View Full Version : Munch's the Scream stolen from museum

Almighty Colin
08-22-2004, 05:20 PM

OSLO, Norway — Armed men stormed into an art museum Sunday, threatened staff at gunpoint and stole Edvard Munch's famous paintings "The Scream" and "Madonna" before the eyes of stunned museum-goers.

08-22-2004, 06:26 PM
look at the bright side:
Roman Charity was NOT stolen,
there still good things to see at the Museum

08-22-2004, 06:47 PM
While I do appreciate watching something original, then I do not understand why museums display unreplaceable originals, when its possible to make replicas? A welldone replica can satisfy 99.9% of all visitors... are people only going to a museum to watch 60 million $ hanging on the wall?

08-22-2004, 08:34 PM
Rolo, how can you even say that?!?!?!?

That's like saying the wax museum is as good as seeing a live performance!!!!!!

The whole point of a museum is that you get to see the original - i'm sure some do what you suggest and few notice the difference - but some would, and the art world doesn't keep secrets well ;-)

This is THE SCREAM, probably the 2nd most well known painting next to the Mona Lisa - every art student I know has had to copy The Scream at some point, study it, analyze it, memorize its lines and appreciate the emotion that is captured in the dramatic curves and choice of colors - even those with no interest in art STILL know what the scream looks like thanks to those shitty horror movies.

There is nothing like the experience of looking at something that has so many stories to tell ...

I hope they get it back - I want to go visit it one day ;-(

08-22-2004, 09:14 PM
Well - I just find it interesting... books can be copied, music can be copied, movies can be copied without loosing "meaning" for the owner/receiver... however once it something which we are going to keep in a place we call a "museum", then it has be an original? I usual go to a museum to experience - not to be baffaled about the price tag on things (If I want that feeling I can just order a beer at a "trendy café", and wait for the price ;-))... and they can make good replicas today, which only experts can tell apart from the originals.

Now, since the scream is so famous, then they will probably not try and sell it on the black market - they will probably keep it for ransom :unsure:

08-22-2004, 09:59 PM
or it is now in a private collection protected by laser beams and sensor pads and dobermans :biglaugh: Don't be surprised if it does get sold on the black market, and its unlikely the buyer or the seller will get caught if it does go that way.

Artwork can be copied too - and just like books and music, modern interpretations give old stories new meaning ... but wouldn't you be in awe if you got to see the original 'bible'?! Wouldn't that be different than reading the mass produced (and heavily altered) copy the mormons leave in the top draw in marriott hotels?!?! :biglaugh:

Its a priceless experience that has a different value to every person - to me lots, to you not much LOL

The 'prices' that dealers and experts come up with for these things are just pulled out of their asses - an item is only worth whatever a buyer is prepared to pay for it and considering it isn't 'for sale' how can it have a purchase value??!! These material items are what define our culture and progress but humans can't appreciate something for those reasons unless it has a pricetag attached :rolleyes:

I just love art and history ... sorry to get started on a tangent LOL