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10-31-2004, 12:58 PM
Introduction + Claim Free Thank you $$$…

Hello my name is Andy from www.mensniche.com we run a affiliate program for selling both herbal products and online guides, these different products both aim to help men and women advance themselves both physically and mentally. Best thing to do is check out the site and if you have any questions fire away :)

I have been browsing through the board for a while now but wanted to find the correct time to sign-up and introduce myself (which is now). Because of the great resource here I wanted to give something back… So we came up with this…

Any poster who signs-up to www.mensniche.com & email’s andy@mensniche.com your affiliate ID, will get credited into your account $99 instantly, our minimum payout is $100 so all you have to do is make 1 sale and your in the money.

Make 5 sales and get a MN bundle of goodies (t-shirts, toys, etc).

Any Questions?