View Full Version : It really is a small world! Colin, JR ...

10-11-2004, 01:07 AM
I just got off the phone with this dude who works in the mainstream entertainment world here in australia ... it was just a quick call and will continue later but he wanted me to 'check out a site for later discussion'

He says "I have this site I have been looking at and I wanted to chat to you more about it ... from memory, the url is www.secretfriends.com"

cj laughs & says "Oh yes, I know it well, I have these feeds inside my paysites ... its run by a friend of mine in the states"

He says "Oh wow, ok, so I was thinking something like this is fairly straight forward to setup."

cj laughs again & says "Well, not exactly ... unless you've got 20 models, a location with a lot of bandwidth and a customized billing solution - and that's just the beginning"

long silence

He says "errrr.... ok, lets chat more this afternoon"

Bloody mainstreamers :rolleyes:

This guy has nothing to do with the adult industry & didn't know I did, so I thought that was a classic that he used that site as an example

You guys must be doing something right - what is it they say about imitation and flattery?! LOL

Almighty Colin
10-11-2004, 05:54 AM
Wow, cool. Like you said, completely flattered :-)

10-11-2004, 06:27 AM
:bdance: :bdance: :bdance:

ask him what his username and password is so Colin can add more chat time to his account.


10-11-2004, 09:29 AM
JR, I will ask him when I chat to him

thank you ;-)

We'll see what his intentions are first :awinky:

That was so funny when he started to say secret friends, he was reading the url off a page and i was typing it thinking 'no way' LOL

I'll fill you in after my next conversation ;-)

So anyway, I went there and I hadn't been there in a while
You have heaps of models now!! I think I only have about 27 male adult site members left these days :rolleyes: I found that unless you were prepared to throw all in on content development it wasn't worth the effort.

Are you guys noticing an increase or decline in your area of business overall? I would think you would be picking up lots of traffic as the competition drops off in your area?

Are you also shooting still or 'capture' content or short movies etc from the live sessions etc & offering that content for sale also?

Sorry for the 3rd degree, but i'm consolidating a few things & looking for shortcuts :biglaugh:

Almighty Colin
10-11-2004, 09:58 AM

There's plenty enough great competition in feeds. No end in sight there. Haven't noticed a drop off in the competition myself. I think we have many very impressive competitors.

"Captured video content" etc is on a VERY long list of future possibilities :-)

10-11-2004, 10:16 AM
congratulations guys...