View Full Version : what I hate in movies

07-16-2004, 08:11 AM
Here is what drives me crazy in movies. I used to go to see movies with the sole intention of being entertained. Back then entertainment meant seeing boobs. Thats all I wanted.........some boobs. And I mean full on tit shots too, none of that sneaky crap, if i didn't see nipple then the movie sucked!
I have aged though, now I am entertained by such things as 'plots' and 'good writing' and lo and behold 'good acting'. but one thing still irritates me.

Say in a movie two people are going at it, sexually i mean. And I am talking about some serious sheet soaking (with sweat you sickos) arched back pounding now, and they finish (keeping in mind that the sheets/blankets must have been velcroed to his back the whole time because it tastefully hid all the good bits) and he gets out of bed and walks to the..............
Oh shit I dont know, bathroom, kitchen for coffee, to the chair to put on his pants and make a hasty retreat, it doesnt matter, here is the kicker. He gets out of bed, and the woman, who has just been thouroughly PLOWED by this stud.........
No seriously, WTF is that? I would rather them edit to well after the sex scene and show them both clothed, then to do something as stupid as that. The woman sure as heck wasnt shy or modest like 15 seconds ago as she was gouging fingernail grooves 3 inches deep into his back, but now the idea of him seeing the breasts he was just yanking on for 45 minutes makes her blush
also the back shots that almost show a boob, but not quite. I know a lot of people love the tease, personally I detest it, show it all to me or nothing, either way I will be happy, but drop the damn tease.

Any way, thats what I hate in movies, I dont exspect many to agree with me, but I would love to know what irritates the shit out of you when you watch a movie.

spaz :matey:

07-16-2004, 08:36 AM
seeing them doing a sex scene with the girl wearing a bra.... :barfon:

07-16-2004, 08:42 AM
I hate it when someone gets up and WRAPS THE SHEET AROUND THEM and takes it off the damn bed. I HAVE pulled the blanket/sheets over my boobs (which is a feat in and of itself since they are spread all over a 5 foot radius when I'm lying on my back :unsure: ), but I have NEVER wrapped a sheet around me and tried to make it to the bathroom/kitchen (only places I would go after sex B) ) and neither has anyone else who's ever been in there with me. :grrr:

Almighty Colin
07-16-2004, 08:53 AM
I hate happy endings. Errr ... :ph34r: :(

07-16-2004, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Jul 16 2004, 04:12 AM
Here is what drives me crazy in movies. I used to go to see movies with the sole intention of being entertained. Back then entertainment meant seeing boobs. Thats all I wanted.........some boobs. And I mean full on tit shots too, none of that sneaky crap, if i didn't see nipple then the movie sucked!
I have aged though, now I am entertained by such things as 'plots' and 'good writing' and lo and behold 'good acting'. but one thing still irritates me.

Say in a movie two people are going at it, sexually i mean. And I am talking about some serious sheet soaking (with sweat you sickos) arched back pounding now, and they finish (keeping in mind that the sheets/blankets must have been velcroed to his back the whole time because it tastefully hid all the good bits) and he gets out of bed and walks to the..............
Oh shit I dont know, bathroom, kitchen for coffee, to the chair to put on his pants and make a hasty retreat, it doesnt matter, here is the kicker. He gets out of bed, and the woman, who has just been thouroughly PLOWED by this stud.........
No seriously, WTF is that? I would rather them edit to well after the sex scene and show them both clothed, then to do something as stupid as that. The woman sure as heck wasnt shy or modest like 15 seconds ago as she was gouging fingernail grooves 3 inches deep into his back, but now the idea of him seeing the breasts he was just yanking on for 45 minutes makes her blush
also the back shots that almost show a boob, but not quite. I know a lot of people love the tease, personally I detest it, show it all to me or nothing, either way I will be happy, but drop the damn tease.

Any way, thats what I hate in movies, I dont exspect many to agree with me, but I would love to know what irritates the shit out of you when you watch a movie.

spaz :matey:
I hate large, stupid special effects.

see... Jerry Bruckheimer.

oh and Jim Carrey. I want to cockpunch him.

You should switch to independant films, lots of boobs there.

Heres a good link



07-16-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Jul 16 2004, 07:43 AM
I hate it when someone gets up and WRAPS THE SHEET AROUND THEM and takes it off the damn bed. I HAVE pulled the blanket/sheets over my boobs (which is a feat in and of itself since they are spread all over a 5 foot radius when I'm lying on my back :unsure: ), but I have NEVER wrapped a sheet around me and tried to make it to the bathroom/kitchen (only places I would go after sex B) ) and neither has anyone else who's ever been in there with me. :grrr:
YES!!! this is so fucking annoying!! all i keep thinking is 'fuck she has to remake the bed'!!!

and when they just swoooosh everything off a desk or table onto the floor with things smashing everywhere but they are soooo occupied with each other they can't take a second to find a better surface?!! why not just throw her up against the wall or doggy style over the desk where she only needs elbow room??!?! then there would be same level of sex and no mess!!!


oh and the obvious ... when they run upstairs in horror movies. stupid.

07-16-2004, 11:34 AM
spaz, Eurotrip a overall horrible movie, especially if you know anything about Europe, had a fair share of boobs


07-16-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by DrGuile@Jul 16 2004, 07:35 AM
spaz, Eurotrip a overall horrible movie, especially if you know anything about Europe, had a fair share of boobs

hahaha well looks like i am gonna have to check out Eurotrip and a bunch of independant films now!!

really though it isnt the showing or not showing of them any more, its that damn teasing they do, like you know the actress is topless, she got topless, but they arent going to show her topless

ahhhhhhhhhh, I feel better now

spaz :matey:

07-16-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by spazlabz+Jul 16 2004, 11:08 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (spazlabz @ Jul 16 2004, 11:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-DrGuile@Jul 16 2004, 07:35 AM
spaz, Eurotrip a overall horrible movie, especially if you know anything about Europe, had a fair share of boobs

hahaha well looks like i am gonna have to check out Eurotrip and a bunch of independant films now!!

really though it isnt the showing or not showing of them any more, its that damn teasing they do, like you know the actress is topless, she got topless, but they arent going to show her topless

ahhhhhhhhhh, I feel better now

spaz :matey: [/b][/quote]
I love independent films because the actresses usually aren't well known enough to demand and get no-nudity clauses and the ones who are known are usually doing smaller movies "for the art" and will more often be willing to do nude scenes (Christina Ricci finally waited until "Prozac Nation" and Wynona Ryder continues to be a Hollywood cocktease).

For me, a movie is all abou expectations..if I'm seeing a movie called "Dude, Where's My Car" (which I loved by the way) I don't expect plot, good acting, etc. I expect lowbrow humor and a good time laughing at stupid shit. If I'm watching a Harmony Korine flick, I'm not expecting him to actually sit a camea on a tripod and just shoot the scene. I expect to see Chloe Sevigny's breasts and just some fucked up shit.

My biggest pet peeve in movies is the scene in which our hero has been through hell, been tortured by his foreign kidnappers while trying to save the world and they take him out of the room...and speak to each other in English...

I also hate most any movie Julia Roberts is in...I want to cockpunch her (damn fucking horse toothed, snorting while laughing, stole the Oscar from Ellen Burstyn, no-nudity clause bullshit). she just annoys me to no end.

I also hate romcoms where everything works out all happy in the end and two total opposites fall in love in 90 minutes.

Don't even get me started on what happens when Hugh Grant walks onto my tv and/or movie screen......

07-16-2004, 03:16 PM
A few of other things:

Car chase scenes where the other cars just MAGICALLY move out of the way. This goes on for MILES and not a single uninvolved car gets hit.

Car chase scenes and shootouts that go on for quite some time, yet no one around seems to dial 911 on their cell phone.

Shootouts where the bad guys shoot hundreds of bullets at the good guys and never hit a single body part (or innocent bystander) but the good guy fires twice and kills the bad guys.

I have really gotten into foreign films because the actors and actresses are SO much more real. They haven't gone through years of plastic surgery and their hair dressers and makeup artists don't spend hours before each shoot getting them "big screen pretty". Or if they do, they do a job that makes them look like plain folk :okthumb:

07-16-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Jul 16 2004, 02:17 PM
A few of other things:

Car chase scenes where the other cars just MAGICALLY move out of the way. This goes on for MILES and not a single uninvolved car gets hit.

Car chase scenes and shootouts that go on for quite some time, yet no one around seems to dial 911 on their cell phone.

Shootouts where the bad guys shoot hundreds of bullets at the good guys and never hit a single body part (or innocent bystander) but the good guy fires twice and kills the bad guys.


Car chases where you can plainly see that the cars are going like 10mph (if that) and the editing and music is really (over)trying to make me buy it.

and if you want to see the most ludicrous "How can he not hit him" shootout, check out (again?) Desperados with Antonis Banderas. When he gets into a fire-fight in the bar where Tarantino was tellign his piss joke, its just hilarious... Bottles are blowing up BEHIND him (from bullets) and he's alright! Magika!

07-16-2004, 08:24 PM
Temporary thread jack - sorry Spaz. :)

Best Car Chase Ever! - The Blues Brothers! :wnw:

You may now return to the original topic of this thread.

07-17-2004, 01:35 AM
What do I hate in movies .......

Most humans (in the theater I mean)

Beyond that if the movie can't suspend disbelief

Hell Puppy
07-17-2004, 02:28 AM
Yeah, I'm with Vick on this one....

It's not what's on screen that bothers me so much as what is in the seats.

We have a generation now going to movies that has been conditioned by vhs and dvd's to treat a movie as just a way to pass the time. They're not conditioned to sit down and watch quietly for 90-120 minutes. They talk and get up and down in the theater same as if they were sitting on the couch at home.

07-17-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Jul 16 2004, 04:12 AM
Here is what drives me crazy in movies. I used to go to see movies with the sole intention of being entertained. Back then entertainment meant seeing boobs. Thats all I wanted.........some boobs. And I mean full on tit shots too, none of that sneaky crap, if i didn't see nipple then the movie sucked!
I have aged though, now I am entertained by such things as 'plots' and 'good writing' and lo and behold 'good acting'. but one thing still irritates me.

Say in a movie two people are going at it, sexually i mean. And I am talking about some serious sheet soaking (with sweat you sickos) arched back pounding now, and they finish (keeping in mind that the sheets/blankets must have been velcroed to his back the whole time because it tastefully hid all the good bits) and he gets out of bed and walks to the..............
Oh shit I dont know, bathroom, kitchen for coffee, to the chair to put on his pants and make a hasty retreat, it doesnt matter, here is the kicker. He gets out of bed, and the woman, who has just been thouroughly PLOWED by this stud.........
No seriously, WTF is that? I would rather them edit to well after the sex scene and show them both clothed, then to do something as stupid as that. The woman sure as heck wasnt shy or modest like 15 seconds ago as she was gouging fingernail grooves 3 inches deep into his back, but now the idea of him seeing the breasts he was just yanking on for 45 minutes makes her blush
also the back shots that almost show a boob, but not quite. I know a lot of people love the tease, personally I detest it, show it all to me or nothing, either way I will be happy, but drop the damn tease.

Any way, thats what I hate in movies, I dont exspect many to agree with me, but I would love to know what irritates the shit out of you when you watch a movie.

spaz :matey:
Also, who has sex in a bra? that has become a trend. I don't get it.

Put your hand down serge :D

07-17-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by cj+Jul 16 2004, 07:17 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cj @ Jul 16 2004, 07:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Peaches@Jul 16 2004, 07:43 AM
I hate it when someone gets up and WRAPS THE SHEET AROUND THEM and takes it off the damn bed. I HAVE pulled the blanket/sheets over my boobs (which is a feat in and of itself since they are spread all over a 5 foot radius when I'm lying on my back :unsure: ), but I have NEVER wrapped a sheet around me and tried to make it to the bathroom/kitchen (only places I would go after sex B) ) and neither has anyone else who's ever been in there with me. :grrr:
YES!!! this is so fucking annoying!! all i keep thinking is 'fuck she has to remake the bed'!!!

and when they just swoooosh everything off a desk or table onto the floor with things smashing everywhere but they are soooo occupied with each other they can't take a second to find a better surface?!! why not just throw her up against the wall or doggy style over the desk where she only needs elbow room??!?! then there would be same level of sex and no mess!!!


oh and the obvious ... when they run upstairs in horror movies. stupid. [/b][/quote]

I think it moved.

yep, it moved.

07-17-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Jul 16 2004, 04:43 AM
I hate it when someone gets up and WRAPS THE SHEET AROUND THEM and takes it off the damn bed. I HAVE pulled the blanket/sheets over my boobs (which is a feat in and of itself since they are spread all over a 5 foot radius when I'm lying on my back :unsure: ), but I have NEVER wrapped a sheet around me and tried to make it to the bathroom/kitchen (only places I would go after sex B) ) and neither has anyone else who's ever been in there with me. :grrr:
if it moves much more im going to need a shower


07-17-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jul 16 2004, 04:37 AM
seeing them doing a sex scene with the girl wearing a bra.... :barfon:
heh i did not even see this one when i posted it. hah, not so great minds think alike;)