View Full Version : Billing Problem - who to trust?

07-21-2004, 09:09 AM
Hi folks, just by way of a quick introduction, I am Denise and have been online in various different capacties for about 5 years. What started as a pervy hobby has become a decent little business and my companies growth has attracted some new billing companies to come looking for my account.

Which is nice!

anyway, i've been with CCBill since the start and while they are a bit slow to get back to me and inflexible due to the modest nature of my business, they are the devil I know! Now along comes I-Bill and they sound great nbut I have no direct experience of them and was looking for some advice / guidance.

Have any of you used I-Bill and are they as good as they make out? Also, have nay of you transfered billing companies and what sort of problems can I expect if I do to?

Cheers folks


07-21-2004, 09:50 AM
That CCBill check comes every week on time everytime. Thats been my experience from them both as an affiliate and as a pay site owner. I started out with Ibill cuz they were the only game going...I still cuss thinking about how much time a spent loading in access codes and coding that archaic shopping cart.

Mike AI
07-21-2004, 10:08 AM
Honestly both CCbill and Ibill has issues. I would definately choose CCbill over IBill however.

You may want to look into Epoch.

I used to suggest jettis, but they have been dropping the ball lately and making me look bad.

07-21-2004, 10:30 AM
Epoch has alway been great for us...and we have been there from the beginning!

You can even get support on the phone when you call for advice!
I would HIGHLY recommend them :rokk:

Playful Melissa
07-21-2004, 11:00 AM
My vote is CCBill - and I come out of the billing area of the biz, and no I never worked for them.

They are
reliable - always -
straight up in their practices -
imformative - they always let you know what is going on -
creative - they are always coming up with better ways to help you make money which of course makes them money.

Loyality is a joke in this biz for the most part but CCbill has always been a class act. No excuses. Note that people who work for them tend to keep working for them.... something to be said for that.

HELL when former founding owners of Ibill only process with CCbill what more can you say.....

07-21-2004, 11:27 AM
DeniseAWC, this is Mark from CCBill. This post was most likely not intended for me, however, if there is anything that i can assist with, do not hesitate to get in touch...i am usually pretty good at getting the ball rolling with things


07-21-2004, 11:30 AM
DeniseAWC - Feel free to drop me a line if I can answer any questions for you.

Jim and Mike AI - Thanks for good words.

07-21-2004, 11:32 AM
Hi Denise,

As others have said, I would choose either Epoch or CCbill.

You know you will get paid in time, your webmasters will get paid, and customer service I hear is top notch by both companies.



07-21-2004, 12:50 PM
And let me add:

WTS (http://www.achdebit.com) for checks :)

07-21-2004, 01:10 PM
Thanks, Peaches. ;-))

Denise, if you are not tied down to a 3rd party using their affiliate tracking and thus have the capability to use multiple processors, I will be happy to tell you about WTS and what we can do for you in regards to check processing.

dan AT achdebit DOT com

07-21-2004, 02:38 PM
I would suggest a good cascading billing option and going with both Epoch and CCBill. Both have their good and bad points and we like that those checks always come in like clockwork from both companies.

I don't work for either company, but the company I work for loves both and I wouldn't hesitate in going with both. Selecting one over the other? CCBill scrubs a little harder but pays weekly. Sometimes CCBill can be a little harder to get ahold of, but they are quick to get things done. Both companies are great about oing that extra mile and we're not even that big of a company.

I would avoid putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak and go with both (how's that for a fence postion? ;-))

07-21-2004, 03:02 PM
As host dealing with many billing issues for clients, I would have to say CCBILL is the best when it comes to handling any type of concerns and also their admin and initial set up is much more user friendly than IBILL. The techs at CCBILL seem to be much more on the ball than IBILL as well.

I would go with CCBILL or Epoch over IBILL :)

07-21-2004, 05:33 PM
Who to trust ....

Nobody ...
...else's money
Money changes everything

That being said I agree with the consensus here
CCbill and Epoch in a cascading fashion

07-21-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Jul 21 2004, 06:34 PM
That being said I agree with the consensus here
CCbill and Epoch in a cascading fashion
Ditto. CCBill and Epoch for cards. Cascade or switch-out as necessary, whoever is doing better for you that week. WTS for checking.

Jettis/Jetbill ... good guys but all I keep hearing is about six and eight month waits from people, so no idea what's going on there.

IBill is in the dumper; would never consider them in a million years.

Personally, I'd also add as many other options (Euro cards, SMS billing, ePassporte and other PayPal-type adult systems) as possible too -- just for the "what the hell" aspect.

07-21-2004, 06:20 PM
Funny thing (tastes like crow)

all the times I wrongly predicted the demise of Ibill, haven't used them as a processor in 3 years and ....

.... I'm still getting timely payment from Ibill :blink:

and WTS is a great check solution

07-21-2004, 09:05 PM
Ibill constantly changes their requirements to avoid making payments ... most recently its been 'please confirm your details before we can send payment' ... nothing has changed, still the same details, just an excuse for them to make their financial issues the customers problem.

Epoch are useless unless you are part of their family ... emails are left unanswered, they refuse to check time zone differences before calling, sites take weeks to get approved if at all, questions go unanswered multiple times etc

CCBill have had their issues but you will always hear good things about their people.

If it aint broke ... don't fix it ...

07-23-2004, 11:55 AM
www.adwebcash.com (http://www.adwebcash.com)Hi folks and thanks again, a lot of very valueable comment and opinion, and its much appreciated.

Mark, many thanks for the offer, its nice to hear from you although the 'if it ain't broke' principal posted towrds the end of this thread does seem pretty sound right now and the general thought about alternatives seems very consistent. Besides, in hindsight I don't think that Jeff could have done much more than he has so far and thats pretty much all I could ask of him or anyone.

CCBill pay me and while I'd like lots of things from a billing company, regular payment without agro, on time, is the name of the game and the only game in town!

OK, thats me sorted. I've another string to start but it is shamefull and unreserved spamming for new affiliate partners so as I'm still new here I think I'll go off and read the rules first - lol.

Take care everyone and have a great weekend

www.adwebcash.com (http://www.adwebcash.com)

07-27-2004, 02:14 PM
I have used Ibill, CCBill, Epoch and Jettis without any problems and agree with the others, that a cascading solution is the best way to go for credit cards.

We are currently processing with Epoch, Isabel is fantastic; we are integrating with CCBill- Sean E is the man. We intend to add Ibill and Jettis in the near-term.