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09-08-2004, 12:11 AM
A good friend Johnny Fox http://www.johnnyfox.com who is an incredible performer (and one of the few performers I admire) spent significant time and effort speaking with me about performing and how/where to improve, grow and so on

A few things he suggested is video taping myself and then watching just the video with no sound, then just listening to the sound with no image to see/hear my timing and cadence and where to improve. To be my own toughest critic

He also told me who else I could learn from via books, DVDs and videos and where time would be better spent in my quest for knowledge

Told him I wanted to work Jackson Square as that is the toughest crowd I could think to play for, he also suggested Washington Park in NYC and working Comedy Clubs

Another good friend is a local comedian (he's in the finals for Baltimore's Last Comic Standing) and hosts 2 nights a week at a comedy local club, one night (Tuesday Night) being open mike night and he's been asking me for a while to give it a try

I did tonight

Went over pretty well, was fairly well received by the crowd. Coming off stage the other performers congratulated me (which really doesn't mean much to me to be honest) but the bartender said he couldn't believe it was the first time I worked comedy and the crowd took time to say hi and thanks.

I mixed illusion (one really funny illusion bit with a growing dildo hanging out of my pants) with comedy. Not the greatest thing ever, not going to make any one forget Dave Chapell .... yet, but satisfied with the results

Can see where I can improve but overall am happy with tonight even though it was only an open mike night

Overall I'd rather be doing paid shows as an illusionist but this helps me grow. A few comics started out as magicians, even though I don't think comedy is my strongest suit

If you look at Johnny Fox's website you'll see mostly sword swallowing but he is one of the best at cups and balls and is a walking encyclopedia of who's who in illusions and an immense and unbelievable resource, a walking fountain of knowledge

I am incredibly/amazingly fortunate to be one of the people who he has shared his knowledge with

09-08-2004, 12:13 AM
In case you need Mallox

09-08-2004, 02:36 AM
That's awesome Vick. I have a friend who's a magician who studied under Penn And Teller. Unfortunately, we had a falling out and I haven't been in contact to see how his career is going.

I'm actually doing the unimagineable tomorrow. I've picked up my bass again and am auditioning tomorrow for a band. I doubt I'll get it as I'm rusty from not playing for a couple years, but it'll be fun to play with people again.

Almighty Colin
09-08-2004, 04:53 AM
Cool, man :-)

The dildo bit, hmmmm. Where was this again? ;-)

09-08-2004, 08:39 AM
And we thought putting your balls on your head was odd :awinky:

Can't wait to see the new tricks, Vick!!! :)

09-08-2004, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Sep 8 2004, 02:14 PM
In case you need Mallox
aaargh.. the crunching noises made me whince :\

Congrats Vick! It must have been a big thrill to walk out and do a stand-up routine the first time (or any time) Where you nrevous? You sound suprisingly laid back about it... and it sounds like you went better than most people could hope for first time :)

09-08-2004, 09:33 AM
That's excellent Vick. Just being on stage is a good way to work out the kinks, see what works and what doesn't, and simply get more comfortable. :wnw:

09-08-2004, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the kinds words everyone

Wasn't nervous as I'm used to working in front of crowds doing illusions

The growing dildo was a bit I've been wanting to do
I have a disc (about 12 inches) that has a spiral pattern on it, I start to spin it and have the audience stare at the center black circle
The concept works on the optical muscles so when I stop the spinning and ask the audience to look at something it swells (or shrinks)

I had a dildo hanging out of my pants behind the disc spinning

.... so when I moved the disc and told everyone to keep staring at the same space

I had a swelling dildo hanging out of my pants

(then I said we'll let's go from pricks to politics, and yes ladies I'm available later tonight)

09-08-2004, 10:27 AM
(then I said we'll let's go from pricks to politics, and yes ladies I'm available later tonight)

nice segway! :)

09-08-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Sep 8 2004, 10:08 AM
The growing dildo was a bit I've been wanting to do
I have a disc (about 12 inches) that has a spiral pattern on it, I start to spin it and have the audience stare at the center black circle
The concept works on the optical muscles so when I stop the spinning and ask the audience to look at something it swells (or shrinks)

I had a dildo hanging out of my pants behind the disc spinning

.... so when I moved the disc and told everyone to keep staring at the same space

I had a swelling dildo hanging out of my pants
Pffft - I've been using that same trick for YEARS. I'm really only 95 pounds, but I have a constantly spinning disk I stop at inopportune times :)

09-08-2004, 11:01 AM
Funniest thing just happened

Recently I got a Flaming Head Chest, it's a (small) chest you put over a volunteer's head, shove a flaming rod through the chest and then you open the chest and the show volunteer's head has disappeared

My son Sebastian just came in and said

"Daddy, can you please make your head disappear?"

Mike AI
09-08-2004, 11:38 AM
That is awesome Vick!!


09-08-2004, 06:21 PM
Glad to hear it vick, and congratulatrions...

09-08-2004, 06:33 PM
I did stand up for over a year...it's what brought me out to LA when I was younger.
It's a tough biz..did some minor touring through Texas and Oklahoma.

I moved out to LA and got involved in commercial and film production with a German company and I finally started to get back into the comedy thing...started to line up some open mic nights around the SoCal area...was down in a club in Long Beach and it was first come first served I was lined up to go 3rd.

Well as time goes on the emcees friends start showing up and he starts bumping people to the end of the list...I finally get on around 1:30 am there's about 11 people sitting in the audience and about 8 of those were other comics and they were sitting there with notepads writing my bits down...LOL

Tough tough biz.

Good luck man.

09-08-2004, 06:37 PM
I know it's not "original" but it would be nice to see again Vick and that's a magician of the old vaudville or scammer type vein..sorta like Harry Anderson.

I always get a kick out of guys like Penn and Teller or the Amazing Johnathan..but nothing like Harry Anderson and this old card shark/manipulator I used to watch nightly when I pulled a stint at Billy Bob's in Forth Worth.

He had a great routine..it was that of the old time card hustler..the guy was legally blind and dealing seconds and after watching him for weeks on end I could never catch him...can't recall his name now but he was damn good.

09-08-2004, 08:09 PM
Thanks eroswebmaster

I do an old Harry Anderson bit
Needle through the Arm

I've heard tell of Harry Anderson opening a restaurant with shows in New Orleans but for now all I know of is
901 Chartres Street • New Orleans, LA 70116
Harry Anderson's eclectic shop devoted to sideshows and freakery - magic, books, jewelry, and art.


NEW ORLEANS,LA—Harry is opening up a speakeasy called Oswald's in the French Quarter. This nightclub will feature his magic in various shows.
Oswald's Speakeasy 504 Esplanade Ave.
Opening possibly at the end of the summer.

Plus the Emcee of last night's show is a good friend and sometime performing partner

09-08-2004, 08:46 PM
Yeah from what I understand about his shop it's by appointment only...he seems to have a life he enjoys right now..but I've been a big fan of his for a long time..going back to old SNL etc.

BTW growing up I too wanted to be a magician..and then I moved into comedy...I remember reading about The Magic Castle in Hollywood as a kid and dreamt of going there for many years..and finally as an adult my dream was realized when we had our Christmas Party there back in 1990...I was like a kid all over again. :)

edited to add: after reading that link it sounds like he's now just running a regular magic shop..which is cool too..I'm gonna have to go down there and see it someday :)

09-09-2004, 01:35 AM
Excellent stuff, Vick! I wish you great success. Sounds like you are making good first steps and really giving this a great effort. I am sure it will pay off for ya!

Btw, Harry Anderson ... love his stuff! :)