View Full Version : Calgary was fun

Evil Chris
07-14-2004, 02:39 PM
Unfortunately we didn't make it out to Silvertip for a round of golf. We're probably better off as well considering how cold it was up in the mountains this past weekend.

Instead we golfed Valley Ridge (http://www.valleyridgegolf.com/) and Glen Eagles (http://www.gleneaglesgolf.com/). Both courses were just incredible.

Guess where else I went? :lol:

Mike AI
07-14-2004, 04:37 PM
Too bad they are a bunch of LOSERS!!!


07-14-2004, 05:32 PM
I havent been to the Calgary Stampede in years. Is it over already?

You should have came up to Edmonton on Sunday, I could have taken you out boating in my little Hyundai, LOL.

Hail stones the size of loonies and all the city streets here were flooded. I pinned my little Hundai through 3 feet of water at one point and had to detour all around trying to find higher ground to get myself home.

They had to break a skylight in West Edmonton Mall over the Ice Palace Skating rink to redirect some of the water from going onto the streets because the stormdrains were all clogged up and backing up on the streets. WhiteMud freeway became WhiteMud River there were trucks floating down it.

A Torado touched down just outside the city.

My house didnt come out of it too bad, a little bit of water in the basement (thank God not too much because the cam studio is down there), and my rose bushes got trashed :(

Glad you were nice and safe in Calgary.


Evil Chris
07-14-2004, 08:08 PM
Hi Sabby! Long time no hear from...
Yeah Calgary got some of that storm. Hailstones the size of quarters in some areas of town. I was kinda amazed because we never get hail here in Montreal.
You're living in Edmonton? I didn't know that. I haven't been there since 1985.
How's everything going with you? Working a lot this summer so far?

Mike... Tampa played great it's true. Great team!
(by the way, the CUP is right here on my island where I live... same place Vincent Lecavalier lives) :P

07-15-2004, 03:13 AM
That was just crazy, I have never seen anything like that either and I have lived in Edmonton since 1989.

6 inches of rain in an hour and nowhere for it to go :(

Several million dollars in damage to West Edmonton Mall not to even mention the rest of the city.
