View Full Version : Kerry filming fake war footage while in Vietnam?!

Mike AI
07-29-2004, 10:18 AM


The official convention video introducing John Kerry tonight, directed by Steven Spielberg protégé James Moll, incorporates homemade film footage shot by Kerry in Vietnam.

“I would have used archival footage,” Moll tells the NEW YORK OBSERVER's Joe Hagan, “but it was a pleasant surprise that he had taken his own footage while in Vietnam.”

"When Army Green Beret Jim Rassman is talking about how John Kerry saved his life,” he said, “I’m using some of that footage. It shows the swift boat and various shots of the swift boat, and some firing like you see in the water. Bullets in the water.”

Entering controversy, director Moll explains how the bullets in the water were not from the actual event.

“It’s just illustrative.”

Moll mixes in the homemade Kerry film with stirring strings and a french horn soundtrack.

Moll is said to manipulate the speed of some of the film.

One moving scene shows Kerry in slow motion, in full gear, walking with his gun through the paddies.

Kerry's homemade films are at the center of a growing controversy in Boston.

A new bombshell book written by the man who took over John Kerry's Swift Boat charges: Kerry reenacted combat scenes for film while in Vietnam! "Kerry carried a home movie camera to record his exploits for later viewing," charges a naval officer in the upcoming book UNFIT FOR COMMAND.

"Kerry would revisit ambush locations for reenacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero, catching it all on film. Kerry would take movies of himself walking around in combat gear, sometimes dressed as an infantryman walking resolutely through the terrain. He even filmed mock interviews of himself narrating his exploits. A joke circulated among Swiftees was that Kerry left Vietnam early not because he received three Purple Hearts, but because he had recorded enough film of himself to take home for his planned political campaigns."


Mike AI
07-29-2004, 10:22 AM
What I find distrurbing about this, is that Kerry has seemed to have his life planned out, and would do anything to achieve his goal as being President - the "other JFK" Professional politicians are the worst - they are the ones who flip flop and have no core beleifs - they change their mind based on polls.

This is not real leadership to me..... we might as well create internet voting and just let the American people vote on every small issue - majority rules.

Bleh..... Kerry is a phony. As much as Bush has done stupid things, he is not a phony. It is pretty lame that the Democrats cannot find anyone better to run against Bush.

Almighty Colin
07-29-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 29 2004, 09:23 AM
we might as well create internet voting and just let the American people vote on every small issue - majority rules.
Look at the upside. We could get rid of politicians that way ;-)

07-29-2004, 10:43 AM
Don't worry, Mikey ... the Democratic convention will be over soon, and your blood pressure can return to normal.

BTW ... isn't it time for you to trot out that "the Swift boat guys don't really like Kerry" thing again?

So Kerry took some artistic liberties with a film for use at the convention ... whoopty fucking do. The "non-phony" asswipe you seem to prefer flew onto a United States Navy Carrier, stood in front of a "Mission Accomplished" sign that his people put up (althoiugh they first tried to say it wasn't them), some 750-800 dead Americans ago.

The "real leader" you seem to prefer can't find very many people who even remember serving with him, Mikey.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be nervous too.

Mike AI
07-29-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jul 29 2004, 09:44 AM
Don't worry, Mikey ... the Democratic convention will be over soon, and your blood pressure can return to normal.

BTW ... isn't it time for you to trot out that "the Swift boat guys don't really like Kerry" thing again?

So Kerry took some artistic liberties with a film for use at the convention ... whoopty fucking do. The "non-phony" asswipe you seem to prefer flew onto a United States Navy Carrier, stood in front of a "Mission Accomplished" sign that his people put up (althoiugh they first tried to say it wasn't them), some 750-800 dead Americans ago.

The "real leader" you seem to prefer can't find very many people who even remember serving with him, Mikey.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be nervous too.
PD - so predictible. I knew you were going to raise the Bush flight. The difference was it was made WHILE President - not 30+ years before hand. Bush also did not reenact scenes as well.

The news about Kerry's shipmates not supporting him is old news, its just coming back up since the book is being released.

I think its a personal slam against Kerry. Its not a minority either, its the overwhemling majority. Says something..... Will the American people pay attention and listen?

We already know you won't PD.


07-29-2004, 11:39 AM
Mike ... predictable responses are all most of what you put up about Kerry deserve.

I swear, if drudge were down for more than one day you'd post an article from a supermarket tabloid proving that Kerry is the love child of Tokyo Rose and Karl Marx, conceived on an alien spacecraft.

07-29-2004, 02:08 PM
that's pretty wild. would like to get a peek at this.

Mike AI
07-29-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jul 29 2004, 10:40 AM
Mike ... predictable responses are all most of what you put up about Kerry deserve.

I swear, if drudge were down for more than one day you'd post an article from a supermarket tabloid proving that Kerry is the love child of Tokyo Rose and Karl Marx, conceived on an alien spacecraft.

You are very right about Drudge. He slants he news coverage a certain way.

But he balances out the rest of the online media who bury certain stories that make Democrats look bad.

Whats going on with Sandy Berger??

07-29-2004, 04:41 PM
Mike, Sandy berger spent three days on the front page of CNN, and then it slowly dropped off. I am sure it will re-appear if and when there is news.

Unlike Drudge, the mainstream media doesn't just keep whacking on things when there is no longer any news. I am sure that Matt keeps a nice little pile of BS that he can toss out at any time to keep things busy for an extra day or two. Did you see the crap that came out when Clinton's book was released? He kept listing cities where it wasn't a best seller - flying in the face of the overall large sales. He kept that up for almost a week, long after the rest of the media had "gotten over it".

That isn't balancing things out, that is forwarding an agenda no different from a Limbaugh or an O'Reilly.


Mike AI
07-29-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Jul 29 2004, 03:42 PM
Mike, Sandy berger spent three days on the front page of CNN, and then it slowly dropped off. I am sure it will re-appear if and when there is news.

Unlike Drudge, the mainstream media doesn't just keep whacking on things when there is no longer any news. I am sure that Matt keeps a nice little pile of BS that he can toss out at any time to keep things busy for an extra day or two. Did you see the crap that came out when Clinton's book was released? He kept listing cities where it wasn't a best seller - flying in the face of the overall large sales. He kept that up for almost a week, long after the rest of the media had "gotten over it".

That isn't balancing things out, that is forwarding an agenda no different from a Limbaugh or an O'Reilly.

Alex I agree with you 100% about Drudge, but mainstream media is just as bad.

07-29-2004, 05:40 PM
Home movies made 30 yrs ago - are home movies made 30 yrs. ago.

How many other GI's did the same thing...? How many hammed it up for the folks at home. Probably quite a few.... Rehashing it & making it more melodramatic, well many might do the same thing if money wasn't an object :-) It is all politics....

Did he not earn the medals given him? Did Bush and most other wealthy young men find a way to take a bye and avoid combat? Many more would have if they had the money and influence. The facts are that Kerry didn't.

Remind me, what were Bush's qualifications for the job the first time he ran? His father was Prsident, his brother was governer, he had been a governor, ran a ball club and dabbled in oil. Most have not had any better credentials than Kerry has.

Personally I liked the Reverend's remarks..... keep the government out of the bedroom & in the kitchen. ahahahahah

The whole thing is going to get dirty before it is over. They have way too much time on their hands....

Almighty Colin
07-30-2004, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 29 2004, 04:11 PM
mainstream media is just as bad.
I don't like the new television media fad of covering one issue 24 hours a day for days on end. I would guess it was created by the rise of Fox and MSNBC as rivals to CNN. Warhol's 15 minutes has become 15 days. Now, as a result, any station covering news stories beyond the story of the day is more likely to be flipped past.