View Full Version : Something to think about

09-07-2004, 06:17 PM
John Kerry secured access to a fortune of over $1 billion by saying two words: "I do." Unless one thinks ill of the woman he married, one can hardly regard this as "earned." Of course, his wife did not earn it either; she inherited it from her first husband, making it in effect a hand-along on two different levels.

Kerry has made a practice, if not a career, of romancing very rich women and living well on their money--his first wife, Julia Thorne, had a family fortune of $300 million when he married her.

Between heiresses, there was a hiatus, in which he was forced to live on his salary, which seems to have been an unpleasant experience. Mrs. Heinz took him away from all this, moving him in an instant from vagabond senator to the lap of luxury, into which he has happily settled.

Marrying money is hardly improper; but neither does it inspire confidence, especially for those of the masculine gender. Cinderella is a fairy-tale heroine, but a consort always appears just a little ridiculous--at best a freeloader, at worst someone suspected of possibly planning an accident. (See "Hitchcock, Alfred," and just about any film noir.)

Granted staggering wealth on the basis of marriage, Kerry seems to believe he deserves it, and perhaps always has.

"One of the surest ways to get the phones ringing on any Massachusetts talk-radio show is to ask people to call in and tell their John Kerry stories," says Howie Carr, the Boston Herald columnist and radio host. "The phone lines are soon filled, and most of the stories have a common theme: The junior senator pulling rank on one of his constituents, breaking in line, demanding to pay less (or nothing), or ducking out before the bill arrives.

The tales often have one other common thread. Most end with Sen. Kerry inquiring of the lesser mortal: 'Do you know who I am?'" Just For Kerry is a common Bostonian take on what his initials stand for; and a possible insight into his priorities could be inferred from his tax records for the year 1993 (when he was between wives), in which he earned $130,345 and gave exactly $175 to charity, while indulging in an $8,600 Italian-made mountain bike for himself.

See http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Publ...04/368rqgqt.asp (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/368rqgqt.asp)
for more

09-07-2004, 06:19 PM
and I am in no way saying Bush is any better

Just something to think about

Mike AI
09-07-2004, 06:26 PM
I have heard this from my friends in Boston....

They call it the "do you know who I am?" stories....

Apparently Kerry when cutting in line, or doing something else that he thinks he deserves, uses the line " Do you know who I am?" all the time to get his way.

he is a weenie.

I personally spoke with Bush in 1988 ( probably when he was still doing coke) for about 15 minutes. I was impressed that he was a normal good ol boy.

When it comes to personalities Bush easily beats Kerry.

Kerry ain't Clinton that is for sure!

09-07-2004, 06:33 PM

Mike AI
09-07-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Sep 7 2004, 05:34 PM

HAHA that is good photoshopping there!!

09-08-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Sep 7 2004, 02:27 PM
I have heard this from my friends in Boston....

They call it the "do you know who I am?" stories....

Apparently Kerry when cutting in line, or doing something else that he thinks he deserves, uses the line " Do you know who I am?" all the time to get his way.

he is a weenie.

I personally spoke with Bush in 1988 ( probably when he was still doing coke) for about 15 minutes. I was impressed that he was a normal good ol boy.

When it comes to personalities Bush easily beats Kerry.

Kerry ain't Clinton that is for sure!
Damn Mike, other day he was a 'pussy' and now he is a 'weenie'... Talk about flipflops!

09-08-2004, 09:10 PM
Oh Jezuz Christ in a side car.

Kerry married money.

Bush inherited money.

What is the fucking issue here?

09-08-2004, 09:19 PM
You forgot this PD (which I've said many times)

Some say Bush tax cuts favor the rich, Kerry got richer by saying 2 words "I do"

to me that could mean.......

Bush Fucking the Poor
Kerry Fucking the Rich

I still say everyone should stay home on election day and have as much sex as possible
Sex, Sex, Sex all day and then have sex some more

Screw in the bed, screw on the kitchen table, screw on the deck, on the lawn, on your neighbor's pink flamingo

Because whoever wins the election we know we're going to get fucked

so we might as well enjoy it as much as we can while we can

09-08-2004, 09:59 PM
That kind of bumper-sticker jingoism is disappointing, to say the least, Vick. :(

Mike would cut and paste an article suggesting that Kerry was the love child of a Soviet Politboro member and a radical leftist space alien, because he is so desperate to believe. Faith will do that to you.

The only other person besides Mike I recall making an issue of Kerry's wife's money is Grogan.

Expect to see you in better company, bub.

09-08-2004, 10:54 PM
I just like to poke fun at it

Maybe you don't think it's a great shot but with the right delivery it goes over ok

Hell it's all in fun

after all - WWPPD?

what would Pat Paulson do

p.s. thanks for being one of my critics, makes me think harder and work smarter :okthumb:

If you read what I said in the beginning, I don't think it makes either less or better than the other, both bad choices
Guess the best I can do is poke a little fun at 'em :agrin: :awinky:

09-08-2004, 11:13 PM

Why, he would undoubtedly drop out of the race and throw his support (and his appetite) to the Yippie Party candidate, Pigasus.

“Let’s run a pig for President.”

An arrow shoots through my brain. Yeah! A pig, with buttons, posters, bumper stickers.

“America, why take half a hog, when you can have the whole hog.”

At the Democratic [or Republican] convention, the pigs nominate the President and he eats the people.

At the yippie convention, we nominate our pig and after he makes his nominating speech, we eat him.

09-08-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 8 2004, 10:14 PM

Why, he would undoubtedly drop out of the race and throw his support (and his appetite) to the Yippie Party candidate, Pigasus.

“Let’s run a pig for President.”

An arrow shoots through my brain. Yeah! A pig, with buttons, posters, bumper stickers.

“America, why take half a hog, when you can have the whole hog.”

At the Democratic [or Republican] convention, the pigs nominate the President and he eats the people.

At the yippie convention, we nominate our pig and after he makes his nominating speech, we eat him.

Where's the BBQ icon ? :awinky:

Wait a second, if I recall you're from or spent as little time around St. Louis

You know about how to be um ... prepare a pig

09-09-2004, 12:40 AM
I was born and raised in St. Louis, so yes ... I am familiar with BBQ ...

It should be noted that Pigasus lost the only election he ran in ... to a far bigger pig than him.

Oh, wait ... you don't care for Nixon jokes.

Sorry about that.

09-09-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 8 2004, 11:41 PM
I was born and raised in St. Louis, so yes ... I am familiar with BBQ ...

It should be noted that Pigasus lost the only election he ran in ... to a far bigger pig than him.

Oh, wait ... you don't care for Nixon jokes.

Sorry about that.
Then what the fuck did that make McGovern?

ah ha ha ha ha

Now tell the truth PD, did you vote for Nixon in 1972? ;-)

I'd vote for Nixon in 2004
It'a a better choice than Bush or Kerry

Now let's get to mopping that pig and it should be ready by gametime :agrin:

Sharky has a good grilling site if you haven'tseen it
