View Full Version : SMS billing

10-21-2004, 11:30 AM
Guys, I though I'd start again.

We're integrating a lot of big programs, so make sure you get in quick while you can still 'bookmark' a couple of million of those mobile phone owners.

If you want some help in securing a chunk of this market, then ICQ me. If you just want to argue the relative merits of my tone, then knock yourselves out.

Newdom - ICQ 256033740

10-21-2004, 01:38 PM
ok, this is just dumb.

10-21-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by newdom@Oct 21 2004, 10:31 AM
Guys, I though I'd start again.

We're integrating a lot of big programs, so make sure you get in quick while you can still 'bookmark' a couple of million of those mobile phone owners.

If you want some help in securing a chunk of this market, then ICQ me. If you just want to argue the relative merits of my tone, then knock yourselves out.

Newdom - ICQ 256033740
Instead of arguing them....why dont you explain what your talking about?

This is the second message youve dropped out but I am confused how billing via SMS would work. Can you explain it for us simple guys in the US?

10-21-2004, 02:13 PM
Gonzo.. if i may ;)

SMS billing, in effect is a method of utilizing surfers with cell phones in order to efficiently bill for content access, whether that be MMS media files or paysite access.

In effect, the surfer text messages a pre-set number with a specfic 'code' and each day, the surfer is sent a new text message from the SMS carrier.

As long as the mobile user reads this text message each day, they get billed for and, can continue to receive access to the content.

I have an article on SMS / MMS billing on GWW which goes into a little more info here.. http://forums.gaywidewebmasters.com/showth...=&threadid=1911 (http://forums.gaywidewebmasters.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1911)

The main problem that faces SMS billing providers especially in the US is that for all intents and purposes, the US is still way behind the rest of the world with their cellphone technology.

In fact, 5 years ago i could order a weeks worth of groceries from my cell phone in the UK whilst this still hasnt been introduced fully in the US market.

Hell, even those cell phone cameras that have been all the hype recently in the US were being used globally at least 3-4 years prior to their launch in the US.

10-21-2004, 02:38 PM
Thanks Lee.

I was hoping thats what someone would say.

So how can SMS be viable for a US webmaster like myself?

10-21-2004, 03:02 PM
Right now IMHO for US surfers it really isnt a viable billing solution (and realistically wont be for another 5 years) however, if you have a lot of global traffic then that is where i would (and have) implement SMS / MMS / WAP billing solutions.

The only real downside to it is that a lot of cell phones are now 'pay as you go' and most of them have high SMS message charges to start off with so adding 'extra' fees to an SMS message may be counter productive in addition the fact that it is my understanding that the surfer actually has to read and/or reply to the SMS message.

But, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say ;)

10-22-2004, 04:34 AM
Thanks for asking Gonzo, Lee's got the bulk of it right, but maybe I can get the picture sharper...

It goes a little deeper than just reading the text message to ensure billing - we use a unique PIN architecture that the Customer must enter into a specific panel on our payment page that vaildates the entire transaction. Until he's verified, and we've received confirmation for the network that he's been billed, he ain't going nowhere! We've worked with people who just rely on customers reading the text, and they routinely lose up to $20,000 a month from fraud!

>> The main problem that faces SMS billing providers especially in the US is that for all intents and purposes, the US is still way behind the rest of the world with their cellphone technology.

With all due respect, this is a common myth. USA networks are now offering Premium SMS (anyone watch Pop/American Idol?). The technology is only very slightly leading in Europe (and again, a little further ahead in Asia), but the gap is narrowing on a monthly basis.

>> Right now IMHO for US surfers it really isnt a viable billing solution (and realistically wont be for another 5 years) however, if you have a lot of global traffic then that is where i would (and have) implement SMS / MMS / WAP billing solutions.

Again, with all due respect - this is a viable billing solution NOW (and will be early mainstream in more like 5 months than 5 years). Lee's right about offering it to all international traffic, which is why our payment system works like dialers - the Customer just pays from where he's located, we accrue all payments centrally and settle with you.

>>The only real downside to it is that a lot of cell phones are now 'pay as you go' and most of them have high SMS message charges to start off with so adding 'extra' fees to an SMS message may be counter productive in addition the fact that it is my understanding that the surfer actually has to read and/or reply to the SMS message.

The most explosive growth is among 'pay as you go' customer, who have regularly been identified as being the most consistent, and biggest buyers with SMS. We find Customers like the security and simplicity (and anonymity) of using their mobile. No big problems with the procedure of sending/receiving messages (after all, billions are sent every month, so it's not so much of a turn-off!)

>> But, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say


We offer free setup, no monthly charges, and no chargebacks. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to add the system (all you do is add a payment link, and we'll integrate to your server).

As always, I'm on ICQ 256033740

Best wishes to all

10-22-2004, 04:45 AM
It goes a little deeper than just reading the text message to ensure billing - we use a unique PIN architecture that the Customer must enter into a specific panel on our payment page that vaildates the entire transaction. Until he's verified, and we've received confirmation for the network that he's been billed, he ain't going nowhere! We've worked with people who just rely on customers reading the text, and they routinely lose up to $20,000 a month from fraud!

See to me, that would actually be a disadvantage of utilizing SMS billing on a paysite.

Thats putting at least 2 extra (un-needed) steps in the process. He gets sent an SMS message, has to write it down and go to your site then enter it into a 'panel' before he gets access.

With all due respect, this is a common myth. USA networks are now offering Premium SMS (anyone watch Pop/American Idol?). The technology is only very slightly leading in Europe (and again, a little further ahead in Asia), but the gap is narrowing on a monthly basis.

With all due respect to you, your beleif is wrong to a point. The technology may be on par [almost] with Europe and the Asia Pacific however, SMS / Text Messaging itself hasnt taken off in the US like it has in the two areas i previously mentioned.

Again, with all due respect - this is a viable billing solution NOW (and will be early mainstream in more like 5 months than 5 years). Lee's right about offering it to all international traffic, which is why our payment system works like dialers - the Customer just pays from where he's located, we accrue all payments centrally and settle with you.

That figure of 5 months before becoming a viable billing solution is way off-par. Even the mobile telcoms industry beleives that the US markets will be nowhere near as large as the EU market is for a minimum of 5 years and, as the technology is continually developed in the Asia Pacific Rim this market will definately continue to grow in the US specifically however, at a much slower pace than the rest of the world.

The most explosive growth is among 'pay as you go' customer, who have regularly been identified as being the most consistent, and biggest buyers with SMS. We find Customers like the security and simplicity (and anonymity) of using their mobile. No big problems with the procedure of sending/receiving messages (after all, billions are sent every month, so it's not so much of a turn-off!)

Nothing i can really say to back that up or not so ill have to beleive what you are saying based on your knowledge of your existing customer base :)

You might like to check out some of the EU tech / media agencies such as europemedia.net for some more up-to-date figures on the global telecom billing usage too :)

10-22-2004, 06:07 AM
Lee, you haven't seen our payment system. It's nothing like your illustration, and saving $20,000 a month could never be a disadvantage!

There's no sense in us getting locked into a 'my opinion/your opinion' argument - we can bill to mobile phones that number in their millions. Whatever the social phenomenon of texting, the guy has a billing system in his pocket - give him the opportunity to spend!

We work directly with all the major networks, as supplier, producer, aggregator and system deisgner - we are pretty knowledgable about how to make $$ from mobile.

Lee, we really should do some work together!

10-22-2004, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by newdom@Oct 22 2004, 02:08 AM
Whatever the social phenomenon of texting, the guy has a billing system in his pocket - give him the opportunity to spend!
I agree with you entirely Dom the problem is, buying a porn membership, especially with a cell phone, the social aspects do come into play.

Irrespective of whether you will successfully bill international or national surfers efficiently SMS / MMS and WAP billing solutions are definately going to be on the rise especially once Visa gets done with the industry.

I see no reason why that type of micro billing shouldnt be offered up to our surfers as an alternative :)

10-22-2004, 07:06 AM
:wnw: Lee, you're so on the money dude!