View Full Version : Flash Banners Needed !

07-20-2004, 01:53 PM
my designers are either on vacation or are working on other projects.

I need 50 flash banners -

25 for Interclimax -> webmasters
25 for Interclimax -> end users

Give me a price & I send you the text I want to have in the banners. Get me 1 example and if we like it you can do all 50.

I made the text already - but need your creativity to finish it off !!
Of course your input is welcome if you have better ideas !!!

If this goes well, I might have more work for you the comming Months !!!

cvl@interclimax.com subject : flash banners / company name

Thanks guys !


07-20-2004, 06:04 PM
Damn, that's a lot of Flash banners.

Do you have examples of the ones you like? Some call a banner with some Flashtext from Swish 'Flash', others think interactive banners are Flashbanners.

The time it takes to make either of them are night and day. I can - and would love to - do it for you, but I'm not that fast to get you 50 prompty, unless you want the 'easy' type of text/flash banners.

In any case, I always recommend Adrew from www.bluedesignstudios.com when I don't have time for a job. His work is very good and priced fair.

07-21-2004, 01:52 AM
Claudia we can take care of you.

Check out our portfolio of banners here:

Hit me up i can show you some of the latest stuff.