View Full Version : Private property?

Almighty Colin
07-02-2004, 03:00 PM
KING COUNTY, Wash. — Residents of King County, Wash., will only be able to build on 10 percent of their land, according to a new law being considered by the county government, which, if enacted, will be the most restrictive land use law in the nation.

Known as the 65-10 Rule (search), it calls for landowners to set aside 65 percent of their property and keep it in its natural, vegetative state. According to the rule, ost of the residents who will be directly affected by the regulations — those who own property in the ruralnothing can be built on this land, and if a tree is cut down, for example, it must be replanted. Building anything is out of the question.

Most of the residents who will be directly affected by the regulations — those who own property in the rural areas of the country — are fuming. They see the new regulations as a land grab and a violation of their property rights.

"My take is it's stealing — out and out stealing," said county resident Marshall Brenden. "They're taking 65 percent of your land that you fought for years to pay for, paid mortgages on and now you can't use it."

But supporters and environmentalists say personal property rights do not trump the rights of a larger community to save the eco-system

07-02-2004, 03:04 PM
and as always,
eco system proponents are using OPM to fight for their cause and have no problems seeing people who bough land suffer while if taxes were raised on them to save eco,
they would arm themselves and burn county government

Almighty Colin
07-02-2004, 03:07 PM
Wig and Buff are going to fume when they see that post ;-)

Mike AI
07-02-2004, 03:08 PM
I think it is unConstitutional!!!

07-02-2004, 03:12 PM
I only use 10% of my land - I should move to Washington :)

Is it ALL landowners? I can see if the lots are big, i.e. 10+ acres in size - it would make sense to enact something like this in order to keep out the developers that cram four 4000+ ft homes per acre like they do in the burbs here in Atlanta. But if you have less than an acre, you're pretty screwed! :unsure:

07-02-2004, 03:16 PM
I have an idea for the land owners....built microwave towers and lease it to cell phone companies!
make landscape beutiful and radio active to pee on those numb nuts

Almighty Colin
07-02-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 2 2004, 02:09 PM
I think it is unConstitutional!!!
I think it's Communist ;-)

07-02-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Colin@Jul 2 2004, 02:08 PM
Wig and Buff are going to fume when they see that post ;-)
:grrr: Yes, this is exactly the type of BS that baffles me.

As long as you are not a threat or harm to someone else, you should be able to do whatever you want on your own property.

For instance, dumping nuclear waste in your backyard = NO

Cutting down all your trees and planting grass = YES

Serge is right... people are just misusing the law and OPM to further accomplish extreme agendas.

It was freedom that made us great and freedom that will tear us down.

Sad, but life goes on. Now, back to the pool and my blood mary. ;-))

Everyone have a good weekend!

07-02-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jul 2 2004, 02:17 PM
I have an idea for the land owners....built microwave towers and lease it to cell phone companies!
make landscape beutiful and radio active to pee on those numb nuts
ah hahaha that would show them.

07-03-2004, 12:47 AM
Of course, evidently !

There are NO property rights enforced in commerce. The US is under U.C.C. since the thirties, where Equity courts were abolisehd and replaced by Admiralty courts, (commerce), under U.C.C., a form of Roman Law, (aka Admiralty law, military law, civil law, etc).

The constitution of the u.s. of A. is long dead, congress of the u.s. of A has been adjourned sine die in the mid 1800. the u.s. of A is now under the rule of the corporation named United States, running under military law / Roman Law.


There are ways to re-gain your rights as a Man, regain your Anglo-Saxon Common Law rights, but you have to understand the nature of the Matrix, and get out of it.

The birth certificate is the key to the account. I won't explain why or how.

A good primer, that applies largely to the u.s. A as well as to Canada is


Just like in the movie Paycheck, you should work backward, explaining every contradiction, every thing that does not compute...

You'll get somewhere where you'd never have imagined existed.

Take the red pill and you'll discover how deep the rabbit hole goes.
