View Full Version : What does Christmas mean to you?

12-12-2004, 08:44 PM
Sitting in front of a tv on your own, shitty little meal on the lap, shouting bah humbug at the tv?

Poisonous relations coming over, plaguing you from the crack of dawn, getting drunk and making complete twats of themselves?

Other peoples kids screaming until they wear themselves out, partially due to you dosing them with a brandy, to keep them quiet and give you some peace?

What will you be doing?

I have warned off all relations under pain of death not to visit, my cookery skills are exquisite, there is a few bottles of lanson in the fridge, cuban cohibas ready to be cut and it's going to be a fine relaxing, tranquil time. Gawd Bless ya guvnor, to one and all ;)

12-12-2004, 08:47 PM
chinease food or thai food

12-12-2004, 08:52 PM
Getting to spend a whole day with the family while eating good food and drinking good wine :)

I love the holidays especially Christmas and Thanksgiving, when the whole family converges on moms house for dinner and stays there till past 2am the following morning its one of the best experiences in the world, see people you havent seen in a month or two, catch up on whats happening with whom and when.

I love family time :)

12-12-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Lee@Dec 12 2004, 05:53 PM
Getting to spend a whole day with the family while eating good food and drinking good wine :)

I love the holidays especially Christmas and Thanksgiving, when the whole family converges on moms house for dinner and stays there till past 2am the following morning its one of the best experiences in the world, see people you havent seen in a month or two, catch up on whats happening with whom and when.

I love family time :)
That's a nice Christmas :)

12-12-2004, 09:00 PM
it's all about ham....and presents

12-12-2004, 09:15 PM
Spending time with friends and family is the most important thing. Finding/making things I think others will like is second and knowing people put thought into what they give/make me is third. Oh, and the ham :okthumb:

12-12-2004, 09:32 PM
Baked ham with honey mustard glaze, hot from the oven and made into hot ham sandwiches? that the one?

12-12-2004, 09:54 PM
the best part of Christmas is my 3 year young son
and me getting to be Father Christmas

The next best part is Frank S. Christmas songs

Other than that Christmas sucks, it is a holiday of obligation.
Be here this time, go eat there then. Buy for those, get this for them. Expectations and pains in the neck. Humanoids that can't drive clogging up roads. Crowded malls full of ignorant beings.

I say end this fucking outdated Christan holiday
After all if there was a Christ according to the bible he was born around October (33.5 at time of death which was most likely in April - do the math). Christmas is in December partly to appease other religions who had holidays in late December

If I want to visit someone, have dinner and/or buy them gifts I'd like to do it of my own choice, not because the calendar says in 12/25

This is all before we get into the mass marketing and force feeding

Even Bad Santa got cheesy at the end, fucking retard

12-12-2004, 11:55 PM
I might just swallow a beating cobra heart this year ;-)

12-13-2004, 03:17 PM
Christmas this year means Costa Rica and surfing. I have 1 day of business to do then the other 8 days...f'get about it.

I'll be ready to giddyap by Internext, never fear that you won't be able to spend enough time with me in Vegas, I always have plenty on me. :stout:

12-13-2004, 03:17 PM
Bah humbug!

Christmas "Time" means the seven weeks between Thanksgiving and Internext when 24 hour days seems to shorten to 4 hour days.

Christmas itself ain't bad. Just can't stand this frenetic time of year when everything seems to speed up into a blurring time warp.

12-13-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Newton - XXXAmigoz@Dec 12 2004, 05:45 PM
Sitting in front of a tv on your own, shitty little meal on the lap, shouting bah humbug at the tv?

Poisonous relations coming over, plaguing you from the crack of dawn, getting drunk and making complete twats of themselves?

Other peoples kids screaming until they wear themselves out, partially due to you dosing them with a brandy, to keep them quiet and give you some peace?

What will you be doing?

I have warned off all relations under pain of death not to visit, my cookery skills are exquisite, there is a few bottles of lanson in the fridge, cuban cohibas ready to be cut and it's going to be a fine relaxing, tranquil time. Gawd Bless ya guvnor, to one and all ;)

12-13-2004, 06:39 PM
candles burnin' low....lot's of miiisletoe.

12-13-2004, 06:41 PM
Another inch on the ole waistline!