View Full Version : Don't Waste Your Time, Nothing To See Here

12-23-2004, 09:49 AM
Was a couple of nights before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for that ToyBoy guy and his damn http://www.curiouscash.com (http://www.curiouscash.com/index.php?rev=gaymoneymachine) weekly webmaster update.

Which, by the way, you can read by clicking right here (http://www.curiouscash.com/webmasters/webmasterupdates/vol1ed23-webmasterupdate.html).

Learn how to make money with SMS chat (in fact, get your own branded site !!) and SMS content downloads in the US market !!

Also learn how to crossover into the mainstream female/gay marketplace.

And laugh at a bunch of VERY funny Christmas jokes and Santa cartoons.

Or don't.

Up to you.


01-10-2005, 01:30 AM
nice info. now i have an idea about earning money in sms chat