View Full Version : Oprano, and TGP's

07-27-2004, 02:17 PM
I have noticed an increase in the discussion of the TGP model and wether or not it is something that would fit well with what some of you are doing.

I would like to see if any of you had an interest in sitting down in florida over a couple of cocktails, and dicussing TGP's and how they are operated by using our system.

we would like to offer our services and any knowledge that we may possess to help those of you that would like to bridge the gap, and see if it is a good fit for something that can benifit your operations.

if you are interested, post here, and we can arrange a time to do this.
we can do it in a group setting, or on a one on one basis if you prefer.

The only time that is not good for me of course is while I am winning my bellyflop trophy to bring it home to the great northwest LOL all other time slots can be worked out.

07-27-2004, 02:20 PM
Check other threads....


I am sure we will want to use your services for many things ;-))

I won't be in Fl , but I do have a phone ;-))