View Full Version : JoinRightNow/Webmaster Tour - WYPD - Mexico - 2004

09-13-2004, 04:26 PM
Thanks to Ynot Bob, LAJay, all the webmasters that attended and all the sponsors at www.wypd.com (http://www.wypd.com) it was one of the best industry events we attended.

Click on the Thumb below to view the pictures !

http://www.webmastertour.com/pictures/wypd_mexico//thumb.jpg (http://www.webmastertour.com/pictures.html)

Which also reminds me I still have to put up the PureCash TJ whore house tour pictures I took when we where in San Diego for CyberNet Expo !

09-13-2004, 08:50 PM
can't wait to see the video man, where in the world you going next? us earthbound folk need to live vicariously. get some!