ready for this year it was scary!

my health is better than it has been in 3 years, i'm mentally ready to take on the world, and some of the deals i'm working on are with companies I only dreamed of working with.

so I'm all but finished in adult, or 'traditional' adult at least ... i've taken that official sidestep to that place i've always wanted to be - NAUGHTY instead of PORN

Here's some of the stuff i'm working on ...

http://www.purve.com - bye bye paysite business model, hello portal ;-)
got stuff for women? post it, i'm open to all suggestions ...

http://www.purvemodelsaustralia.com - a monthly magazine for gay men and straight women combined. watch for us at your local news stand mid year ;-)

i partnered with tim & toyboy from curious cash, so if you see them in vegas they should have a color copy of the mag with them - otherwise hit me up & i'll send the pdf.

want to advertise? full page $300 for the next 2 issues only. its available as a pdf for surfers to download and archives will eventually have stacks of traffic.

so what else have I missed around here?! is anyone pregnant?! did anyone fuck anyone!? anyone taken up drinking, given it up or missing from christmas festivities?

i need the all of 'em version :biglaugh:

01-05-2005, 12:52 AM
2005 is going to be just like 2001 only better. Everything is falling into place nicely.

Fuck naughty! At least 10 new sites before May. Good nichey stuff that doesn't require a gagillion hits to convert. On all my PPS program testing, my sites convert better with the same traffic. The only factors I'm missing is their retention numbers, I obviously have my own.

I wish you the best and heard of your health problems, but Lisa reports you're much better. Of that I'm glad. Happy New Year CJ. Glad you're ok :)

Cheers and best of luck in your new endeavors,


01-05-2005, 12:54 AM
"Reading a book on HTML.."

Now THAT is fucking funny!

01-05-2005, 12:59 AM
2005 is going to be just like 2001 only better. Everything is falling into place nicely.

I couldn't agree more. :)

I see a whole bunch of veterans having gone through various changes in their lives since then.

Having grown,matured and learned by the trials of both fortune and misfortune.

They seem to all be regrouping , rebuilding ,focusing and deciding that 2005 is the second front.

I certainly am totally enthused over the future year and the plans I know are brewing :)

01-05-2005, 01:23 AM
Thanks Bill,

Good to see you back in the biz with that kick ass attitude of yours - we missed that in the biz.

I read your post recently about the calculations of PPS with great interest ... I think there will be a big sway back towards the rev share programs this year because, quite simply, they are more trustworthy and spin less bullshit.

PMB has always been the 'safe' program for webmasters, and the more time that goes by the more of a following you'll have. Every PPS program could fall over tomorrow but PMB wouldn't change a thing, and that kind of solidity is very rare in any business, especially this one.

I still get some little checks for PMB, and haven't had any traffic to send in over a year. I think you guys have purvette in your members areas too for a bit of filler ...

Good to see you're on board the '05 express & hopefully we can work together someday! ;-) But this time, i'm sure you won't be slagging off my programs for the benefit of your own! :awinky: LOL

01-05-2005, 01:32 AM
2005 can start now that my sister has been found.


2005 looks great so far I can't wait to get back and get started. I met boy toy and his girlfriend today as well.

Mike AI
01-05-2005, 01:44 AM
CJ, ever think about the concept of a mainstream ( non-porn) magazine that is like Maxim/Cosmo / etc. but targets gay guys and straight chicks.

Straight chicks love gay guys. Look at all the TV shows. Sex in the City, etc...

There could be a niche for this - something hip, stylish. sarcastic, funny. You could probably sell a lot of shoe ads!!

Of course there is probably something like this already....

Oh yeah, Razor!! :lol:

I am just joking RB - I am just pissed your Jets could not help the Saints out!

01-05-2005, 02:12 AM
CJ, Can you please send a copy of the pdf to newtonxxx@gmail.com.

2005 will be a phenominal year, that I am already shaking like a shitting dog, at the mere thought of the projects ahead. ;)

01-05-2005, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 5 2005, 01:45 AM
CJ, ever think about the concept of a mainstream ( non-porn) magazine that is like Maxim/Cosmo / etc. but targets gay guys and straight chicks.

Straight chicks love gay guys. Look at all the TV shows. Sex in the City, etc...

There could be a niche for this - something hip, stylish. sarcastic, funny. You could probably sell a lot of shoe ads!!

Of course there is probably something like this already....

Oh yeah, Razor!! :lol:

I am just joking RB - I am just pissed your Jets could not help the Saints out!
Mike, I like that idea so much, i'm going to whip it up right now ...

here it is



everything you just said is exactly what this is ;-)

tim shoots all of the male content - i select the coverguys, and pull everything else from purve or our celeb sites & format it into pages :agrin: its like a walk in the park compared to building a paysite members areas.

every piece of content is relevant to both gay men and straight women ... our first issue has a mega sex and the city pictorial, a feature about johnny depp, a male centerfold, 50 pics of a close-up at a part of a man's body, celeb gossip, in cinemas etc ... and that's just issue 1 - which I've been calling my 'practice issue' ;-)

we've got a bunch of stuff we won't include until it goes to print such as fashion pages, travel destinations where you can purve at hot guys, make up & beauty tips, advice columns etc ... the pink and purple dollars make up a HUGE portion of all of these markets.

its all about PURVING ON HOT GUYS - back to basics from 1998! :okthumb: & so many things follow easily on from that ... its just common sense.

This one's for the female webmasters ... WOULD YOU HIT IT?! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:


01-05-2005, 03:14 AM
i think i'm going to study more about programming especially new programming software

01-05-2005, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by Newton - XXXAmigoz@Jan 5 2005, 02:13 AM
CJ, Can you please send a copy of the pdf to newtonxxx@gmail.com.

2005 will be a phenominal year, that I am already shaking like a shitting dog, at the mere thought of the projects ahead. ;)
ygm ;-)

01-05-2005, 06:37 AM
I am working on wine...
in the age when capitalization of Google is bigger than GE and GM combined,
my ultimate goal is to buy the Catellation Brands, the company which bought Mondavi for $1,000,000,000 right from under my nose....

I want it!

01-05-2005, 07:03 AM
a monthly column about appreciating wines would be a great addition to a print magazine for gay men and straight women ...

01-05-2005, 07:38 AM
I haven't had this feeling since 1996...and billions of dollars can't buy this feeling.

out to work on buying Mondavi,
one click at a time

Dianna Vesta
01-05-2005, 09:48 AM
CJ, it’s nice to see you around. Whatever you do I hope that 2005 brings you much happiness and prosperity.

In the past I had always diversified between adult and non-adult. I ran my sites and worked for non-adult clients. In 2001 I was working for an adult company that basically went out of business and I had to scramble to make ends meet. I had three residents I was paying for and saw the adult biz going through yet another transition.

In your 40’s you tend to evaluate you life more and in doing that I decided I’d take a big risk and pursue a life long dream. My life was complicated enough so I’m not sure what I was thinking other then escape and release some of the bullshit. There comes a time when you just need to throw caution to the wind and let shit happen. I also saw no benefit in swimming upstream with adult. I don’t see it as a dying industry, not at all but I did see a lot of shit thrown into the air and no one really knew where it would all land. Your idea for a portal/network is one I touted for the last few years. Surfers are more educated and cautious. The same models will not work any longer.

Anyhow, so here I am doing the dream… scary at times when you shift your sails into the unknown. The adult biz was always my foundation for over 15 years I’ve worked in it. My adult sites sat there, still making money with no updates and care. I honestly don’t know where the traffic comes from. I bundled them up and tired to sell them but the offers I received were bullshit and I decided the couple hundred a week I got from them sitting there was worth more then the offers. I’m not exactly sure of what the future holds or if dot com domains will even be part of that future but I do know that adult internet is here to stay.

So I’ve teamed up with someone I’ve worked with here and there. I don’t have time to handle the day to day or promote programs with webmasters. I do like producing product and I feel that my niche is in demand and that I definitely have an eye for it. We’re hiring a webmaster right after the show to revamp the sites and turn them into Ezines, so to speak, plug-ins and working on a plug-in that offers chat with content. All fetish and femdom stuff. These will be available for webmasters free (with ads) or paid (without). What I always wanted to do before was more stories and more audio. I think if it’s done right it would appeal to men and women. With wireless the way it is going I think it will be a very hot product. I’ll basically handle operations.

With the rest of my time I’m sticking with trees! Hell yeah! The biggest problem I’m going to have this year is not having enough product due to the hurricanes. Everyone wants to replace trees and many growers lost a lot of trees. My sales are there tho. So I’ve got 18 acres, I’m hunting down a refi to dump some money into my tree biz, will start putting up greenhouses, grafting, growing and creating inventory for next year. I’d like to get heavy into the live herb biz here in Florida. It’s huge. Maybe dabble in specialty produce where the big bucks are. If Lady Law and Serge open a wine store I might have to convince them to add a little gourmet market there and truck them over some fine herbs and cheeses. Another hobby I’ve very interested in is making fine cheeses. Don’t laugh! I have two dairy goats right now and I’m just waiting for the little girls to get big enough to breed.

I got a bow flex and I started working out. This year my personal gardens go in and I’ll grow my own food. Like you I woke up with a serious fire under my ass. I’m ready to rock and fucking roll!


01-05-2005, 09:54 AM
I'm going to clean my house even if this means having to force the cockroaches to leave.

Other then that since 2004 was a record income year for me I'm just going to try to continue on my present business model.

01-05-2005, 10:11 AM
2005 will be a phenominal year, that I am already shaking like a shitting dog,

Charming , absolutely charming.... ;-))))

If you ever start paying per click to a wine program , I'll find the traffic , somehow , somewhere ;-)))

I'm going to clean my house even if this means having to force the cockroaches to leave.

If they leave of their own accord , its an indication you need to clean yr house ;-))

Another hobby I’ve very interested in is making fine cheeses

Serge , meet Dianne , Dianne meet Serge. ;-))))

Wine and cheese go together like shaking , and shitting dogs :)

01-05-2005, 10:18 AM
I've been ready for '05 for quite awhile and glad it's here. I'm going to make money doing what I enjoy the most. Fishing, and it's coming along rather well so for. I have some great folks on my fishing site and adding daily, got plans for some radio and maybe just maybe a little TV.......So, stay tuned B)

01-05-2005, 11:17 AM
I want to start drinking in the morning....

Dont say that I dont have goals!


01-05-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by DrGuile@Jan 5 2005, 08:18 AM
I want to start drinking in the morning....

Dont say that I dont have goals!


the art is not stopping from the night before.


01-05-2005, 11:30 AM
I am as always directionless and clueless :yowsa:

But really needed to jump in here and say;

Hi CJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see you posting !!!!

:bdance: :bjump: :bdance: :bjump: :bdance:

01-05-2005, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Winetalk.com@Jan 5 2005, 07:39 AM
I haven't had this feeling since 1996...and billions of dollars can't buy this feeling.

out to work on buying Mondavi,
one click at a time

notice how many of the responses here revolved around us going away from the computer a bit and doing the hobbies we enjoy?

fruit trees

how do a bunch of pornographers end up here?!
couldn't have turned out better if we planned it ...

i've finally given into the fact that one day i'm going to own a restaurant - as much as i've tried to convince myself otherwise, its in my blood, and I feel alive when i'm providing people with a 'dining experience'.

wouldn't it be funny if it 10 years time, i had a restaurant and was importing cheese from DV, wine from serge, and fish from dan LOL

01-05-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by cj+Jan 5 2005, 04:48 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cj @ Jan 5 2005, 04:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Winetalk.com@Jan 5 2005, 07:39 AM
I haven't had this feeling since 1996...and billions of dollars can't buy this feeling.

out to work on buying Mondavi,
one click at a time

notice how many of the responses here revolved around us going away from the computer a bit and doing the hobbies we enjoy?

fruit trees

how do a bunch of pornographers end up here?!
couldn't have turned out better if we planned it ...

i've finally given into the fact that one day i'm going to own a restaurant - as much as i've tried to convince myself otherwise, its in my blood, and I feel alive when i'm providing people with a 'dining experience'.

wouldn't it be funny if it 10 years time, i had a restaurant and was importing cheese from DV, wine from serge, and fish from dan LOL [/b][/quote]
And I'd look after the till for you. :)

Thats my hobby :)

01-05-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta@Jan 5 2005, 09:49 AM
So I’ve teamed up with someone I’ve worked with here and there. I don’t have time to handle the day to day or promote programs with webmasters. I do like producing product and I feel that my niche is in demand and that I definitely have an eye for it. We’re hiring a webmaster right after the show to revamp the sites and turn them into Ezines, so to speak, plug-ins and working on a plug-in that offers chat with content. All fetish and femdom stuff. These will be available for webmasters free (with ads) or paid (without).
I'm so glad to hear you are going this direction - we've talked about it several times, and I think it suits what you want to do yourself personally, not just business.

Like you said, you enjoy producing the product, just not all the other crap to get the product into people's hands. Its easy in theory to say 'i will just make the content' but you have to have all other areas covered to the same standard.

Its taken me 6 years to see it in my head, to see the direction and for it to fall into place. i knew i wanted to take purve to print one day, but I couldn't even get my shit together enough to keep it running as a successful web business. I thought 'fuck i've failed', but really I have just outgrown the format I was working with. I see the same things in your mind also, you are trying to work in with a business model that died 2 years ago, when your content is ready for the present and future business models. You feel like you are wasting your quality in a paysite subscription model, and the bottom line is YOU ARE.

What I always wanted to do before was more stories and more audio. I think if it’s done right it would appeal to men and women. With wireless the way it is going I think it will be a very hot product. I’ll basically handle operations.

yes please ;-)
not enough of this type of content, and members love it.
i've turned purvette.com into an ebook site, making all of purve's past content into ebooks. an audio ebook would sell really well, and is a very marketable concept.

I’d like to get heavy into the live herb biz here in Florida. It’s huge. Maybe dabble in specialty produce where the big bucks are. If Lady Law and Serge open a wine store I might have to convince them to add a little gourmet market there and truck them over some fine herbs and cheeses. Another hobby I’ve very interested in is making fine cheeses. Don’t laugh! I have two dairy goats right now and I’m just waiting for the little girls to get big enough to breed.

i don't think you'll find many at oprano who will laugh at this idea - we're all sitting here going 'fuck, oprano almost has its own restaurant' - in a good way. ;-) In the last few months since you have started doing the trees you seem to be so much more relaxed ... anything that makes someone that at peace with their own life can't be bad, and you seem to have found that place.

Like you I woke up with a serious fire under my ass. I’m ready to rock and fucking roll!

you know why you are ready to rock and roll? you've taken time out to do something you like ... its amazing what a different perspective does for motivation.

take care gurl, and I hope to visit and try some of those cheeses some day :okthumb:

01-05-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Jan 5 2005, 07:53 PM
And I'd look after the till for you. :)

Thats my hobby :)

like fuck!

you can run the mail marketing campaign :biglaugh:

Hiya Sarettah ;-)

01-05-2005, 08:21 PM
Here's a draft of the mail...


Subject : I regret to inform you that you mother is Dead.

...set against you going to "CJs" !!!! :)

Where the food is good ;
and the waitresses will give you wood
if your willie can't remember
cheap viagra here (link)will engorge yr member

If you think the prices are high
remortgage here before you try (link)

The symbol of the chain is CJSR on the exchange
We expect it to trade in the $10 range

A free trial preview of the waitresses is available at:


To be removed from this mail list please click here , so we know that you are a live email and can hound you til the end of time.

************************************************** *

too classy?


01-05-2005, 08:24 PM

its perfect!!!

only I think my restaurant is going to be called oprano ;-)

Dianna Vesta
01-06-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 5 2005, 08:02 PM
yes please ;-)
not enough of this type of content, and members love it.
i've turned purvette.com into an ebook site, making all of purve's past content into ebooks. an audio ebook would sell really well, and is a very marketable concept.

I always thought so but had a hard time getting webmasters to see this and want to pay for this type of content. They are use to buying stories really cheap and throwing them up. They would never spend the money to pay for illustrated story. They feel that it should be about quantity and not quality. The educated surfer who will actually pay his rebilling wants more.

Producing hot audio content and good illustrated stories is more expensive but I think it brings a whole other, more secure market, especially if it’s exclusive and no other site has it. If I hopped on a plane and recorded Jenna, paid her $500.00 for a 15 minute recording that I scripted for her, coached her, etc. there’s a lot of money in a 15 minute recording but I’m going to sell that way beyond 500.00 and always own it. Audio content would be great, like E-Zines as pay once items. I think that if the content is really hot niche and you publish an ezine package that had a few stories, maybe two audio, a pictorial and sold it for $30.00 they’d buy it and come back to see what else you’ve got. Selling good audio with pictures that can be downloaded into cell phones is going to be hot. It’s much sexier then video.

On the rest…

Yes, I’ve always noticed that Oprano had a more seasoned diversified crowd. It’s really the only board you see me on. I’m excited about winetalk.com because I see so many great people there.

I think that a Restaurant named Oprano would be fabulous. You know long before adult I worked in Hotel & Restaurant in south florida. I actually know quite about the biz. I use to want to open my own and could have many times but I would only want to do it if I already had money. It’s a tough business, for sure. You would be very interested in the marketing concept I have for my new herb business. Not only does it cater to home consumers but we have a line just for chefs and a packaging that helps them buy live herbs, store longer and nothing beats fresh LIVE herbs. I keep basil and rosemary by my back door and pick it when I need it.

I’ll keep you posted on the content stuff.

01-06-2005, 07:23 PM
I love the concept of getting live herbs to chefs - my mother grew all her own herbs for 17 years when we had the restaurant ... every meal was garnished with a fresh herb. small touch, but the regulars noticed if the herb was missing from the plate LOL Its definately a hard working industry, and one I'm not ready to jump back into until I can afford to lose some money LOL

re the story content:

"I always thought so but had a hard time getting webmasters to see this and want to pay for this type of content. They are use to buying stories really cheap and throwing them up. They would never spend the money to pay for illustrated story. They feel that it should be about quantity and not quality. The educated surfer who will actually pay his rebilling wants more. "

The key here ... you are trying to target an item to webmasters instead of surfers. Who cares if webmasters don't promote it in masses, you can market it straight to the surfers. Good content can skip the middle man, as you will find lots of people just link to your site because they like it. I'm always finding links to purve from blog's and places where people just write about us because they like the site.

If your content is good, and you present it well to SURFERS, they will come with a lot less work than it takes to get the webmasters to get the surfers.

We've all become so dependent on the business model of affiliates, but how many other business models need 100's of resellers to work? Its just an extra step to pay a % to - think if the marketing you could do if your marketing budget was 50% of all sales?!?!?! its rediculous. Affiliates are the most expensive type of marketing out there, and the biggest pain in the ass.

If I took the money I've spent on affiliates over the years, and had done the marketing and content things I wanted to do with the 50% of income, Purve would already have been in print and I wouldn't be still in the planning stages.

And with all that said, if your product is good and sells itself, affiliates will follow ...

01-06-2005, 07:45 PM
The womans gone mad!!!!

but there may be method in her madness....

01-06-2005, 07:46 PM
uh huh ;-)

nothing wrong with going mad - all the brilliance in the world comes from the mentally unstable

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

01-06-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 6 2005, 04:47 PM
uh huh ;-)

nothing wrong with going mad - all the brilliance in the world comes from the mentally unstable

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

01-06-2005, 08:02 PM
For 2005 I'm going to further my career as a serial killer

Starting with clowns, going to alphabetically kill clowns. Each for a different zodiac sign

01-06-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Jan 6 2005, 05:03 PM
For 2005 I'm going to further my career as a serial killer

Starting with clowns, going to alphabetically kill clowns. Each for a different zodiac sign

Unless they ever read this board they will never find out who the "Zodiac Clown Killer" is.

personally i hate mimes...fuckers...

a Welsh mime I'd kill on sight.

01-06-2005, 08:13 PM
My first goal for 2005 is to make some goals for 2005 :blink:

01-06-2005, 08:38 PM
Clowns should be shot, they smell of rotting cabbage, good luck Vick ;) I was pondering one of the eternal questions, if a true mime dies would it make a noise?

01-06-2005, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Newton - XXXAmigoz@Jan 6 2005, 08:39 PM
Clowns should be shot, they smell of rotting cabbage, good luck Vick ;) I was pondering one of the eternal questions, if a true mime dies would it make a noise?
if a tree falls ...............

hmmm LOL

i guess someone needs to kill a mime to find out



01-07-2005, 12:05 AM
Mimes are better to torture, act like you're going to kill them but let them live
Amputations work great, they can't be as annoying
Let the mime think it's an accident that they lived
Like who are they going to tell?

01-07-2005, 12:57 AM
"... I didn't mean to crush the mime's skull when I swung the bat your Honor. He appeared to be trapped in an invisible box and was trying desperately to get out. I was just trying to help him break out, honest!"

01-07-2005, 01:27 AM
LOL , photo, :)

(shaking head)

only on oprano can a perfectly sensible thread about business plans in the coming year degenerate into "Killing mimes"

"It was an assisted suicide , your honour , which I believe is legal here.

He was obvioulsy a mute , and finding it unbearable to live with his unfortunate affliction, was forced to sign to me , well mime, to me in fact , hanging on a rope by the neck and swaying in the wind.

He obviously wished to hang himself .

I merely provided the rope the tree and was fortunate enough to find two like minded caring gentlemen in the persons of Messrs ,xxxphoto and Vick, to assist me in bringing his pain and suffering to a peaceful , though granted, amusing ,end.

Yes. your honour , the batting incident was unfortunhate but was considered necessary to tranquilise him.

And ,yes he tried to self multilate himself.In fact he bit me on the toe a couple of times prior to his death , but I was wearing Opera slippers and found it rather painful , so Mr.Vick was kind enough to allow him to bite on his more sturdy shoes 20 or 30 times.

Excuse me , your honour?

Oh ,How did the 7 clowns get killed?

Interesting you should ask , it seems the Incas , were big on astrology and..."

01-07-2005, 01:36 AM
just found this http://www.shockwave.com/sw/content/regurge04 the movie is cool :D

Oh fuck LOL this has made my day http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/features/chamber/61564

01-07-2005, 01:59 AM

thats hilarious.

My plan has been used before obviously ;-)))

01-07-2005, 04:25 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Jan 7 2005, 12:06 AM
Mimes are better to torture, act like you're going to kill them but let them live
Amputations work great, they can't be as annoying
Let the mime think it's an accident that they lived
Like who are they going to tell?
Vick, i'm becoming a little scared by how well you have thought this out :unsure:

are we going to be reading about you soon?!

Magic Trick Goes Wrong - Clown Porn Found at Scene


01-07-2005, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Newton - XXXAmigoz@Jan 6 2005, 10:37 PM
just found this http://www.shockwave.com/sw/content/regurge04 the movie is cool :D
Yup... the clown dog honing off a quickie after the beat down was very poetic IMO

01-07-2005, 11:39 AM
CJ and DV
haven't spoken to either of you two lovely ladies in way too long
i regrouped after my cancer scare
dumped the cheating hubby
kept the tumor
lol the less of two evils
wrote my game plan on paper... decided on my stepping stones
you're correct
in your 40's life's opportunites and direction change

i wish you both well
many hugs

01-07-2005, 02:14 PM
Whoa.. hello Oceania!! :bwave: Nice to see you here!

01-08-2005, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by oceania@Jan 7 2005, 11:40 AM
CJ and DV
haven't spoken to either of you two lovely ladies in way too long
i regrouped after my cancer scare
dumped the cheating hubby
kept the tumor
lol the less of two evils
wrote my game plan on paper... decided on my stepping stones
you're correct
in your 40's life's opportunites and direction change

i wish you both well
many hugs
oh my god


I can't explain it, but I had this intense feeling of relief to see your name

how are you?! what are you up to?!
your timing is incredible ;-)

hope you are well gurl - dont be a stranger
i'm still on the same icq
3422430 ;-)

01-08-2005, 09:27 AM
Spend 2005 turning mine, and a few friend's adult assets into a PPC system something like sex.com... with a view to selling the lot for obscene amounts of cash to one of the millionaires lounging about Oprano eventually.

And get my "retirement" business established well enough that I wont have any choice BUT to sell out of porn completely by the end of 2006.

Hi Cj :bwave: I LOVE the magazine.. the whole concept is definitely YOU! Doing a serious e-book version plus a real world edition is a concept will be a real winner for you too I bet.

01-09-2005, 12:50 AM
opti, PPC seems like its going to be a big area for 2005 ... its kinda taken that full circle where the traffic we all have doesn't sell on what we are used to it selling on, so we are all looking to see how we can turn it into cash ...

thanks for the props on PMA & for your feedback throughout the building process. However the project progesses this year, i'm pretty confident its a winner overall ;-)

did you hear i'm moving to sydney in a few weeks?!
just for 6 months so Nick & i can get serious about a few of our other projects. i'd love to plan a casual friday lunch, at the same place and time each month if anyone is interested?

01-09-2005, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 9 2005, 03:51 PM
opti, PPC seems like its going to be a big area for 2005 ... its
did you hear i'm moving to sydney in a few weeks?!
just for 6 months so Nick & i can get serious about a few of our other projects. i'd love to plan a casual friday lunch, at the same place and time each month if anyone is interested?
HA!!! That's funny!!!!! I badly need a change of environment and have been seriously thinking about moving to Queensland for 6 months! Really seriously!!

I can't believe you didn't talk me about this Biatch!?!!?!!

Remember that cool apartment above that blue restuarant opposite Manly Beach? (I cant find a pic of it anywhere :\) .... It was for lease last time I was down there!! ;-)))

01-09-2005, 06:46 AM
oh yes, i remember that place well
looking in exactly that area in fact!!

i think i need to start a blog - cj's adventures in bondi LOL

hunky lifeguards, HERE I COME!!!!


Almighty Colin
01-09-2005, 08:10 AM
We earned incredible market penetration on contacts and word-of-mouth alone in 2004.
2005 is the year we really market our products.

"Almighty Content" will be in a lot more heads by the end of 2005.

01-09-2005, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Colin@Jan 9 2005, 08:11 AM
We earned incredible market penetration on contacts and word-of-mouth alone in 2004.
2005 is the year we really market our products.

"Almighty Content" will be in a lot more heads by the end of 2005.
Ive been waiting on the press release to feature you guys on Oprano Plus!

Almighty Colin
01-09-2005, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by gonzo+Jan 9 2005, 08:13 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Jan 9 2005, 08:13 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Colin@Jan 9 2005, 08:11 AM
We earned incredible market penetration on contacts and word-of-mouth alone in 2004.
2005 is the year we really market our products.

"Almighty Content" will be in a lot more heads by the end of 2005.
Ive been waiting on the press release to feature you guys on Oprano Plus! [/b][/quote]
One of our first orders of business. Thanks, Gonzo.

01-09-2005, 11:53 AM
Glad to see you back in the saddle CJ....

I think I have grown to love you LOL

01-10-2005, 01:54 AM
you're right out with old , in with the new :stout:

01-10-2005, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Colin@Jan 9 2005, 08:11 AM
We earned incredible market penetration on contacts and word-of-mouth alone in 2004.
2005 is the year we really market our products.

"Almighty Content" will be in a lot more heads by the end of 2005.
Colin ... Serge said something last year that I missed your response to

While you were building your empire, we heard from you all the time about what you were learning, but now you have an empire and you are silent!?!

When can we see you writing regularly again? Or have you forgotten the networking and marketing benefits of advertorial?

I know Klixxx would love to have stuff like you used to write ...

Email me ... i miss you & want to hear what you are up to ... we haven't chatted properly in ages - since you were setting up the feeds in the beginning.

lots to catch up on ;-)