View Full Version : Gov't programs out of control.

12-02-2004, 08:43 AM
It doesn't matter if REP or DEM controls the Gov't it just keeps getting larger and larger. Now some people are trying to spend tax dollars on free Internet for the "needy"


WASHINGTON - For the millions of people who cannot afford high-speed Internet access, some local officials think they've hit on the answer: Build government-owned networks to provide service at rates below what big telecommunications companies charge.

From San Francisco to St. Cloud, Fla., an estimated 200 communities are toying with community-owned networks, sparking a battle with cable and telephone companies over how public, or private, access to the Internet should be.

The companies are lobbying furiously to block such plans, fearful that their businesses would be hurt. Their efforts most recently paid off Tuesday night in Pennsylvania, where a new law bans local governments from creating their own networks without first giving the primary local phone company the chance to provide service.

Consumer advocates denounce the new Pennsylvania law. They say it amounts to governments now needing a permission slip from entrenched monopolies to put a vital economic and educational tool within everyone's reach.

For them, government has a long history of providing essential public services, such as national highways or electricity in rural areas.

"The Internet ... is a true global public utility," said Jeffrey Chester, director of the Center for Digital Democracy, an advocate for consumer rights online. "We should be trying to provide it for free."

At least, they argue, community networks should be able to give the large companies some competition. In a February survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 24 percent of U.S. adults said they had high-speed Internet access at home. About half of those had incomes of more than $75,000 a year.

(More at link)

Almighty Colin
12-02-2004, 09:27 AM

12-02-2004, 09:53 AM
hey! Lay off the Government!

I am running for public office, this si where the money are!

12-02-2004, 10:41 AM
those damn repubbys alway wasting our money and shit!!!!

LOL LOL LOL :biglaugh: