View Full Version : Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou

01-02-2005, 02:53 AM
My wife and I went out and saw Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou with Bill Murray and Owen Wilson and it's one of my favorites of the year.

I'm a huge fan of Wes Anderson and love the characters he creates. he appeals to my inner highbrow comedy lover. As much as I love dick and fart jokes in movies, I have an appreciation for more subtle humor and Wes Anderson never fails me.

I didn't like it as much as The Royal Tennenbaums, but it's now my second favorite Wes Anderson movie (moving ahead of Rushmore).

If you like Wes Anderson, you'll love this movie...if you don't, you might become a fan...or you'll hate it ;-)

My wife isn't a fan of his type of movies but liked this one.

Bill Murray is excellent and I liked him better in this than thge overrated Lost In Translation.

01-02-2005, 12:29 PM
We were thinking about catching this one... I think we'll make sure to make time while hub is on vacation this week.

We saw the Lemony Snickett deal and Meet the Fockers on New Years' Eve with the kids. Snickett was NOT like the books and so somewhat disappointing - although Jim Carrey is always an interesting thing to watch.... and the Fockers was just a good solid laugh at life - a walk down memory lane when our in-laws all met for the first time. I swear we ALL must come from different sides of the tracks in one way or another!

Anyhoo - thanks for the recommendation - I think we'll definitely catch this sometime in the next week.
