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08-24-2004, 03:55 PM

Professor splits hairs over pubic profiles

By Ryann Connell
Staff Writer
August 24, 2004

Shincho 45 (September) whispers about the "scary aspects" of Hawaii that the tourist guidebooks don't write about.

Cyzo (September) recommends travelers spend their vacation in Israel, where security is "unmatched."

Shukan Tokuho (9/6) visits mysterious spots around east Japan, including the "Bimbo-gami" (god of poverty) at the Kitano Shrine in Bunkyo-ku, where people pray to be rescued from poverty.

Here's a seven-point checklist to make sure the hot springs water you immerse yourself in is the real thing, bubbles Shukan Taishu (9/6).

Yomiuri Weekly (9/5) frets about the lack of pediatricians to deal with emergency medical cases.

Shukan Gendai (9/4) introduces the company that gives its workers the longest paid leave in Japan.

An optimistic Shukan Post (9/3) tries out the latest erectile dysfunction (ED) remedies.

Dacapo (9/1) looks at the upcoming season's programs on Japanese TV.

The Economist (8/31) grumbles about the high price of artificial insemination in Japan.

Aera (8/30) goes out on an all-woman deep-sea fishing expedition, where the ship's "head" is decorated in pink.

Japanese who take up jobs in China risk working for coolie wages, warns Sapio (8/25-9/8).

Shukan Jitsuwa (9/2) peeps in on the film set where police-harassed adult video star "Chocoball" Mukai makes his "comeback."

Shukan Shincho (8/26) jeers at the outrageous prices being charged for Japanese obento (box lunches) and onigiri (rice balls) at the Athens Olympics.

Shukan Bunshun (8/26) stumbles over the "useless" English vocabulary featured in Education Ministry-approved textbooks, which it stutters won't even help students pass high-school entrance exams.

Weekly Playboy (8/31) urges Japanese sports fans to gear up for "war" against Chinese team supporters between now and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Asahi Geino (8/26) claims that any woman's sexual idiosyncrasies can be easily gleaned at a glance from the configuration of her pubic hair. (Compiled by Masuo Kamiyama)

"Women's pubic hair is normally shaped like an inverted triangle, but some is oblong or elliptic-shaped," pubic hair researcher Kosai Jumon tells Asahi Geino (8/26), adding that the shape of a woman's "underhair" often determines her sexual proclivities.

"It's not rare for women with elongated pubic hair to be the types who fall in love at first site and soon become passionate. They're not the types who're happy shut up in the home. They may cause those around them to worry about them a little. But that devilish side to them is what makes them so attractive to men."

Jumon's recently released book "Tamashi Yura Ageman (Rising Fortunes of the Soul)" categorizes women's pubic hair into five types, each of which purportedly determines its owner's fortune.

Viewing crotch coverings is supposed to determine whether a woman will make a good wife who makes her man happy or a virago who makes her husband's life hell on earth.

Jumon says that the frisky types with elongated pubic hairstyles are not the only types of mound mustaches that require some consideration. Those with mountain delta type minge, where the pattern of the mop resembles the mouth of a river, are said to be hyper-infidels.

Jumon says that most Oriental women's pubic hair is shaped in what he calls the standard-type, which is an inverted triangle.

"It shows endurance and indicates suitability for married life. They have everything they need for enduring such home-like activities as childbirth, child-raising and caring for their husband or parents," Jumon tells Asahi Geino. "I don't think it's saying too much to say that it is these standard-type women who helped raise Japan to glory."

Jumon, 70, says that years of experience with a variety of women alerted him to the finding that sexual prowess differed according to their pubic hairdo.

"Studying intensively while I was young and building up experience led me to refer to the pubic hair area as 'The Zone,' and I gradually learned everything about it," he says.

Jumon divides 'The Zone' into five sub-zones endurance, attachment, action, emotion and receptivity -- the shape of each determines a woman's sexual persona.

Jumon claims the average Japanese woman's pubic hair is a standard-type, inverted triangle shape where the base extends for 9 centimeters and it runs the same length from top to bottom, with the mean length of hairs being 7.5 centimeters.

"A perfect wife has a clearly defined endurance sub-zone and slight traits of a receptivity sub-zone. Put simply, this means she doesn't care a great deal about things like ethics or morals. A woman with pubic hair like this would be able to bear a lot, but also have a sexual side that allowed for unbridled wantonness," the pubic hair expert tells Asahi Geino. "In short, hair like this would indicate a good wife during the day who turns into a whore a night

Mike AI
08-24-2004, 04:14 PM
Some people have way to much free time on their hands....

I need to become a Professor!

08-24-2004, 04:44 PM
""Studying intensively while I was young and building up experience led me to refer to the pubic hair area as 'The Zone,' and I gradually learned everything about it," he says. "

thats a little creepy


08-26-2004, 12:59 PM
I thought The Zone was a diet.... hummm interesting. :nyanya:

08-27-2004, 06:27 PM
high in protein, low in carbs:)