View Full Version : The Truth!?!

10-20-2004, 05:34 PM
Never forget! (http://kerrylied.com/otherdocs/flash.htm)


Mike AI
10-20-2004, 05:41 PM
I wish more information would be shown about Kerry's activity after he came back from Vietnam.

I have some friends who were in Vietnam and are pretty worked up over it.

10-20-2004, 05:52 PM
You can sleep soundly knowing you have all the info on Bush's Nam record at least. :)

10-20-2004, 06:08 PM
The truth is just an excuse for a lack of imgaination!!

10-20-2004, 10:33 PM

Mike AI
10-20-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Oct 20 2004, 09:34 PM

At least the cards won!!

10-21-2004, 11:57 AM
The Truth ?????

This is going to get me flamed to shit but what the hell.

We should not have been in Vietnam to begin with.
US soldiers DID maim, rape, and kill inocent civilians.
Villages were burnt to the ground.

Christ how do you think the "Big Red One" got the nick "baby killers" among the members of the Army.

Yes John Kerry came back from Vietnam and told the truth about what had happened there.

10-21-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by OldJeff@Oct 21 2004, 10:58 AM
The Truth ?????

This is going to get me flamed to shit but what the hell.

We should not have been in Vietnam to begin with.
US soldiers DID maim, rape, and kill inocent civilians.
Villages were burnt to the ground.

Christ how do you think the "Big Red One" got the nick "baby killers" among the members of the Army.

Yes John Kerry came back from Vietnam and told the truth about what had happened there.
IF that were true, kerry needs to be in prison with the rest for war crimes, not trying to be CIC

10-21-2004, 12:33 PM

You can't honestly believe that none of it happened ?

I am not saying it was everywhere, but it happened.

10-21-2004, 01:23 PM
jeff, since the first cave man went to battle against the next cave over bad things have happened in war. It's not a nice and pretty thing. BUT to paint a broad picture and say it was everywhere and everyone did it is insane. AND to take that info and report it like is was first person when in FACT it was hearsay at best was very wrong in my book and got people KILLED and TORTURED. What kerry did when he returned was treason in my humble opinion and it was done to advance HIS agenda and career. Not to mention the things he's done the last 20 or so years again to advance his career.

As a member of Vets for Bush I can tell you that 99% of the vets that "I" have spoken to HATE this guy and for very very good reasons.

I really wish the dems could have put up someone else to run, but they choose this guy for some crazy ass reason. <shakes head>

10-22-2004, 04:15 AM
Honest questions here Dan...

What kerry did when he returned was treason in my humble opinion and it was done to advance HIS agenda and career. Not to mention the things he's done the last 20 or so years again to advance his career.

How is it what Kerry did was so wrong yet what Bush did was any different? You were in the service, what is your opinion of someone who blows off showing up for duty for months to go work on a political campaign? Is that not a fine example of 'furthering his own career' and treason?

FWIW, I also wish we had better choices than Thing 1 and Thing 2 but we don't.

Mike AI
10-22-2004, 10:21 AM
War is hell, atrocities happen. What seperates the US from the rest of the world is that we hold our soldiers responsible, and it is not the policy from the top to wipe out civilians.

But lets be honest, you can clearly see the reason Kerry did what he did was for POLITICAL GAIN!!! Kerry was a political animal from the day he was born, every action he did was thought out how he can mazimize it to help his political future.

I have still yet to hear from Kerry what he was doing meeting our enemies in France during the war....

You could make the arguement Bush was a coward, but I would make the arguement that Kerry is a traitor.

10-22-2004, 05:17 PM
No Mike, I am not saying Bush is a coward. What I'm saying is he was doing the same damn thing as Kerry was... Looking out for his own political future. To cruicify Kerry and give Bush a pass for doing the same thing is hypocritical.

Mike AI
10-22-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by XXXPhoto@Oct 22 2004, 04:18 PM
No Mike, I am not saying Bush is a coward. What I'm saying is he was doing the same damn thing as Kerry was... Looking out for his own political future. To cruicify Kerry and give Bush a pass for doing the same thing is hypocritical.

I think you are wrong. Bush was hardly looking out for his political future - he was just looking to avoid the war. No one in the Bush family thought George would go into politics. He was the frat boy, party-harty goof-off of the family. They always had their hopes pinned on Jeb. W did nothing early in his life to lay down a framework for political office. This is one reason I like him.

I dislike people who plan each step of their life based on what will give them more political power. These are the people who are scary. Does not matter what party they are in, because they only care about power for sake of power.

Kerry is like this - He has never had a real job, he has always been on the gov't payroll.... Same thing with Clinton. The man never had a real job in his life....

I prefer my politicians to have had a life before politics, I want them to be doctors, or businessmen, minsiters, or whatever.... I think it is important for politicans to haev to operate in real world as a normal civilian. Professional politicians should be looked down upon!

10-22-2004, 07:53 PM
So because GW was able to fuck over the public through his failed business ventures, you feel he's a better canidate? Honestly Mike, do you think through these standards of judging a persons character or just use the "force" to guide you?

If you are so blind as to believe that Kerry is only looking out for Kerry and Saint GW isn't then it's my opinion you need more objectivity in your view of reality.

And going AWOL to help on a political campaign smells of political groundwork to me...