View Full Version : Professed Libertarians

09-15-2004, 07:50 AM
A LOT of people here have professed quite proudly they are libertarian, and the online "political party pickers" have backed that statement up.

My question is HOW can anyone that has libertarian beliefs support a man / platform that is directly opposed to what you profess you believe ?

My guess is you are really "closet republicans".

2nd Amendment aside, is there a single issue that Bush shares a view with a Libertarian ?

09-15-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by OldJeff@Sep 15 2004, 03:51 AM

My guess is you are really "closet republicans".

i have thought about this a lot. i have seen a lot of people that are a little right of center claim to be "libertarian". i cannot recall anyone that was a little left of center claim to be "libertarian"

its just an alternative label for those who don't want to be labeled "republican" or "democrat" in my opinion.

09-15-2004, 08:15 AM
I find myself agreeing with about 90% of the libertarian platform.

And for everyone that ever said - no political party will align themselves with pornography, the libertarians have and they specifically say so


09-15-2004, 08:30 AM
Bush or Kerry... you mean one of them is better than the other? :blink:

I know what Bush stands for... Kerry supporters remind me all the time about Bush, however I know little about Kerry, since he and his supporters uses most of their time talking about Bush.

But I gave up years ago finding someone I agree with in politics... my vote is more tactical than political :awinky:

09-15-2004, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by OldJeff@Sep 15 2004, 05:51 AM
A LOT of people here have professed quite proudly they are libertarian, and the online "political party pickers" have backed that statement up.

My question is HOW can anyone that has libertarian beliefs support a man / platform that is directly opposed to what you profess you believe ?

My guess is you are really "closet republicans".

2nd Amendment aside, is there a single issue that Bush shares a view with a Libertarian ?
What libertarians are supporting Bush? And by the way, Bush supported renewing the assault weapon ban, so he's not on the same side as libertarians on that issue either.

I don't support Bush. I support no one voting.

Diamond Jim
09-15-2004, 03:10 PM
I think many of us that agree with the Libertarian philosophy realize it's a pipe-dream in today's America, so we just don't care anymore...as far as a Libertarian is concerned, there is no difference between Bush or Kerry...so who cares? :ph34r:

09-15-2004, 03:24 PM
I am one of those that you mentioned. I consider myself and Economic Republican and a Social Democrat. It just so happens that when it comes down to it the things that end up being the most important to me are the Economic issues (non-socialistic issues). Of course this changes from time to time. For example, a year or so ago when every other word from Bush's mouth was "God." That was some scary shit and wanted to vote for Kerry. He has chilled out on that a little.