View Full Version : Bush National Guard Shit to hit the fan....

09-08-2004, 12:18 AM

President Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, the BOSTON GLOBE is planning to front on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.

The 1,500 word expose on Bush's records comes just hours ahead of an exclusive CBSNEWS interview set to air Wednesday night with a man who secured for the 22-year-old Yale graduate Bush a coveted place in the Guard -- a man who now claims he regrets helping Bush.

The GLOBE claims: "Twice during his Guard service - first when he joined in May 1968, and again before he transferred out of his unit in mid-1973 to attend Harvard Business School - Bush signed documents pledging to meet training commitments or face a punitive call-up to active duty.

"He didn't meet the commitments, or face the punishment, the records show."

After laying dormant for most of the summer, big media picks up where it left off on the Bush national guard issue in a post-Labor Day filing frenzy.

In the next hours and days, the ASSOCIATED PRESS, CBSNEWS, BOSTON GLOBE and NBCNEWS [who will host Bush author Kitty Kelley on Monday] will revisit Bush National Guard.

The upcoming reexamination of Bush's records by the GLOBE show that Bush's attendance at required training drills "was so irregular that his superiors could have disciplined him or ordered him to active duty in 1972, 1973, or 1974. But they did neither. In fact, Bush's unit certified in late 1973 that his service had been "satisfactory" - just four months after Bush's commanding officer wrote that Bush had not been seen at his unit for the previous 12 months."

09-08-2004, 01:35 AM
Those are all just lies from evil-doers.

BTW - whoever's running the oprano spam machine needs to fix the fucker. Cool contest and all but I've gotten 5 natnet pickem' mails. The first two got the point across.

09-08-2004, 04:28 AM
Is that a new Kitty Kelley book on Bush ? Dubya I assume?

Mike AI
09-08-2004, 11:46 AM
Thing is, once a man becomes President - pretty much anything he has done in the past will not effect him in a campaign for re-election.

Incumbant President's are judged by their 4 years in office, and what he will do the next 4 years.

It is the challenger who is most effected by old dirty laundry, since he is running for most powerful office in the world. Bush went through same stuff 4 years ago. Clinton before him, his dad before that.

This old news won't hurt Bush.

09-08-2004, 11:59 AM
there's 100 other reason to want bush gone
the only people people who like bush are the rich who fear losing some
and religious freaks
Mike if you didn't have a pot to piss in
you wouldn't be kissing bush's ass

09-08-2004, 12:27 PM
I'm no where near rich, unless you count friends :)

Mike AI
09-08-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Meni@Sep 8 2004, 11:00 AM
there's 100 other reason to want bush gone
the only people people who like bush are the rich who fear losing some
and religious freaks
Mike if you didn't have a pot to piss in
you wouldn't be kissing bush's ass

Meni you are wrong. Even if I was broke, which I was up until 1998, I would still vote for Bush.

If Bush said he was going to raise my taxs 20%, I would still vote for the man.

I am not sure how I can get this through your head - I support Bush BECAUSE of his actions against terrorists abroad. I feel more confident that Bush will defend my family, friends, and other citizens ( including you and all the other no-nothing liberals) better then Kerry.

In times of war, and I do beleive we are in a world war ( ask the Russians), it is important to first recongize we are in a war ( kerry has not done this), and to prosecute the war as best as can be done.

In times of peace, I wold not be worried if Kerry because President.

Meni if you are so worried about taxs, and the rich paying their fair share - Kerry paid only 12% on his and his wifes income last year. It was like 600k on $5 millione or something. ( for the record I made LESS then this yet paid MORE in taxs!!!!!!!!!!!)

If Kerry thinks we should all be paying higher taxs, he should be doing it himself!!

09-08-2004, 12:53 PM
In times of peace, I wold not be worried if Kerry because President.

Thank you, Mike ... I needed a good laugh today.

09-08-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Sep 9 2004, 02:42 AM
In times of war, and I do beleive we are in a world war ( ask the Russians), it is important to first recongize we are in a war ( kerry has not done this), and to prosecute the war as best as can be done.

In times of peace, I wold not be worried if Kerry because President.

I agree this is the area where Bush is going to kill Kerry in the end if the dems don't start convincing people they actually have an alternative plan... or some plan to ensure a transition of leadership will not be seen as a weakness enemies can exploit.

Sar: I dont think more evidence that Bush took advantage of being able to skip the Vietnam war will affect voting.. I doubt voters would be thinking Kerry is any less likely to take advantage of powerful favours when it suits him.. as long as Bush doesnt actually admit he lied about it to the people ever ;-)

That reminds me! there should be a thread about here for Bush conspiracy theories. I have a question on my mind that has probably been mentioned before.

09-09-2004, 10:42 AM
Hmmm... Listened to all the fall out from this yesterday on the news, watched the interview the other night.... Funny shit.

Got to thinking that if someone were to file charges on Lieutenant Bush for desertion, which in the UCMJ has no statute of limitations, they could make this election cycle the most entertaining in decades :yowsa:

09-09-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Sep 7 2004, 08:19 PM

President Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, the BOSTON GLOBE is planning to front on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.

The 1,500 word expose on Bush's records comes just hours ahead of an exclusive CBSNEWS interview set to air Wednesday night with a man who secured for the 22-year-old Yale graduate Bush a coveted place in the Guard -- a man who now claims he regrets helping Bush.

The GLOBE claims: "Twice during his Guard service - first when he joined in May 1968, and again before he transferred out of his unit in mid-1973 to attend Harvard Business School - Bush signed documents pledging to meet training commitments or face a punitive call-up to active duty.

"He didn't meet the commitments, or face the punishment, the records show."

After laying dormant for most of the summer, big media picks up where it left off on the Bush national guard issue in a post-Labor Day filing frenzy.

In the next hours and days, the ASSOCIATED PRESS, CBSNEWS, BOSTON GLOBE and NBCNEWS [who will host Bush author Kitty Kelley on Monday] will revisit Bush National Guard.

The upcoming reexamination of Bush's records by the GLOBE show that Bush's attendance at required training drills "was so irregular that his superiors could have disciplined him or ordered him to active duty in 1972, 1973, or 1974. But they did neither. In fact, Bush's unit certified in late 1973 that his service had been "satisfactory" - just four months after Bush's commanding officer wrote that Bush had not been seen at his unit for the previous 12 months."
they should make him finish out his stint:)

09-09-2004, 05:16 PM
latest on drudge says that this "recently found" service record might have been produced recently, rather than being a 30 year old document. Looks like someone was trying to be helpful...

Bush has got to be squirming today!


09-09-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Sep 8 2004, 12:47 PM
Thing is, once a man becomes President - pretty much anything he has done in the past will not effect him in a campaign for re-election.
Didn't stop the Reps from giving $30 million to Kenneth Starr, I tend to recall. :)

And of taxpayer's money that was too!

Mike AI
09-09-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk+Sep 9 2004, 08:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Dravyk @ Sep 9 2004, 08:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Mike AI@Sep 8 2004, 12:47 PM
Thing is, once a man becomes President - pretty much anything he has done in the past will not effect him in a campaign for re-election.
Didn't stop the Reps from giving $30 million to Kenneth Starr, I tend to recall. :)

And of taxpayer's money that was too! [/b][/quote]
different things.

But I do agree it was bullshit. Red herring.

09-09-2004, 11:32 PM
More shit coming out... looks like CBS was set up, quite possibly by another "Bush friend"...

the document in question is looking to be proven fake. Further, other items have turned up suggesting Bush was suspended for failure to report for certain examinations as required (as he was seemingly very close to AWOL).

it would seem that he might have taken this leave just when pilots were getting rotated, which might have sent him overseas (which would have really sucked for a rich daddy's boy).

I am predicting that this one will get uglier before it all comes out.

Alex :rokk: