View Full Version : HostedGalleryCash.com Launches!

09-13-2004, 10:39 PM
Announcing Hosted Gallery Cash!

Hosted Gallery Cash (http://www.hostedgallerycash.com) is built for nothing more then a time saving tool for any adult webmaster. Simply put, you get 100% credit for all links on our sites with your affiliate codes automatically inserted into all links. If you are going to send out traffic from your sites, you should make money off of it!! Think traffic trade (but you don't have to use our traffic trade, if you don't want to) but you get all the links on the site you send traffic to.

Hosted Gallery Cash is made up of TGP sites (with more being developed as this is written). A webmaster sends traffic to these sites and gets 100% of all links on the sites with his own affiliate codes inserted. We take nothing...zilch. Too good to be true? Nope...keep reading and we will be honest about how we plan to make money on this program.

Here are two links to show you how ID's change on the pages to show how the this works.


Now, if you click on this ..http://www.dailyhoes.com/index.php ...you will see the affiliate codes used are from the first link because a cookie was set (if you allow cookies and haven't visited this site before from a previous link) from the first person that sent traffic to the site (explained more on http://www.hostedgalleriescash.com).

Benefits for you:
1. No traffic shaves, you get all the traffic... unless you are participating in the traffic trading where as you will give traffic to other webmasters and get traffic back based on hits and productivity.
2. No hosting needed since we take care of that.
3. You get all bookmarked traffic that you send....even type ins if they return later (uses cookies)
4. Only one ID to use on all of our sites.
5. Option to automatically trade traffic with other webmasters who choose the trade option.
6. Sites are updated with thumbnails many times daily.
7. We will be adding more TGP's as often as possible along with great tools for your own TGP's or sites.
8. We want you to make money as easily as possible and will work hard in helping you achieve that with our program.

How we get our cut of the money - 100% Truthful and to the point:
1. Since we use multiple sponsors odds are that you haven't signed up with all of them yet so we would like you to sign up through our site so we can get the referral credit.
2. Some webmasters may not want to or could possibly forget to input their affiliate I.D.s and it defaults to our code in that case (be sure to come back and enter all of your codes). We don't want this to happen and will remind people to enter all codes.
3. If a surfer clears their cookies and returns to the site via type in then our codes will be displayed (will very rarely happen).
4. If surfers have cookies disabled and return via type in our codes are used.
5. We will be offering advertising packages to sponsors as the site grows (still using your affiliate ID's in the ad spots).
6. Data mining across many domains to see what surfers want, click the most, etc... This is important information that can be used in future projects.

Signup here - http://www.hostedgallerycash.com

Please feel free to ask any questions here, ICQ, or e-mail. We honestly have nothing to hide and will readily answer all questions.

And lastly...a huge thank you to the Pure Cash team for all their help in getting this launched and their great professionalism.

Mike AI
09-14-2004, 02:48 AM
Malakajoe - we look forward to making a lot of money together!!!

09-14-2004, 10:59 AM

It will be a pleasure doing business with you!
