View Full Version : Should She Win Or No

10-07-2004, 03:09 PM
Another piece of class from Cryami



Najeh Davenport is the gift that never stops giving. Najeh Davenport is being sued by Mary McCarthy. You may remember, (actually, how could anyone ever forget) that Davenport defecated in her laundry basket while she was a student at Barry University. She was sleeping in her dorm room when Najef sneaked into her room, crawled into her closet and grew a tail. McCarthy says she awoke to a strange sound and saw a man squatting in her closet. That would be Najeh. Criminal charges were settled in October of 2002, but now she is suing Najeh for emotional distress and invasion of privacy for his vile and disgusting act. She is seeking more than $15,000 in damages. Hell, I don’t even need to hear the rest of the case. Give her whatever the hell she wants.

Of course there is emotional distress. If you wake up early one morning and you see a fullback from the Green Bay Packers moving his bowels in your closet? Yeah, I think that qualifies as emotional distress. She could ask for $15 million and if I were on the jury I would give it to her. The suit contends Davenport’s behavior “was so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and, further, can only be deemed atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.” Hell, yes! To all of that. Atrocious? Yes! Beyond all possible bounds of decency? Yes! Extreme in degree? Yes!

And even 2 years after this went down, I still can’t quite figure out what Najeh was trying to accomplish with that disgusting act. Was he trying to impress her? Was he trying to scar her emotionally for life? Was he trying to ruin her laundry? What? I’m glad i don’t’ understand the thinking behind it. Because the day i start understanding that sick and twisted behavior is the day i get myself some help. You won’t go out with me? Then watch this! I take a dump in your laundry basket! Whaddya think of me now? Najeh should scratch the $15,000 check and be glad it isn’t ten times that much. Freak!

10-07-2004, 03:26 PM
When ya gotta go..

10-07-2004, 03:33 PM
A bear and a rabbit were walking through the woods and the bear had to stop to take a dump. Grunting and groaning the squating bear turned and ask the rabbit, "Do you ever have the problem of shit sticking to your fur?"

Offended at the suggestion the rabbit proudly exclaimed, "I do NOT!"

"Good" said the bear... and used the rabbit to whipe his ass clean.

10-07-2004, 05:05 PM
Finally a thread where I can say "I just don't give a shit!" :P