View Full Version : i doubt we'll hear much about swift boats

08-28-2004, 01:17 PM
FBI probes DOD office


The FBI has intensified its investigation of senior members of what was formerly known as the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans on suspicion that one of them passed highly classified U.S. military information to the government of Israel, according to federal law enforcement officials.

http://about.upi.com/products/perspectives...24-102938-1916R (http://about.upi.com/products/perspectives/UPI-20040824-102938-1916R)

Mike AI
08-28-2004, 01:22 PM
September Surprise.....

Wonder what October will bring?


Mike AI
08-28-2004, 05:47 PM
Some interesting info http://debka.com/

08-28-2004, 09:08 PM
Let me guess ... you're more inclinded to think that this became public "for the ulterior motive of hurting the Bush run for re-election against Senator John Kerry, by suggesting that his key decisions on the Iraqi war were determined not only by the neocons of his administration but by a foreign mole" rather than "designed for showing the president as having rid himself of the influence of the Pentagon team and Israel by the very fact of the probe against that team, Israel and its foremost Washington lobbyist, APAIC", right?

Isreali denials that they are spying on us should be given the same amount of credibility that our words would be if asked if we were spying on China, or, for that matter, "Pentagon officials say Franklin was not in position to influence US policy."

08-28-2004, 10:10 PM
"Rhode was observed by CIA operatives as being constantly on his cell phone to Israel," and that the information that the intelligence officials overheard him passing to Israel was "mind-boggling," this source said."

i'm inclined to believe that it's not good policy to go around blaming your fuckups on the CIA. karl rove and company will learn this lesson thoroughly.

on a related note, that link i posted earlier no longer works. here's a new link:


08-29-2004, 10:31 PM
I still feel that Bin Ladin is suddently going to get caught, or Saddam is suddenly going to spill it on where all those weapons are (hint, in a US military warehouse waiting for election time).
