View Full Version : Poll: Voters Uneasy About Kerry in Crisis

09-18-2004, 07:47 PM
WASHINGTON - Voters are uneasy about Democrat John Kerry's ability to handle an international crisis and want to learn more about his plans for the future, a new poll found.

Bush led Kerry 50 percent to 41 percent while independent Ralph Nader (news - web sites) had 3 percent in the CBS News-New York Times poll of registered voters released Friday night.

Polls in the last week have ranged from a close presidential race to a 14-point Bush advantage. But the CBS-Times poll indicated weaknesses in Kerry's candidacy that could threaten his chances in the November election.

The poll found that voters are uneasy about his abilities in an international crisis by 60 percent to 32 percent. And a majority say Kerry is spending too much time talking about the past and think he's spending more time attacking Bush than explaining what he would do.

The poll reflected the views of 1,088 registered voters interviewed Sept. 12-16 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...ampaign_poll_14 (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040918/ap_on_el_pr/campaign_poll_14)

Will this wake up the Democrates or will they continue the same practices as the Michael Moores of the world?

Amazing how bad they are playing their cards - its almost like they want to loose... Canīt blame them, Iraq will be a mess for atleast a few years, economy will probably also suffer for some time, terrorist will strike again etc... democrate leaders would probably rather be sitting in the country club in the next 4 years, than in the whitehouse - there are too many potential problems, and they know they got a leadership problem... :unsure:

Mike AI
09-19-2004, 02:07 AM
AMEN. If they could not find someone to pound Bush, it shows how out of touch the party is. They have not had a decent national candidate besides Clinton. JFK before that, but by todays standards JFK would be considered "conservative".

09-19-2004, 02:49 AM
This is such a bizarre time in US politics. If it was Clinton against Bush Jr right now, it would not even be a choice because he would be picking Bush apart on every single issue... and the polls would not even register Bush. The dems in my opinion have been quite lost during this presidency and have dropped the ball every step of the way. It's really a pity, I personally hope that Bush does not get elected again.

09-19-2004, 01:55 PM
JR, it is the biggest problem of "best average man" politics: There are few (if any) really good candidates out there. The ones with slightly more extreme opinions on ANY major subject are summarily tossed out and ignored. So you end up with average republican versus average democrat, the public split about down the middle, and everything being as average as all get out.

Not guts, not glory... just average.
