View Full Version : Bush gets DOJ a ton more money

11-29-2004, 11:36 PM
http://www.avn.com/index.php?Primary_Navig...ntent_ID=207208 (http://www.avn.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Articles&Action=View_Article&Content_ID=207208)

Mike, gee, comfortable with your vote after all?

Alex :salute:

11-29-2004, 11:40 PM
How did I know who started this thread just by the title :unsure:

Edited to add - I guess you got your AVN spam

11-29-2004, 11:42 PM
Quick everyone!!!

Let me register and manage your websites up here in Canada!!

I'll be your trustee!!!

And remember..if you can't trust a trustee , who can you trust!!!!!!!

actually.....its not a stupid idea...


listen to Alex...

the sky is falling!!!!

11-29-2004, 11:44 PM
150 grand for internet obsenity fighting?

Goodbye internet porn forever.

11-29-2004, 11:47 PM
They'll need a porners wing at Club Fed.,....

I'd buy a ticket to watch visiting hours!

11-29-2004, 11:51 PM
Grogan, you didn't read well:

The Department of Justice was also allowed to add 25 new positions, including 17 attorneys, for the purpose of prosecuting Adult obscenity crimes as well as child pornography, and $2,605,000 to provide the CEOS with the tools they need to do the job.

The Bush Administration claims that, overall, they included $42 million for Justice Department programs that investigate and prosecute child exploitation and fight obscenity—double the amount allocated for those activities in 2001.

17 new lawyers papering people over. I can only hope they are aiming at CP only, and not at the mainstream (although I am not clear that they see a big difference).


11-29-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Nov 29 2004, 10:52 PM
Grogan, you didn't read well:

The Department of Justice was also allowed to add 25 new positions, including 17 attorneys, for the purpose of prosecuting Adult obscenity crimes as well as child pornography, and $2,605,000 to provide the CEOS with the tools they need to do the job.

The Bush Administration claims that, overall, they included $42 million for Justice Department programs that investigate and prosecute child exploitation and fight obscenity—double the amount allocated for those activities in 2001.

17 new lawyers papering people over. I can only hope they are aiming at CP only, and not at the mainstream (although I am not clear that they see a big difference).

Yea I read fast, but maybe you didn't read well.

I believe it says in there the bulk of it is for child protection blah blah blah.

Then I saw the 150k for internet obsenity.

11-29-2004, 11:54 PM
The 150k is just to run a snitch website:

Congress also approved $150,000 for the Obscenity Crimes Project (OCP), described as a tool to report Internet obscenity crimes. The OCP is basically the Morality in Media Web site, obscenitycrimes.org,

Morality is media... sounds too muck like the moral majority for me.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


11-29-2004, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Nov 29 2004, 08:55 PM
The 150k is just to run a snitch website:


Are you a founder member?

11-29-2004, 11:58 PM
Alex, prosecuting people who use the united states postal service and send rape fantasy dvds are easily prosecuted obsenity crimes, like have been prosecuted in the past.

Only time will tell what happens with online. I guess we can:

A ) whine and bitch
B ) make money; wait and see what happens
C ) quit adult; wait and see what happens
D ) wear tinfoil hat to intercept the bush administrations next moves

would kerry have done worse for the industry or better? I dunno.....

Mike AI
11-30-2004, 12:19 AM
I am still very comfortable with my vote.

11-30-2004, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 30 2004, 12:20 AM
I am still very comfortable with my vote.
Alex, is still very uncomfortable with you vote

Almighty Colin
11-30-2004, 06:09 AM
So how was the "Summer of censorship"?

Sunday April 11, 2004
The Observer

America's booming adult entertainment industry is bracing itself for a 'summer of censorship' as the government clamps down on pornography.

For nearly 10 years, the resources of the Department of Justice's anti-obscenity division have been allocated almost exclusively to the war on child pornography, leaving those involved in the $10 billion-a-year (£5.5bn) adult market to their own devices.

But with producers of adult porn becoming increasingly lawless, according to Andrew Oosterbaan, head of the DoJ's anti-obscenity department, it is time to 'send ripples' through the industry and prosecute those producing and distributing obscene material. 'Nothing will be off-limits as far as content goes,' he said. 'We'll do everything we can to deter this conduct.'

Oosterbaan's department has its work cut out. More than 11,000 adult films are released annually in the US and there are 800 million DVD and video rentals of adult movies each year, according to the trade association Adult Video News.

Porn on the internet is at record levels. Websense, an internet software management company, announced earlier this month that it has more than 1.6 million adult web pages on its database, 18 times more than in 2000, and a recent Nielsen/Net Ratings study said one in four internet surfers in the US, about 34 million people, uses the web to visit adult sites.

Obscenity laws have been unchanged since 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that for material to be considered obscene, an average person applying 'contemporary standards' must find it offensive and without artistic value.

The recent reappointment of high-profile anti-porn lawyer Bruce Taylor to the Justice Department is one clear indication of President George W. Bush's get-tough policy.

The move has drawn criticism from free-speech advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union, and those involved in the adult entertainment industry say it is no coincidence that the policy shift comes just months ahead of November's presidential election.

'This agenda is to attract votes,' said lawyer Paul Cambria, who has defended many adult business owners, including the notorious Hustler publisher Larry Flynt, against obscenity charges. 'It's censorship. It's an effort by the Department of Justice to interfere with adults' rights to adult materials. We deal in plain old vanilla sex, nothing really outrageous.'

The clampdown on the adult entertainment industry mirrors a lower-tolerance approach being shown by federal government towards other areas of the media. The House of Representatives, concerned by a decline in broadcasting standards, approved tougher penalties for indecency on the airwaves and called the heads of the major broadcast networks together for warnings.

Their ire was stoked by an incident at January's Super Bowl in which singer Janet Jackson's breast was exposed to millions of viewers on live television, and numerous objections to the Federal Complaints Commission about offensive radio shows. Radio network Clear Channel announced last Thursday it was dropping notorious 'shock jock' Howard Stern permanently after it was fined $500,000 for airing his sexually explicit show.
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Oosterbaan said his investigators would be looking at all aspects of the adult entertainment industry, including the cable TV companies and big hotel chains providing movies on a pay-per-view basis. Yet for political reasons, Cambria says, such investigations are unlikely to bear fruit.

'They're making noises but it's a difficult one for them. A number of big Republican Party contributors own the hotels or the facilities for the hotels to broadcast adult material; they would be biting the hand that feeds them,' he said.

A CBS News investigation into America's porn industry last November claimed that 50 per cent of guests at the Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt, Sheraton and Holiday Inn hotel chains purchased adult movies, contributing to 70 per cent of in-room profits.

Comcast, one of the largest cable-TV providers in the US, says it made $50m (£27.3m) from adult programmes last year, and profits for the satellite TV companies such as DirecTV are estimated to be much higher.

Jan LaRue, senior legal counsel for the Concerned Women for America group, welcomed Taylor's reappointment. 'This is a step in the right direction,' she said.

'Until the DoJ vigorously and consistently targets the major hard-core porn producers and distributors of prosecutable but less deviant material, the industry will continue to make billions exploiting women, addicting men, exposing children, destroying marriages and polluting the culture while laughing all the way to the bank.'

11-30-2004, 06:37 AM
this is it!

Attention everybody:
Please remove the pic of my dick from your hard drives IMMEDIATELLY!

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12-01-2004, 08:47 AM
Ofcourse MikeAI is comfortable with his vote. He has already made his money. :yowsa:

Good lookin out for the new class Mike. :bwave: :lol: