View Full Version : Email Categorized by State

09-10-2004, 11:49 AM
Anyone know someone who offers email broken down by state?

Also looking for any scripts or win programs that can do it if anyone knows.

Thanks in advance. :)

Almighty Colin
09-10-2004, 12:54 PM

Sorry, that's all I have.

09-10-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Anthony@Sep 10 2004, 10:50 AM
Anyone know someone who offers email broken down by state?

Also looking for any scripts or win programs that can do it if anyone knows.

Thanks in advance. :)
hmm.. That would be a bitch to put together since there really is no controlling authority to look at.

I know that my home isp (swbell) has me through a server out of Houston or Dallas (as most of swbell and sbcglobal are). If you could create a record of the various IP blocks for U.S. addresses (not sure where you would go to even grab that much because it is in constant flux) that might get you to what state the server is in but with most isp using dynamic ip schemes across multiple states, I don't think you would get further than that.

Now, you could grab a list of known street addresses that are associated with email addresses and possibly compile a "best guess" type of thing, but you are still going to have a problem with accuracy.

edited in:

Unless of course I misread this whole thing and you simply meant an email list that had state info associated with the email address. I know that these are available for mainstream stuff through various list processors but I don't know if anyone is providing this type for adult.

09-10-2004, 02:14 PM
Thanks Sarettah, doing research, I've run into what you just posted.

Interesting stuff. :)

09-10-2004, 02:29 PM
Are you asking for software that identifies by state (that is, does an anlysis or has a list of IPs or something?) Or a list that has been collected?

Not sure if the first is possible; I'm sure folks have collected addresses by state and might have those to offer ... somewhere out there.

09-10-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Sep 10 2004, 10:30 AM
Are you asking for software that identifies by state (that is, does an anlysis or has a list of IPs or something?) Or a list that has been collected?

Not sure if the first is possible; I'm sure folks have collected addresses by state and might have those to offer ... somewhere out there.
Yah I agree. EZGreen came into mind.

Soon as I fired them off an email, it hit me.

DOH! I just gave them a working email addy. J/k!


09-10-2004, 03:50 PM

Is this for adult or mainstream ?

If it is for mainstream, I know lots of list providers that do email appends and that sort of stuff. You provide the names and addresses and they can usually give you 25-35% of the files email addresses and provide a real opt-in. Hell I even know one that has an email Change of address service. The way we have done email campaigns in the past is:

1. purchase our demographic list (usually selection for certain geocode and within that a gender/income/children in household selection.

2. we standardize the list and run it against the NCOA database to pick up any new movers that have occurred since the list was originally created.

3. produce a file of ALL addresses (old on one record, duplicate record with new address where we found a move)

4. send the list out for an email append. Email info provider does a match against all names and addresses, then runs a dedupe on email addys. They then send an email opt-in message to them and they collect the opt-ins for us. It takes a week or so but like I say, they can usually give us around a 30% match rate and those addresses are usually pretty accurate.

5. we bring in the names and do our email campaign :)

09-10-2004, 04:13 PM

It's for non adult. Who does adult anymore? :)

Very nice way to launder the emails, for lack of a better term.

What is cost on this?

09-10-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Anthony@Sep 10 2004, 03:14 PM

It's for non adult. Who does adult anymore? :)

Very nice way to launder the emails, for lack of a better term.

What is cost on this?
Depend on who you get the list from etc.

we usually get our new mover lists for about a dime a name. Then the NCOA process runs me a dollar or so per thousand with a minimum of 100 bucks, so I can run about 80k-100 names through NCOA for 100 bucks. Then the email append price I am not sure of because we use several different vendors and I haven't seen the bills (all our costs get passed to the client so I don't always see how much something costs)

But, I know all the list processors are more then willing to give a custom quote on all lists and services. as always, the bigger the job the lower the per name price.

http://www.accudata-america.com is a pretty good provider (out of Cape Coral, FL) although I have not dealt with them much (account service takes care of most of the provider selection)

http://www.anchorcomputer.com is right now one of my major providers for hygiene and NCOA processing but I don't think we have used them for an email append yet.

09-12-2004, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Anthony@Sep 10 2004, 05:14 PM
It's for non adult.
Try Jonathan Lieberman over at FocalEx. Think he still runs it.

09-12-2004, 03:21 PM
I know that Listmate and Elist Pro both have a feature for removing california,virgina,washington etc ISP's but those are the only ones I believe. sorry bro.

09-13-2004, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by digihax@Sep 12 2004, 11:22 AM
I know that Listmate and Elist Pro both have a feature for removing california,virgina,washington etc ISP's but those are the only ones I believe. sorry bro.
Not what I asked, but thanks.

How's that new Ibill list working for you?