View Full Version : Which is more Important

09-09-2004, 06:42 PM
No Brainer - the NFL
without it there is no Pick 'Em contest ,
much less 20, yes count them 20 glorious weeks of tailgating,
watching your favorite team struggle to come from behind

Oh the NFL


Almighty Colin
09-09-2004, 06:56 PM
3 way tie for me but my emotional answer is the NFL.

09-09-2004, 08:08 PM
I've gotta go with buying shoes.

09-10-2004, 11:09 AM
Can't believe the tie right now :blink:

09-10-2004, 11:48 AM
you left the MOST important thing off that poll.................BAMA football!

ROLL TIDE! :rokk:

09-10-2004, 12:58 PM
i voted NFL
but as dan can tell you
College Footbal rocks
so many teams
the bands, the crowds
no liquor
the rivalries
the diffrent offenses
kids playing cuz they love the game

09-10-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Meni@Sep 10 2004, 11:59 AM
i voted NFL
but as dan can tell you
College Footbal rocks
so many teams
the bands, the crowds
no liquor
the rivalries
the diffrent offenses
kids playing cuz they love the game




09-10-2004, 01:47 PM
sorry, my answer is none of the above...
I'm loving the pennant races in baseball this year...watching the mighty Yanks grow shaky as the RedSox gear up and kick some ass...watching the Atlanta Braves go from a team that even the most adament Braves fan would admit that they would be lucky to play .500 ball take off for their 13th consecutive division title....watching Bonds chase the 700 home run mark and the all time record for walks in a season because everyone is afraid to pitch to him....watching the absolutely terrible Tigers gain a little respectibility and outperforming way beyond expectations...watching Ichiro Suzuki chase George Sissler's single season hits record despite being on a team that has one of the worst records in baseball...also gotta love that young Cleveland team that doesn't understand they aren't supposed to be playing a good as they are this year...

the poetic side of me just loves the game of baseball and despite Bud Selig raping he shit out of the game and fucking the Montreal fans...I just can't bring myself to hate the game that is one big chess match....a game that's not meant for the short attention span crowd...the poetry in motion of Andruw Jones diving to rob yet another hitter of a basehit...watching Jim Edmonds defy gravity and get to balls no one else can and making it look easy...watching the amazing stroke of Barry Bonds...I have a passion for this game many will never understand...depite getting kicked in the teeth by labor strains and watching billionaire owners haggle with millionaire players...I just love this fucking game...

09-10-2004, 02:02 PM
Sykk - this is one you and I disagree on
I find Baseball boring, ignorant and a sissy sport
Yes a sissy sport, it largely depends on reflexes and timing (Formula 1 Drivers may have better reflexes than any baseball player)

and what makes it a sissy sport .......
the Bean Ball in the American League!!!

I've seen Mike Deveraux (sp) beaned in the face (yes in the face) with a 90 MPH fastball in his 3rd at bat after hitting a homer and triple
American League game, the pitcher than beaned him doesn't bat - that is weak, bad form and pussy

Personally FUCK BASEBALL, it's not the game we grew up on
I personally root for the day the league collapses

Baseball Players Athletes - hardly
John Krux (sp)
(whom I personally admire)

09-10-2004, 02:25 PM
We all know how Nick voted. :rolleyes:

09-10-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Sep 10 2004, 01:03 PM
Sykk - this is one you and I disagree on
I find Baseball boring, ignorant and a sissy sport
Yes a sissy sport, it largely depends on reflexes and timing (Formula 1 Drivers may have better reflexes than any baseball player)

and what makes it a sissy sport .......
the Bean Ball in the American League!!!

I've seen Mike Deveraux (sp) beaned in the face (yes in the face) with a 90 MPH fastball in his 3rd at bat after hitting a homer and triple
American League game, the pitcher than beaned him doesn't bat - that is weak, bad form and pussy

Personally FUCK BASEBALL, it's not the game we grew up on
I personally root for the day the league collapses

Baseball Players Athletes - hardly
John Krux (sp)
(whom I personally admire)
sorry to hear about your short attention span ;-)

baseball was never meant to be a brute sport...it's a finesses sport...it's a big chess game...

I agree, there has been some pussificiation with whining about inside pitches, hard slides, etc.

Baseball is exactly the game I grew up on...you're telling me that pitchers like Greg Maddux, Randy Johnson, Barry Bonds, etc. aren't athletes? These guys plays their asses off all the time...sure Barry bonds is an asshole, but he's still the best damn player in the game...just because he's not being tackled by a 300 pound fatfuck with a 4 word vocabulary, doesn't mean it's any less athletic. Stop reading all of the negative headlines about malcontents like Kevin Brown and look at some of these young kids coming up who love the game and what's wrong with them actually making money at a game they love? Look at this group of youngsters on the Clevelnad Indians who just happen to be 3rd in runs scored in all of baseball. Look at the Florida Marlins last year. A bunch of guys having fun and playing their asses off.

..and I just happen to find this pennant race (especially the NL wildcard, now that the Astros have come out of nowhere to lead the wildcard race) the most exciting thing of the year and I'll never reach that level of excitement for a football game unless I have money on it ;-))

Carlin had a great bit about Football and Baseball...football is rough, tough, mean and aggressive....baseball is more laid back and intellectual...I'll have to find the transcript somewhere....

09-10-2004, 02:42 PM
No problem with inside pitches and beanballs
Part of the game

It's when you can't throw back at the offending pitchers when they bat I find bad form

and try as much as you want, you'll never change my opinion of baseball

a sad slow boring excuse for a sport like past time while we wait for the next season of the real sport

the NFL! :awinky:

Mike AI
09-10-2004, 02:48 PM



I need a new pair of Nikes!

09-12-2004, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by SykkBoy@Sep 10 2004, 03:36 PM
sorry to hear about your short attention span ;-)
Huh? You say something?