View Full Version : Ann Coulter is on FIRE!

Mike AI
09-23-2004, 01:25 AM

I believe we now have conclusive proof that:

(1) Dan Rather is not an honest newsman who was simply duped by extremely clever forgeries; and

(2) We could have won the Vietnam War.

A basic canon of journalism is not to place all your faith in a lunatic stuck on something that happened years ago who hates the target of your story and has been babbling nonsense about him for years. And that's true even if you yourself are a lunatic stuck on something that happened years ago (an on-air paddling from Bush 41) who hates the target of your own story and has been babbling nonsense about him for years, Dan.

Strongly Recommended!
Christian Jihad: Two Former Muslims Look at the Crusades...

Hillary's Secret War, Richard Poe

So Many Enemies, So Little Time, Elinor Burkett

By Ann Coulter
Treason: Hardcover | Audio
Slander: Paperback | Hardcover | Audio | Large Print
High Crimes: Paperback

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CBS' sole source authenticating the forged National Guard documents is Bill Burkett, who's about as sane as Margot Kidder was when they dragged her filthy, toothless butt out of somebody's shrubs a few years back. Burkett has compared Bush to Hitler and Napoleon, and rambles on about Bush's "demonic personality shortcomings." (This would put Burkett on roughly the same page as Al Gore.)

According to USA Today, an interview with Burkett ended when he "suffered a violent seizure and collapsed in his chair" – an exit strategy Dan Rather has been eyeing hungrily all week, I'm sure. Burkett admits to having nervous breakdowns and having been hospitalized for depression.

At a minimum, the viewing public should have been informed that CBS' sole "unimpeachable" source of the forged anti-Bush records was textbook crank Bill Burkett in order to evaluate the information. ("Oh no, not that guy again!") The public would know to use the same skeptical eye it uses to watch the "CBS Evening News With Dan Rather" itself.

Whoever forged these documents should not only be criminally prosecuted, but should also have his driver's license taken away for the stupidity of using Microsoft Word to forge 1971 documents.

And yet this was the evidence CBS relied on to accuse a sitting president of a court martial-level offense 50 days before a presidential election.

As of Sept. 20, Dan Rather says he still believes the documents are genuine and says he wants to be the one to break the story if the documents are fake. (Dan might want to attend to that story after his exclusive report on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.) Rather is also eagerly awaiting some other documents Burkett says he has that prove Bush is a brainwashed North Korean spy.

By now, the only possibilities are: (1) Dan Rather knew he was foisting forgeries on the nation to try to change a presidential election or (2) "Kenneth" inflicted some real brain damage when he hit Rather in the head back in 1986.

Liberals keep telling us to "move on" from the CBS scandal – which means we're really onto something. They act surprised and insist this incident was a freak occurrence – an unfortunate mistake in the twilight of a great newsman's career.

To the contrary, such an outrageous fraud was inevitable given the mendacity and outright partisanship of the press.

Burkett didn't come to CBS; CBS found Burkett. Rather's producer, Mary Mapes, called Joe Lockhart at the Kerry campaign and told him he needed to talk to Burkett. Lockhart himself is the apotheosis of the media-DNC complex, moving in and out of Democratic campaigns and jobs with the mainstream media, including at ABC, NBC and CNN.

CBS was attempting to manipulate a presidential election in wartime. What if CBS had used better forgeries? What if – like Bush's 30-year-old DUI charge – the media had waited 72 hours before the election to air this character assassination?

There is one reason CBS couldn't wait until just before the election to put these forgeries on the air: It would be too late. Kerry was crashing and burning – because of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. (Funny that the Swift Boat veterans haven't been able to get on Kerry PR agency CBS News.)

Despite a total blackout on the Swift Boat Veterans in the mainstream media, the Swifties had driven Kerry's poll numbers into the dirt long before the Republican National Convention – proving once again that it's almost impossible for liberals to brainwash people who can read.

Even the New York Times had to stop ignoring the No. 1 book on its own best-seller list, "Unfit for Command," in order to run front-page articles attacking the Swift Boat Veterans.

The "Today" show has given Kitty Kelley a chair next to Katie Couric until Election Day. (It's now Day Seven of Kelley's refusal to produce records concerning charges that she is in the final stages of syphilitic dementia.) At least they're more likely to get the truth in Kitty Kelley's book than in Doug Brinkley's "Tour of Duty." But Katie hasn't had time to interview the Swift Boat veterans.

CBS showcased laughable forgeries obtained from a man literally foaming at the mouth in order to accuse the president of malfeasance. But CBS would never put a single one of the 264 Vietnam veterans on the air to say what they knew about Kerry.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth show the role of the individual in history. It wasn't Republican strategists who finished Kerry off two months before the election; it was the American people. The Swift Boat veterans came along and kicked Kerry in the shins and no matter how much heat they took, they were brave and wouldn't give up. The veterans who served with Kerry told the truth and the American people listened (as soon as they managed to locate a copy of "Unfit for Command" hidden on one of the back shelves at their local bookstores).

CBS was forced to run a fake story so early in the campaign that it was exposed as a fraud – only because of the Swift Boat vets. These brave men, many of them decorated war heroes, have now not only won the election for Bush, they have ended Dan Rather's career.

It's often said that we never lost a battle in Vietnam, but that the war was lost at home by a seditious media demoralizing the American people. Ironically, the leader of that effort was Rather's predecessor at CBS News, Walter Cronkite, president of the Ho Chi Minh Admiration Society.

It was Cronkite who went on air and lied about the Tet offensive, claiming it was a defeat for the Americans. He told the American people the war was over and we had lost. Ronald Reagan said CBS News officials should have been tried for treason for those broadcasts.

CBS has already lost one war for America. The Swift Boat Vets weren't going to let CBS lose another one.

09-23-2004, 01:51 AM
err.....um - I "hope" yer trolling. :ph34r:

The Truth Hurts
09-23-2004, 02:03 AM
I want to fuck Ann Coulter.

Mike AI
09-23-2004, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by The Truth Hurts@Sep 23 2004, 01:04 AM
I want to fuck Ann Coulter.

Me too!!!

Aeon, I thought it was funny. She is a good writer, even if you don't agree with her she has flair. I do not know that much about the vietnam war honestly. I was not born then, and I never studied more then the basics in school. I have always read more about American Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War.

So I am not sure if Cronkite did what she claims. But I do know he is a raving mad-man now, I thought he was just senile now. I do know he had a lot of sway back in the day - most trusted man in America.

Hell Puppy
09-23-2004, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI+Sep 23 2004, 01:48 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mike AI @ Sep 23 2004, 01:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Truth Hurts@Sep 23 2004, 01:04 AM
I want to fuck Ann Coulter.

Me too!!!

Aeon, I thought it was funny. She is a good writer, even if you don't agree with her she has flair. I do not know that much about the vietnam war honestly. I was not born then, and I never studied more then the basics in school. I have always read more about American Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War.

So I am not sure if Cronkite did what she claims. But I do know he is a raving mad-man now, I thought he was just senile now. I do know he had a lot of sway back in the day - most trusted man in America. [/b][/quote]
I think I was having my diaper changed when it aired live if i was even born then. But based on what I remember reading, Cronkite's wording was that he pronounced the war "unwin-able" after the Tet offensive.

Plenty of journalists doing the same thing right now in regards to Iraq.

TV and real time war reporting along with the fact that most Americans obtain their views and opinions about the world from television quite frankly makes it tough to run a war. The average American has no clue about geopolitics and has no stomach for the harsh reality that people die in war.

Can you imagine if there had been live coverage of the carnage of D-Day during World War 2?

Or better still.... Let the average idiot on the street try to understand why we took 26,000 casualties including almost 7000 deaths over the course of 4 weeks just to take a tiny little island called Iwo Jima. They would be calling for the President's head.

09-23-2004, 03:47 AM
Hitler had the Jews, the American Right has the media - and Anne Coulter is Gobbels. She'd make a diehard John Bircher seem relatively pink by comparisson. If such a thing is possible, she is more truth-impaired than Rush Limbaugh.

Cronkite lost the war? Gimme a fucking break. If Cronkite did ANYTHING it was make it more "acceptable" for many Americans to say out loud what they'd been starting to think for a while - that Vietnam was another Korea, a clusterfuck we couldn't win. IF the Vietnam war was ever winnable - and that is a VERY big if - Johnson lost it by trying to sneak us into war 50,000 troops at a time. At it's very best, the government of South Vietnam was weaker than the current Iraqi Interim Government - and the Interim Iraqi government probably has more support in Sauder City than the South Vietnamese did in Saigon.

I will grant that she has a certain style, but unfortunately for me, her material is about as fresh as an "I Love Lucy" rererererererun. I've heard most of the offal she emits for most of my life - Phyllis Schaffly ought to look into plagarism charges against her.

I could definitely think of something to put in her mouth to shut her up - but I wouldn't piss on her if she WERE on fire.

09-23-2004, 04:07 AM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Sep 23 2004, 02:35 AM
I think I was having my diaper changed when it aired live if i was even born then. But based on what I remember reading, Cronkite's wording was that he pronounced the war "unwin-able" after the Tet offensive.

Plenty of journalists doing the same thing right now in regards to Iraq.

TV and real time war reporting along with the fact that most Americans obtain their views and opinions about the world from television quite frankly makes it tough to run a war. The average American has no clue about geopolitics and has no stomach for the harsh reality that people die in war.

Can you imagine if there had been live coverage of the carnage of D-Day during World War 2?

Or better still.... Let the average idiot on the street try to understand why we took 26,000 casualties including almost 7000 deaths over the course of 4 weeks just to take a tiny little island called Iwo Jima. They would be calling for the President's head.
Cronkite's editorial was in early (February, I think) 1968.

Cronkite didn't make his statement in a vacuum - long before the mainstream media began doing more than parrotting the Administration line, more and more people from all walks of life were questioning the war in Vietnam. Trying to compare Vietnam or Iraq to D-Day or Iwo Jima is way off base, btw ... WWII is unique in American history in that there was not substantial opposition to the war once it began. There were questions about the WMD, er, incident(s) in the Tonken Gulf almost from the time they happened, and the charges of being "unprovoked" were bigger lies than anything Bush has told so far (that we know about).

What Cronkite FINALLY said in public was what the real journalists in the field had been TELLING HIM for two years ... that the public was being lied to about Vietnam, the alleged progress we were making, etc. Journalists (television, radio, print) would return from the field to the 5-o'clock-follies (daily Pentagon briefing) and be completely unable to recognize operations they had just returned from - and the dispatches they sent to their organizations were routinely ignored and reformatted to fit the Administration line.

09-23-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 23 2004, 06:08 PM
What Cronkite FINALLY said in public was what the real journalists in the field had been TELLING HIM for two years ... that the public was being lied to about Vietnam.

LOL.. this was a funny thread to read...

At the end of the day, if your heroic assessment of Cronkite is close to correct, Coulters comparison of him with Rather would make it a falttering assessment really :P

The lady sure knows how to write an attack piece :)

Mike AI
09-23-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy+Sep 23 2004, 03:08 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PornoDoggy @ Sep 23 2004, 03:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Hell Puppy@Sep 23 2004, 02:35 AM
I think I was having my diaper changed when it aired live if i was even born then. But based on what I remember reading, Cronkite's wording was that he pronounced the war "unwin-able" after the Tet offensive.

Plenty of journalists doing the same thing right now in regards to Iraq.

TV and real time war reporting along with the fact that most Americans obtain their views and opinions about the world from television quite frankly makes it tough to run a war. The average American has no clue about geopolitics and has no stomach for the harsh reality that people die in war.

Can you imagine if there had been live coverage of the carnage of D-Day during World War 2?

Or better still.... Let the average idiot on the street try to understand why we took 26,000 casualties including almost 7000 deaths over the course of 4 weeks just to take a tiny little island called Iwo Jima. They would be calling for the President's head.
Cronkite's editorial was in early (February, I think) 1968.

Cronkite didn't make his statement in a vacuum - long before the mainstream media began doing more than parrotting the Administration line, more and more people from all walks of life were questioning the war in Vietnam. Trying to compare Vietnam or Iraq to D-Day or Iwo Jima is way off base, btw ... WWII is unique in American history in that there was not substantial opposition to the war once it began. There were questions about the WMD, er, incident(s) in the Tonken Gulf almost from the time they happened, and the charges of being "unprovoked" were bigger lies than anything Bush has told so far (that we know about).

What Cronkite FINALLY said in public was what the real journalists in the field had been TELLING HIM for two years ... that the public was being lied to about Vietnam, the alleged progress we were making, etc. Journalists (television, radio, print) would return from the field to the 5-o'clock-follies (daily Pentagon briefing) and be completely unable to recognize operations they had just returned from - and the dispatches they sent to their organizations were routinely ignored and reformatted to fit the Administration line. [/b][/quote]

I will take your word for it PD.

I read Dowd as well, if it makes you feel any better. I cannot stand her, but she does come up with some great one liners.

09-23-2004, 05:31 PM
I would like to fuvk ann coulter too, but it would be anal and deep for sure LOL with some metallica screaming in the background!!!!

Mike AI
09-23-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@Sep 23 2004, 04:32 PM
I would like to fuvk ann coulter too, but it would be anal and deep for sure LOL with some metallica screaming in the background!!!!

I bet she would love it too!!!

I bet she is a freak!!

09-23-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI+Sep 23 2004, 01:57 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mike AI @ Sep 23 2004, 01:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-JoesHO1@Sep 23 2004, 04:32 PM
I would like to fuvk ann coulter too, but it would be anal and deep for sure LOL with some metallica screaming in the background!!!!

I bet she would love it too!!!

I bet she is a freak!! [/b][/quote]
yeah, I she looks kinda freakish, she has a good body though I bet......

09-23-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Sep 22 2004, 09:26 PM

I believe we now have conclusive proof that:

(1) Dan Rather is not an honest newsman who was simply duped by extremely clever forgeries; and

(2) We could have won the Vietnam War.

A basic canon of journalism is not to place all your faith in a lunatic stuck on something that happened years ago who hates the target of your story and has been babbling nonsense about him for years. And that's true even if you yourself are a lunatic stuck on something that happened years ago (an on-air paddling from Bush 41) who hates the target of your own story and has been babbling nonsense about him for years, Dan.

Strongly Recommended!
Christian Jihad: Two Former Muslims Look at the Crusades...

Hillary's Secret War, Richard Poe

So Many Enemies, So Little Time, Elinor Burkett

By Ann Coulter
Treason: Hardcover | Audio
Slander: Paperback | Hardcover | Audio | Large Print
High Crimes: Paperback

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CBS' sole source authenticating the forged National Guard documents is Bill Burkett, who's about as sane as Margot Kidder was when they dragged her filthy, toothless butt out of somebody's shrubs a few years back. Burkett has compared Bush to Hitler and Napoleon, and rambles on about Bush's "demonic personality shortcomings." (This would put Burkett on roughly the same page as Al Gore.)

According to USA Today, an interview with Burkett ended when he "suffered a violent seizure and collapsed in his chair" – an exit strategy Dan Rather has been eyeing hungrily all week, I'm sure. Burkett admits to having nervous breakdowns and having been hospitalized for depression.

At a minimum, the viewing public should have been informed that CBS' sole "unimpeachable" source of the forged anti-Bush records was textbook crank Bill Burkett in order to evaluate the information. ("Oh no, not that guy again!") The public would know to use the same skeptical eye it uses to watch the "CBS Evening News With Dan Rather" itself.

Whoever forged these documents should not only be criminally prosecuted, but should also have his driver's license taken away for the stupidity of using Microsoft Word to forge 1971 documents.

And yet this was the evidence CBS relied on to accuse a sitting president of a court martial-level offense 50 days before a presidential election.

As of Sept. 20, Dan Rather says he still believes the documents are genuine and says he wants to be the one to break the story if the documents are fake. (Dan might want to attend to that story after his exclusive report on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.) Rather is also eagerly awaiting some other documents Burkett says he has that prove Bush is a brainwashed North Korean spy.

By now, the only possibilities are: (1) Dan Rather knew he was foisting forgeries on the nation to try to change a presidential election or (2) "Kenneth" inflicted some real brain damage when he hit Rather in the head back in 1986.

Liberals keep telling us to "move on" from the CBS scandal – which means we're really onto something. They act surprised and insist this incident was a freak occurrence – an unfortunate mistake in the twilight of a great newsman's career.

To the contrary, such an outrageous fraud was inevitable given the mendacity and outright partisanship of the press.

Burkett didn't come to CBS; CBS found Burkett. Rather's producer, Mary Mapes, called Joe Lockhart at the Kerry campaign and told him he needed to talk to Burkett. Lockhart himself is the apotheosis of the media-DNC complex, moving in and out of Democratic campaigns and jobs with the mainstream media, including at ABC, NBC and CNN.

CBS was attempting to manipulate a presidential election in wartime. What if CBS had used better forgeries? What if – like Bush's 30-year-old DUI charge – the media had waited 72 hours before the election to air this character assassination?

There is one reason CBS couldn't wait until just before the election to put these forgeries on the air: It would be too late. Kerry was crashing and burning – because of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. (Funny that the Swift Boat veterans haven't been able to get on Kerry PR agency CBS News.)

Despite a total blackout on the Swift Boat Veterans in the mainstream media, the Swifties had driven Kerry's poll numbers into the dirt long before the Republican National Convention – proving once again that it's almost impossible for liberals to brainwash people who can read.

Even the New York Times had to stop ignoring the No. 1 book on its own best-seller list, "Unfit for Command," in order to run front-page articles attacking the Swift Boat Veterans.

The "Today" show has given Kitty Kelley a chair next to Katie Couric until Election Day. (It's now Day Seven of Kelley's refusal to produce records concerning charges that she is in the final stages of syphilitic dementia.) At least they're more likely to get the truth in Kitty Kelley's book than in Doug Brinkley's "Tour of Duty." But Katie hasn't had time to interview the Swift Boat veterans.

CBS showcased laughable forgeries obtained from a man literally foaming at the mouth in order to accuse the president of malfeasance. But CBS would never put a single one of the 264 Vietnam veterans on the air to say what they knew about Kerry.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth show the role of the individual in history. It wasn't Republican strategists who finished Kerry off two months before the election; it was the American people. The Swift Boat veterans came along and kicked Kerry in the shins and no matter how much heat they took, they were brave and wouldn't give up. The veterans who served with Kerry told the truth and the American people listened (as soon as they managed to locate a copy of "Unfit for Command" hidden on one of the back shelves at their local bookstores).

CBS was forced to run a fake story so early in the campaign that it was exposed as a fraud – only because of the Swift Boat vets. These brave men, many of them decorated war heroes, have now not only won the election for Bush, they have ended Dan Rather's career.

It's often said that we never lost a battle in Vietnam, but that the war was lost at home by a seditious media demoralizing the American people. Ironically, the leader of that effort was Rather's predecessor at CBS News, Walter Cronkite, president of the Ho Chi Minh Admiration Society.

It was Cronkite who went on air and lied about the Tet offensive, claiming it was a defeat for the Americans. He told the American people the war was over and we had lost. Ronald Reagan said CBS News officials should have been tried for treason for those broadcasts.

CBS has already lost one war for America. The Swift Boat Vets weren't going to let CBS lose another one.
oh damn, i was all excited ith the prospect of someone setting that knee jerk conservative no brain on fire. oh well

09-23-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI+Sep 22 2004, 10:48 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mike AI @ Sep 22 2004, 10:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Truth Hurts@Sep 23 2004, 01:04 AM
I want to fuck Ann Coulter.

Me too!!!

Aeon, I thought it was funny. She is a good writer, even if you don't agree with her she has flair. I do not know that much about the vietnam war honestly. I was not born then, and I never studied more then the basics in school. I have always read more about American Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War.

So I am not sure if Cronkite did what she claims. But I do know he is a raving mad-man now, I thought he was just senile now. I do know he had a lot of sway back in the day - most trusted man in America. [/b][/quote]
only if itll shut her up for a few minutes:)

09-23-2004, 08:09 PM
1) who the hell cares. people like add coulter spend so much time bashing the media, which we already know cant be trusted, both sides. Sean Hannity is just as bad as dan rather. Dan Rather is a loon.

2) this is about as lame as the swiftboat deal, when it comes to influencing an election. Its what have you done for me lately kids, and Bush has made a travesty out of his administration. Admit it, things are not better than 4 years ago. Now if this is "the beginning" and the best is yet to come, and we are at a turning point or some other deal, then OK, even a liberal like me can see that change takes time. Or it could be just a giant fuckup at the nations expense. who knows?

3) the back and forth sandbox behavior of the left and the right and the right left and the left right and the rightright and the leftleft has made the entire democratic process in this country something to be looked at with shame. We are not a republic, or even a democracy. We have dug ourselves into such a hole that the fundamental guaranteed right we have as americans, the right to vote, may be cast away in protest by millions more than in years past. Burn your voters registration card or choose between the lesser of two evils. What a choice. God Bless America

09-23-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 22 2004, 11:48 PM
I will grant that she has a certain style, but unfortunately for me, her material is about as fresh as an "I Love Lucy" rererererererun.
There's no reason in denying it now. You're gay. Lucille Ball was hot.

09-23-2004, 08:52 PM
Lucille Ball in the 40s was very hot - I recall taking a film class in high school & seeing at least one movie with her in it before she hooked up with Desi.

Lucille Ball in the 50s was still attractive, and the show was hilarious ... the first two dozen times you've seen them. Some episodes, like the chocolate factory, NEVER lose their appeal or their humor. Most of them, however, weren't up to that standard.

09-23-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 23 2004, 04:53 PM
Lucille Ball in the 40s was very hot - I recall taking a film class in high school & seeing at least one movie with her in it before she hooked up with Desi.

Lucille Ball in the 50s was still attractive, and the show was hilarious ... the first two dozen times you've seen them. Some episodes, like the chocolate factory, NEVER lose their appeal or their humor. Most of them, however, weren't up to that standard.
That cuban bastard fucked everything up - He's the television version of castro...Lucy was up there with Monroe, Grable, etc.,.

All her shit after the "I love lucy" went to hell...but still - Lucy encrusted millions of happy socks - even with the reruns.

I would, at least temporarily, forget all your hippy liberal delusions if you could find that flick and share with the group.

Mike AI
09-23-2004, 11:36 PM
I must be too young, I only saw Lucy - she was a comedic genuis....

Of course I like Carol Burnett - at least as a comedian!

09-24-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by aeon@Sep 23 2004, 08:01 PM
That cuban bastard fucked everything up - He's the television version of castro...Lucy was up there with Monroe, Grable, etc.,.

All her shit after the "I love lucy" went to hell...but still - Lucy encrusted millions of happy socks - even with the reruns.

I would, at least temporarily, forget all your hippy liberal delusions if you could find that flick and share with the group.
High school was a long time ago ... but a quick Google makes me think it might be Stage Door from 1937 with Katharine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers. Also made me realize/remember she started in the 30s, not the 40s.

The Lucy Show (which was the 60s version) was still funny, but (since she wasn't really doing anything more than rehashing her I Love Lucy material) not nearly as good as the original.

09-24-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy+Sep 23 2004, 08:09 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PornoDoggy @ Sep 23 2004, 08:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-aeon@Sep 23 2004, 08:01 PM
That cuban bastard fucked everything up - He's the television version of castro...Lucy was up there with Monroe, Grable, etc.,.

All her shit after the "I love lucy" went to hell...but still - Lucy encrusted millions of happy socks - even with the reruns.

I would, at least temporarily, forget all your hippy liberal delusions if you could find that flick and share with the group.
High school was a long time ago ... but a quick Google makes me think it might be Stage Door from 1937 with Katharine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers. Also made me realize/remember she started in the 30s, not the 40s.

The Lucy Show (which was the 60s version) was still funny, but (since she wasn't really doing anything more than rehashing her I Love Lucy material) not nearly as good as the original.[/b][/quote]
Danke - with hepburn & rogers this is gonna be a pinup model era masturbatory dream.