View Full Version : Cleo, this one is for you ;-)

09-19-2004, 04:17 PM
Top Ten Reasons Hurricane Season is Like Christmas

10. Decorating the house (boarding up windows)
9. Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season
(camping gear, flashlights)
8. Last minute shopping in crowded stores
7. Regular TV shows pre-empted for "specials"
6. Family coming to stay with you
5. Family and friends from out-of-state calling
4. Buying food you don't normally buy ... and in large quantities
3. Days off from work
2. Candles
And the number one reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas ...
......... At some point you know you're going to have a tree in your house

09-19-2004, 05:30 PM
And just like after Christmas I can't seem to get rid of the dead nasty tree.

09-19-2004, 07:06 PM
Good one Serge :lol:

09-20-2004, 10:46 AM
Cleo, how did parrot survive the hurricane?

09-20-2004, 11:17 AM
He is doing great but is now shaven.

Actually he was in the house with me chasing my cats around during the hurricane. I've been bringing him a lot this year. He has finally calmed down and has gotten very friendly to anyone that isn't blonde. It will be nice once I've gotten rid of the carpets and tiled everything so that I don't have to worry about him making a mess. He attacked Valentina when she was in town a few months ago so he still hates blondes and I guess always will.

09-20-2004, 11:26 AM
smart bird!
is he still barks at airplanes passin by?

09-20-2004, 12:51 PM
I've never heard him barking at planes. Maybe he was just barking at you. I don't think he likes men much either, especially Russian ones.

He loves Luna and if she sings to him in Portuguese he dances.

Not sure how he feels about my tranny neighbor as she never makes it out of her house but he does seem to be enjoying all the new toys that I've been buying him with tranny money.