View Full Version : Go Cheney Go Cheney

07-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Halliburton came under fire in the early '90s for supplying Libya and Iraq with oil drilling equipment which could be used to detonate nuclear weapons. Halliburton Logging Services, a former subsidiary, was charged with shipping six pulse neutron generators through Italy to Libya. In 1995, the company pled guilty to criminal charges that it violated the U.S. ban on exports to Libya. Halliburton was fined $1.2 million and will pay $2.61 million in civil penalties.

wow this guy is smarter than I thought
become VP and profit even more

07-07-2004, 05:27 PM
Meni, how do you feel about it?

07-07-2004, 05:45 PM
Meni...this really does not consume THAT much of your day....does it?!

07-07-2004, 06:57 PM
Do you have a link and are you sure Cheney was in charge of the company at this point?

07-07-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Jul 7 2004, 02:58 PM
Do you have a link and are you sure Cheney was in charge of the company at this point?
talk louder.. he can't hear you with his tin foil hat on.

07-08-2004, 02:27 AM
Cheney was in charge of Haliburton when the worked in Libya
Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/articles/halliburtonprimer.html)

A Halliburton Primer
Thursday, July 11, 2002

Following President Bush's demand for more corporate accountability, public interest group Judicial Watch, Inc., filed suit against Vice President Cheney and the Halliburton Company, alleging accounting fraud during Cheney's stewardship of Halliburton in the 1990s. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is also investigating Halliburton's accounting practices.

Judicial Watch Sues Cheney, Halliburton (AP, July 10, 2002)

Following is a brief explanation of Cheney's involvment with Halliburton and the pending lawsuit and SEC investigation.

What is Halliburton Co.?

The Dallas-based Halliburton Company provides products and services to the petroleum and energy industries to aid in the exploration, development and production of natural resources. Halliburton KBR, the company's engineering and construction division, designs, builds and provides additional services for the energy industry, governments and civil infrastructure. Halliburton employs 85,000 people in over 100 countries.

Halliburton came under fire in the early '90s for supplying Libya and Iraq with oil drilling equipment which could be used to detonate nuclear weapons. Halliburton Logging Services, a former subsidiary, was charged with shipping six pulse neutron generators through Italy to Libya. In 1995, the company pled guilty to criminal charges that it violated the U.S. ban on exports to Libya. Halliburton was fined $1.2 million and will pay $2.61 million in civil penalties.

Halliburton Energy Services
What was Vice President Cheney's involvement with Halliburton?

Cheney was tapped in 1995 to lead Halliburton as chairman and chief executive officer while the company was a second-tier firm within the oil and energy industries. As secretary of defense during the Persian Gulf War, Cheney made international contacts which Halliburton executives hoped would propel the company to the industry's fore. Under his leadership, the company did expand overseas, swelling its domestic portfolio into foreign markets. Cheney also led the aggressive acquisition of competitors, an offensive strategy which occurred during a period of falling oil prices. The largest merger was with Dresser Industries for $5.4 billion in 1998 – the same month in which layoffs cut nine percent of the work force.

During his chairmanship of Halliburton, Cheney criticized U.S. sanctions against "rogue" nations such as Iran and Libya in a 1998 speech. According to a July 26, 2000, Washington Post story, Cheney complained the sanctions "are nearly always motivated by domestic political pressure, the need for Congress to appeal to some domestic constituency."

Cheney's work with Halliburton yielded large financial reward. In May 2000 he sold stock holdings in the company worth $5 million. When he retired from Halliburton during the 2000 presidential campaign, Cheney was awarded a retirement package worth $20 million.

07-08-2004, 02:33 AM
More about Cheney and Haliburton
What do Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan and Libya all have in common? Three things: 1. They are all countries in which Halliburton has a huge financial stake, 2. They are all countries that the Bush has intensely focused on to the exclusion of nearly all others, including North Korea, and 3. To facilitate Halliburton business, they must be either "conquered" or have their human rights violations ignored -- to appease Bush's "allies." So now the corrupt three: Bush, Blair and Berlusconi, are this week focused on Libya. Here's some insight: "Before Cheney's arrival, Halliburton was deeply involved in Libya, earning $44.7 million there in 1993. After sanctions on Libya were imposed, earnings dropped to $12.4 million in 1994. Halliburton continued doing business in Libya throughout Cheney's tenure. One Member of Congress accused the company 'of undermining American foreign policy to the full extent allowed by law.'"

this is hilarious this a GOP board with a faget bill o reilly no spin zone mention
how about you rednecks get your own slogan on the board

More on that genius Cheney

07-08-2004, 02:40 AM
meni, if you know any polititians who aren't a bit self serving and crooked, feel free to list them below.

and don't say kerry.....who'd he marry to finance his campaign? he can't get all her money....maybee lobying donations and his later divorce will pay for his retirement.

why don't you say the facts about everyone, and give accurate speculations on the opposition. you are enganged in negative publicity (like all politiions are). tell teh other side, and I might listen just a little bit harder.

07-08-2004, 12:59 PM
a bit self serving?
how's starting a war in iraq
and making your daddy rich, you rich, your vip rich, your vip's old corp rich

07-08-2004, 03:10 PM
Grogan, assume for a minute that Daddy wanted to talk to you about a calculus grade that is less than stellar. Do you think that you pointing out that your sister was having trouble in chemistry is relevant to the discussion? :rolleyes:

Upon what do you base your assumption that Kerry only married his wife to further his political goals with her money? What factual information can you provide to support that assertion, or are you assuming that everyone is as shallow as you?

07-09-2004, 05:09 PM
Fact: Halliburton has overcharged taxpayers for food, accepted kickbacks for oil subcontracts, and spent taxpayer money renting rooms at five-star resorts in Kuwait.

But instead of expressing outrage the government's top watchdog, Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz, last week parroted the company line, saying he believes Halliburton's problems "are not out of line with the size and scope of their contracts." He then accused the press of overemphasizing the connections between the company and its former CEO Dick Cheney, even though Vice President Cheney still collects hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred compensation, owns company stock options, and had his office "coordinate" Halliburton contracts in Iraq.

Why is the government's top independent watchdog deliberately sugarcoating taxpayer ripoffs? Because he, like other Bush administration officials charged with overseeing expenditures in Iraq, is anything but independent.

Instead of filling the various inspector general, comptroller, and budget officer positions in Iraq with skilled, non-partisan public servants, President Bush has packed them with partisans and cronies like Schmitz. Many of these individuals have longstanding political ties with the administration and ties to the very industries and companies that they are supposed to oversee. Here are the dirty details:

the whole article (http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=8076)

07-14-2004, 01:18 PM

07-14-2004, 01:20 PM
i give up

Evil Chris
07-14-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by pushpills@Jul 8 2004, 02:41 AM
meni, if you know any polititians who aren't a bit self serving and crooked, feel free to list them below.
I can.