View Full Version : Shark was big as a car for christs sake

07-12-2004, 11:13 AM
http://www.thisislondon.com/til/jsp/module...itemId=11899496 (http://www.thisislondon.com/til/jsp/modules/Article/print.jsp?itemId=11899496)

Surfer bitten in half
By Richard Shears, Daily Mail, in Sydney

A surfer was bitten in half after losing a desperate fight for his life with two Great White sharks.

Brad Smith, 29, was surfing off the Western Australian coast when a huge shark 'as wide as a car' lunged out of the water and snapped his board in half.

Mr Smith's friends could only watch in horror as he fell into the sea and another of the enormous creatures moved in on him. Experts said it was almost as if they had ambushed him.

The surfer lashed out with his fists to try to keep the sharks at bay as they came at him repeatedly. But after just 45 seconds he disappeared beneath the surface - and the water turned red.

When his body floated back up, his friends risked their own lives to go out and drag it back to shore.

Yesterday they were too upset to describe his injuries, but another surfer at Left Handers Beach near the resort of Gracetown said he had been warned: 'Don't go in there, someone's been bitten in half by a shark.'

Another surfer Cameron Rowe, 17, said: 'There was nothing we could do to help him. At first I saw one shark and thought it was one of the usual ones you see swimming-around, reef sharks, which don't cause you any trouble.

'But these things were massive. When the first one came up a bit I could see its fin and it was almost a yard high.

'When it came out of the water with Brad still fighting it, I could see its body was about the width of a car and its open jaws were as wide as a man's arm.

'What happened then just ended up in a terrible feeding frenzy. It was awful.'

One of Mr Smith's friends, Mitch Campbell, said: 'It was the worst thing I have seen. There was so much confusion out there it was impossible to tell which shark was attacking, but they kept coming at him time and time again.

'You could see Brad trying to whack at them to keep them away.

'We were shouting out, "Swim for your life, mate! Swim for your life!" But he obviously didn't have a chance. They were massive.

'He put up such a brave fight. He was punching away and there was water and blood everywhere.'

Police have collected Mr Smith's surfboard, snapped in half by the razor-sharp teeth of one of the sharks. Throughout yesterday-marksmen in a flotilla of boats, aided by police in a helicopter, searched for the killers, to no avail.

The failure to locate the maneaters has sent fear along the West Australian coast.

'If we find them, we have the authority to kill them,' said fisheries officer Tony Cappelluti. Great Whites are a protected species - unless one kills a human.

'If they've tasted human blood, then they'll remain a problem until we've tracked them down,' he added.

Shark expert Sasha Thompson, from the Aquarium of Western Australia, said witness reports suggested the sharks were Great Whites, the most feared of all marine creatures and the species featured in the film Jaws.

'Judging by the size, the area they were swimming in and the power of the jaws, I'd say they were Great Whites,' she said.

She said it was impossible to know what triggered the attack, but added: 'It is whale migration season and that might have something to do with it.'

Great Whites are known to spend time on Western Australia's southern coast in winter before moving north to hunt whales returning to southern waters.

Another marine expert, Mike Roennfeldt, said he was surprised at the nature of the ambush-style attack.

'Generally sharks are solo hunters,' he said. 'It's unusual - unheard of, in fact - for one Great White to knock a guy off his surfboard and then for another to attack, which seems to have happened here.'

It was the second fatal attack in West Australian waters in less than four years.

In November 2000, 49-year-old swimmer Ken Crew died from massive bleeding after one of his legs was bitten off in shallow water just north of Perth's popular Cottesloe Beach.


That's just fucking nuts!! As big as a fucking car for crying out loud!! Simming in the ocean is CRAZY!!!!!

Mike AI
07-12-2004, 11:19 AM
I saw this on Drudge I waiting to see how long it took before you to post it TE!

That is a BIG shark, and there were 2 of them.

07-12-2004, 11:22 AM
yeah, wonder what peter bently has to say now....

He bacame a shark advocate after his Jaws movies shed such a bad light on the poor lil shars......

07-12-2004, 11:23 AM
Even the small ones can get into your sewer line and bite your butt off when you're sitting down! CUT YOUR WATER SUPPLY OFF NOW, TE! It's the only way you're going to survive!!!!! :unsure:

07-12-2004, 11:29 AM
Hmmm... two of them... can just see the future movie title now...

Ghosts in the Ocean

07-12-2004, 11:32 AM
sharks, shmarks...they are so easy to defeat...
I ALWAYS let Voodoo to swim 3 yards in front of me futher from the coast

07-12-2004, 12:49 PM
Bitten in half. That's just nuts!!

What happens if the sharks are attracted to red speedos serge?? :P

07-12-2004, 01:27 PM
My imagination is a little toooo vivid.. the idea of cutting snapped in half is pretty disturbing. Poor bastard..

07-12-2004, 02:50 PM
http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/shark.../sharkweek.html (http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/sharkweek/sharkweek.html)

July 25th guys... mark your calendars!

Shark Week kicks off on Sunday, July 25, at 8 p.m. ET/PT with the premiere of Primal Scream.


07-12-2004, 03:20 PM
:rokk: Great Whit3s will attack anything, those sharkes are killers. From an evolutionairty standpoint they have developed to attain one mentality and phisical function. objective 1. Eat it 2. Bite again 3. EAT IT! sharks are the ultimate aquatic killing machines, the Giant GIANT dinosour ones went extinct ONLY because they ran out of stuff to eat!!! either that or they evolved into the whale shark of today, which if you can imagine that with the teeth determination and teeth of a great white ... omg the articles would be like "Shark was big as a BoxCar for christs sake" bitting boats in half and swallowing waterskiers and surfers whole... yikes :headwall: mind bogaling

Later everyone sorry for shark rant...

Mike AI
07-12-2004, 03:24 PM
Sharks have a lot of catching up to do.

Humands kills thousands of sharks EVERYDAY!! Most just have their fins cut off and are tossed back into ocean.

Sharks are an important part to the ocean eco-system, they are the garbage men of the deep. Imagine if they are not around anymore.

More people die from waterborne viruses then sharks.

07-12-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 12 2004, 11:25 AM
Humands kills thousands of sharks EVERYDAY!! Most just have their fins cut off and are tossed back into ocean.

Yeah, I saw something on that on Discovery Channel - however you feel/fear about sharks and all, watching them slice those fins off and throw them back in to die - it's just awful. Those people should be shot...


07-12-2004, 05:17 PM
mmmmmm, shark fin soup sounds good about now...

Weg Cory
07-12-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 12 2004, 11:25 AM
Sharks have a lot of catching up to do.

Humands kills thousands of sharks EVERYDAY!! Most just have their fins cut off and are tossed back into ocean.

Sharks are an important part to the ocean eco-system, they are the garbage men of the deep. Imagine if they are not around anymore.

More people die from waterborne viruses then sharks.
Great Post.

I am an avid surfer, and most surfers like sharks.

They do not like the taste of humans, nor do they seek them out.

Weg Cory
07-12-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 12 2004, 11:25 AM

More people die from waterborne viruses then sharks.
I have had water sickness on numerous occasions. Think of what the sharks have to deal with. The water is nasty, and considering I don't swallow that much of it and it has still yielded some filthy sicknesses, it speaks volumes.

We are the culture of fear.

Playful Melissa
07-12-2004, 06:00 PM
Not top of the food chain anymore!!!

Go Great Whites Go.... Eat the nasty humans up every time you catch them in the water........

Yeah!!! I'm voting for the sharks!!

I've been surfing since I was 5 and run into all kinds of sharks..... Have a degree in marine bio..... I accept the fact that I'm just food when I'm the water.

Okay here is food for thought.......who is top of the food chain here? And who gets the most in any feeding frenzy?

07-12-2004, 09:05 PM
Surfers are even more crazy than swimmers!! They look even more like a tasty seal than a swimmer does!!

07-12-2004, 09:10 PM
We were due for a shark fatality soon, its been a while!

Usually, its american tourists :awinky:

Poor guy, that would be a nightmare death for a lot of people after those jaws movies. It doesn't matter how in control you think you'd be, when those teeth were coming towards you it would be freak out or freeze.

I've swum with baby sharks and reef sharks, and even that was scary - my body tensed whenever one would swim past even though i knew they wouldn't hurt me.

Poor guy. Condolenses to his family and to the poor guys who had to watch.

07-12-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Jul 12 2004, 09:06 PM
Surfers are even more crazy than swimmers!! They look even more like a tasty seal than a swimmer does!!
I've always thought Cory looked like a tasty seal :)