View Full Version : Mainstream Affiliate Networks Now Selling Porn

09-30-2004, 02:28 AM

Couldnt beleive it when i saw that.

Thats the first mainstream affiliate network ive seen be so.. err.. blatent about having actual 'porn sites' in their system :blink:

09-30-2004, 02:34 AM
holy shit.

09-30-2004, 03:16 AM
You might not be so surprised if you knew who owned darkblue.com :)

09-30-2004, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by Lisa@Sep 30 2004, 02:17 AM
You might not be so surprised if you knew who owned darkblue.com :)
Let me guess....Dean aka General?

:wnw: :nyanya: :wnw:

09-30-2004, 03:51 AM

some people understand a click is a click is a click ... & some people are just really fucking smart ;-)

which is why the general is where he is, and brad is managing sheep in the just blows farm :biglaugh:

09-30-2004, 04:20 AM
Lee ... and anyone else with sites for that matter ...

Being that you brought it up, I'm going to take the opportunity to spam it a little ;-)))

There's many levels you can be involved with it both mainstream and adult ... here's a summary

1) As an advertiser
Add your paysite to the affiliate network. There's a free and a paid version. Free version: All traffic coming in through DarkBlue affiliate links gets the site window, and a popunder featuring roar.com search results. The advertiser is paid % of earnings from the console revenue. Paid version: no popunder

2) Advertisers can sign up their own affiliates and run their own co-branded program using the system. Its good for mainstream sites where you want not only traffic but branding also.

I have been using it on RedHotGreetings.com for a year and a half ...

http://www.redhotgreetings.com/doc.php?d=webmasters - affiliate enters email address, gets sent verification code, goes to a darkblue page with redhotgreetings logo, logs in with redhotgreetings logo on first page etc.

It doesn't interfere with any other affiliate program you are running, you simply have to put a piece of code on your index page, and a piece of code on your join page, upload banners, and you're away.

RedHotGreetings has always been a play site for Xippy & I to do stuff we enjoy doing but in all the while its been sitting there, its built a really good database of members (and almost quarter of a million double opted in emails), just from doing a few little things like adding it to darkblue & a bit of google work.

Here's my statistics for this year so far:

(Updated 2 min(s) ago)
Today Yesterday This Week Last Week This Month Last Month Year To Date
Impressions 0 1,504 6,045 10,232 38,684 38,497 623,462
Clicks 0 130 472 820 3,295 3,440 27,555
Redirects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Affiliates - 19 22 28 28 32 38

3) As an affiliate
There's hundreds of mainstream sites listed in all kinds of niches, and also roar.com search boxes where you get paid a per click rate from a search results page. I put the roar box anywhere I couldn't be bothered customizing advertising - its good filler!!

I can answer some q's, but if you want to add some sites i'll get someone from DB here to help

I can strongly recommend giving it a try - even if I am biased :biglaugh:

09-30-2004, 12:36 PM
Too funny. I signed up with Dark Blue just three days ago.

Under "where did you hear about us" I had written in: "Dean" B)

10-01-2004, 02:11 AM
I tried to sign up with dark blue but they told me they did not have any affiliates to promote my clients products :(

10-01-2004, 03:38 AM
Juliansosa, what's your product/sites?

10-02-2004, 08:09 PM
Interesting. If all mainstream webmasters weren't such holy rollers they would make a ton more money.

But then again, I don't want them to catch on to the whole getting paid more than 25% for their traffic thing. <_<

10-03-2004, 10:55 PM
pornwolf, i'm sure they feel the same and don't want us pornographers to catch on that 5% can often equal more than 25% & that having a quarter of the pie doesn't mean dick if your pie keeps shrinking :awinky: